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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

Uh, this guy might not be the most reliable source. I started reading the thread and read this:

This information is garbage and lies,I can say that with pure confidence. Unless Cook is lying to his highschool coach and his family and you know the one person he's telling this to, this is garbage. Why do people feel the need to spread lies.

People reading this should take into account that the poster believes Kosta Koufos could play point guard next season...This guy knows nothing about basketball, he never "promised," and hes just trying to stir up controversy.
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OmahaBeef;810921; said:
Uh, this guy might not be the most reliable source. I started reading the thread and read this:
I don't know if injimwetrustno1 is reliable or not, I am skeptical about everything this week. However, you also need to put Axl into perspective (who wrote your quoted post). His vitriolic defense of everything Cook jades anything useful he might have heard.

Note the responses to Axl's post:
axel..you need to relax dude!!

You also said this cat said that Kosta could be PG. Thats a lie in itself. I know what you are talking about...and he simply said tongue in cheek that Kosta could bring the ball up the floor if we needed him to...which isn't that crazy because he could probably take the man guarding him off the dribble, so why not
I've read plenty of your posts, and regardless of sources... your obsession with Cook ruins almost any thread in which he is mentioned, after you attack anyone who dares to disagree with you.
I agree. I don't know if the injimwetrust is credible, thinks he is credible, or is flat out lying. I don't really care. But your stalkerish crusade is embarassing and infantile. Get over it. Your shtick is tired and if I didn't get such a laugh out of your nonsense I would just ignore your posts. You add nothing and just stir things up.
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OmahaBeef;810921; said:
Uh, this guy might not be the most reliable source. I started reading the thread and read this:
and you have to consider the author of what you quoted. that's axlrose4eva, the poster who received a lot of red here for being a cook idolator and bashing current and future players. also, the referenced poster never claimed that kosta could be the point guard... just that kosta could bring the ball up the court if he had to.
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OSU_Buckguy;810931; said:
and you have to consider the author of what you quoted. that's axlrose4eva, the poster who received a lot of red here for being a cook idolator and bashing current and future players. also, the referenced poster never claimed that kosta could be the point guard... just that kosta could bring the ball up the court if he had to.

Ya, sorry I don't read the Scout boards so I didn't know axlrose4eva's rep really either. I've been spoiled on BP, but in general if I read a thread on an online forum I don't believe it until given a good reason to. Well we can only hope this one turns out to be true...
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NFBuck;810957; said:
I just don't see Conley going (or even testing) if Oden says he's coming back. That's a package deal if you ask me.

And what a package.

People have to be in these guys ears about the possibility for an undefeated season. Maybe its just too much optimism but it could definitely be real. These guys lost what, 4 games this season?! Good God and Oden only played at full strength for maybe 10. If these guys come back and the infusion of the guys coming in, I can't help but think UNLV 1990-1991 with more depth.

Hunter will get better offensively and our role players stepped up so well in the tournament they have to springboard into next season, have to. The guys coming in have at least the offseason and maybe 10-15 games into the schedule to learn their roles and let the big dogs eat. It would almost be an awful shame to miss out on the could've been season thats coming next year.

Call it Scarlet glasses if you want to, but I just call em like I see em.
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Seems like one day is good news and the next is bad...

Either way I am back to the side of the fence of thinking that Greg will leave, but the thing I liked about all reports I have read is that one about the insurance policy...The fact that he has looked into it tells me there is some strong consideration...If he was leaning towards going why would he tell his mom that he would be ok with that insurance policy...
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crazybuckfan40;810974; said:
Seems like one day is good news and the next is bad...
I think that it's because they have not made up a decision yet and all the sports media are trying to do is dig up or invent a story that isn't even there. When they make a decision it will be leaked but until then all this is just rumors done by the media.
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Boston Globe

Russell gives high marks to Oden

By Michael Vega, Globe Staff | April 13, 2007
Ohio State freshman star Greg Oden drew comparisons to Bill Russell after the dominating 7-foot, 280-pound center averaged 15.7 points, 9.6 rebounds, and 3.3 blocked shots to lead the Buckeyes to the Big Ten title and a berth in the national championship game, an 84-75 loss to Florida.
Russell, who won two NCAA titles at San Francisco, wasn't as quick to make the comparison.
"My ego wouldn't allow it," said the Celtics Hall of Famer, tongue in cheek, before breaking into his inimitable cackle. Russell spoke yesterday at a press conference at Fenway Park, where he was scheduled to throw out the first pitch as part of the Red Sox tribute to the late Red Auerbach and the Celtics organization.

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When watching Channel 6 before the victory celebration, they were interviewing one of the assistant coaches, not Groce, and when asked if he thought Greg and Mike would turn pro, he said he guessed they would declare for the draft but not yet sign with an agent.
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