Signing at the Buckeye Corner went well. I got there around 11am and was fifth in line, when I left the line was all the way through the store and into the mall... 200-300 deep or so. The players were great. Malcolm persolilized a jersey to me and my wife. The pics they sold were only $5, but they were not the best of quality, but good shots of the players. Todd has a really good sig, and is a very nice guy. He chated with us for a little bit.
I wish i could say the same for the staff.....
The Buckeye corner staff was somewhat confused as to what was going on. I don't think they expected such a large crowd. First off, some woman manager was telling people in the begining you could only get one auto per time in line, not one per player, but one auto total! to get each player you had to be inline four times! This was very different from when I called the night before, and I was told three sigs per player, per time through the line. When it was all said and done, she was wrong and we were right. Three items a piece. They were also HARDCORE about no outside items, again a little different from what i was told last night on the phone. They told me that if I bought items that day, no one would say anything about me getting my jersey signed. This was wrong. You needed to have a receipt for EACH ITEM being signed. But, luck was on my side. I was talking to some of the people in the line and a woman overheard me saying i couldn't get my jersey signed because I didn't have a receipt. She then reached into her purse and pulled out about ten receipts. She searched utill she found one for a youth twill jersey (mine was adult twill) and handed it to me saying she didn't need it! IT WAS AWESOME!! So it ended up all working out for me.
All and all it went well, I just wish that everyone working would be on the same page, but I guess it is hard to coridnate something like that.