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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

I'm not trying to put Greg Oden down or anything, because I frankly love the big lug, but has anyone noticed that besides for the CCSU game he was in foul trouble for every game that we won in the tourney and then when he wasn't in foul trouble we lost.....I'm just saying......

On that note I do hope that Greg comes back but I honestly think that Conley Jr. is the one I want to come back more, i mean we have KK to take up the post, but who would we have as a dynamic PG? Turner?
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7Brutus7;812174; said:
I'm not trying to put Greg Oden down or anything, because I frankly love the big lug, but has anyone noticed that besides for the CCSU game he was in foul trouble for every game that we won in the tourney and then when he wasn't in foul trouble we lost.....I'm just saying......

Sure, Greg was responsible for that atrocious 3-point shot percentage. :shake: Not to mention that the Bucks were playing a team that returned all 5 starters from an NC team of the year before. But, ya know, tOSU is better without a surefire #1 draft choice.
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7Brutus7;812174; said:
I'm not trying to put Greg Oden down or anything, because I frankly love the big lug, but has anyone noticed that besides for the CCSU game he was in foul trouble for every game that we won in the tourney and then when he wasn't in foul trouble we lost.....I'm just saying......

The fouls that get called in college and the ones that will be called on him in the NBA will be significantly different. They never call those subtle screening/blocking fouls in the NBA. The only thing they might call them on in the NBA that they do in college is when he hooks someone while making a move on offense. Obviously, he will be called for fouls on shooters in the NBA almost the same way as they have been called against him in college.

Selfishly, I would love Greg to stay and personality wise he is such a good kid I would hate for him to be ruined by some of the guys that play in that league. That is probably the only reason I think he should stay. I do not think he is "mature" enough for the NBA trash.
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This is one of the few things I hate about college athletics. The amount of emotional energy spent over what these guys will do just amazes me. The amount of media stumbling over themselves to get the "scoop" is disgusting. The amount of resentment some express because they feel personally "betrayed" is ridiculous. Let me tell you this. Greg Oden is now and will always be a Buckeye. He is ours always, be it in a scarlet and gray jersey or not. This is not akin to some multi-millionaire leaving a Super Bowl contender to go to a perennial dog for an extra million dollars worth of pocket change. None of these guys deserve to be treated as if that were the case. TOSU is nothing more than a waypoint to better things. That is true for all who attend, not just the athletes. That is life. So, if he decides to leave now, God Bless 'im. If he decides to stay, God Bless 'im. Either way, I am one of his biggest fans and hope for nothing but success for him in his life's pursuits...
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Saw31;812183; said:
This is one of the few things I hate about college athletics. The amount of emotional energy spent over what these guys will do just amazes me. The amount of media stumbling over themselves to get the "scoop" is disgusting. The amount of resentment some express because they feel personally "betrayed" is ridiculous. Let me tell you this. Greg Oden is now and will always be a Buckeye. He is ours always, be it in a scarlet and gray jersey or not. This is not akin to some multi-millionaire leaving a Super Bowl contender to go to a perennial dog for an extra million dollars worth of pocket change. None of these guys deserve to be treated as if that were the case. TOSU is nothing more than a waypoint to better things. That is true for all who attend, not just the athletes. That is life. So, if he decides to leave now, God Bless 'im. If he decides to stay, God Bless 'im. Either way, I am one of his biggest fans and hope for nothing but success for him in his life's pursuits...

I think we all feel that way no matter what he does.
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Saw31;812183; said:
This is one of the few things I hate about college athletics. The amount of emotional energy spent over what these guys will do just amazes me. The amount of media stumbling over themselves to get the "scoop" is disgusting. The amount of resentment some express because they feel personally "betrayed" is ridiculous. Let me tell you this. Greg Oden is now and will always be a Buckeye. He is ours always, be it in a scarlet and gray jersey or not. This is not akin to some multi-millionaire leaving a Super Bowl contender to go to a perennial dog for an extra million dollars worth of pocket change. None of these guys deserve to be treated as if that were the case. TOSU is nothing more than a waypoint to better things. That is true for all who attend, not just the athletes. That is life. So, if he decides to leave now, God Bless 'im. If he decides to stay, God Bless 'im. Either way, I am one of his biggest fans and hope for nothing but success for him in his life's pursuits...

As much as you want them to stay as a fan, you can never blame them (any college player) for taking what is offered. None of us can truly say what we would do in the same situation. We should also be careful in espousing what is "best" for these kids. I couldn't imagine having those kind of dollars thrown at me at that age. Hell, I couldn't imagine it now. I'm very impressed that they are taking the time to make their decision. I think Mike Sr. is correct in saying that they should declare and give themselves time to reflect after the emotion of the title game. This is life altering stuff for them and everyone around them.
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Sure, Greg was responsible for that atrocious 3-point shot percentage. :shake: Not to mention that the Bucks were playing a team that returned all 5 starters from an NC team of the year before. But, ya know, tOSU is better without a surefire #1 draft choice.

It was just an observation, settle down there govna
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I did find it odd that the media is running with this anouncement from his dad. I feel that they (DC, MCJ, GO) would want to be the ones in controll of letting people know their intentions. I dont know but im having fun hanging on to the dream.
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I didn't realize that Greg's dad was even an active part of his life?

I may be way off on that one but thought that was the case so any comments from him I'd take with a grain of salt even though I believe he is correct is his assumption.
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If he does go pro, I just hope het gets a good coach. I won't pretend that I know Greg or what he's like, but from what I've sen he's a good, quiet, humble kid. Not every coach in the NBA will be able to deal with Superstars like that(and don't kid yourself, Oden will be superstar by his first game in the league).

It would pain me to see him go to a team like the Celtics. I'd really like to see him go to Minnesota or Milkwaukee, since those are teams that have decent coaches and veterans that can help Greg along(I think Greg would learn A LOT from Garnett).

I know this is unlikely since I'm guessing Boston or Memphis gets the pick, but I hope he gets in a good situation.

With all that said, here's to hoping he stays another year, the Cavs make a trade to get some first rounders next year, and some how(please God), Oden ends up in Cleveland.
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