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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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Sigh....I don't have JT's auto either :cry: :cry: :sob: :sob:

Keep your eyes and ears open around March. I know that JT has signed at the Columbus auto show for the past two years. If you go, go early. I went two years ago and thought I got there early. Yeah not so much. I got lucky though we made it through before they cut the line. He was very personable and you had to feel bad for the guy his hand had to hurt like hell. You might want to bookmark columbusautoshow.com and check it around the beginnig of March. Hope that helps you get the signature.

Oh yeah Herbstreit was there last year as well, according to their website.
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Keep your eyes and ears open around March. I know that JT has signed at the Columbus auto show for the past two years. If you go, go early. I went two years ago and thought I got there early. Yeah not so much. I got lucky though we made it through before they cut the line. He was very personable and you had to feel bad for the guy his hand had to hurt like hell. You might want to bookmark columbusautoshow.com and check it around the beginnig of March. Hope that helps you get the signature.

Oh yeah Herbstreit was there last year as well, according to their website.

Thanks man...I'm gonna have to see what I can do!
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KUDLA at Frame Shop tonight in Columbus...schedule linked below!



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Two Ohio State football players are coming to Piqua Ohio. Nick Mangold is coming in on February 11, 2006 to the Miami Valley Centre Mall. He is coming from 4-6 P.M. On February 12, 2006 A.J. Hawk is coming to the new Piqua Wal-Mart. He is coming from 6-8 P.M. You will be able to buy stuff such as pictures and different things there. For the Nick Mangold autograph it is 1 free autograph per person! It doesn't say anything about the Hawk autograph though. So it might be free too!
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I heard about the Mangold signing at the Mall, but didn't know about Hawk at the new Walmart...sweet! :osu:

I just called Piqua Wal Mart and was told that the A.J. Hawk signing is actually Tuesday, Feb. 7th from 6-8. The manager said she believed there would be no charge for an autograph, but I'm sure they will limit it to one per person if that is the case.
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New info on the Hawk signing at Piqua Walmart: (Feb. 7th 6-8)

I was told by a Walmart employee that they are ordering special shirts with his number on it (probably a "jersey-styled" t-shirt) that he will be signing. She didn't know if you had to buy the shirt and then he would autograph it, or if you could get something else autographed (pic or something else, etc.)

It's a Grand Opening event, so I would hope they are going to be "fan friendly" and not make this too restrictive, but it doesn't sound like they have a very specific plan right now.
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Brandon Schnittker, Ryan Hamby, and Nick Mangold will be at the Miami Vally Centre Mall in Piqua Ohio. Schnittker and Hamby will be signing autographs on Sunday from 3-5 P.M on February 12. One free autograph per person! On Saturday Nick Mangold will be signing autographs from 4-6 P.M. on February 11! One free autograph per person! A.J. Hawk is coming to the new Piqua Wal-Mart on February 7th. If you need directions to the Miami Valley Centre Mall it is right off of I-75, State Route 36 Exit Number 82. Four FREE AUTOGRAPHS IN 1 WEEK! Come early, there will be alot of people!
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Here's the latest poop on the Piqua Wal-Mart autograph session with A.J. Hawk tomorrow (Tues., Feb. 7th)

They will set him up in the Lawn & Garden Center (I will be in line very early :biggrin: ). Two free autographs per person. And they will have White or Grey "Hawk" T-shirts available to buy for $10 each if you don't have anything special that you want him to sign.

See ya'll in P-town Wally World...:osu2: :wink2:

EDIT (Tues. after autograph)

Wal Mart officals announced while we were in line that they would allow 2 free autographs per person, and $20 per sig. after that if you wanted more. Then as it got closer to AJ showing up and the line grew, they announce only the 2 free sigs per person were allowed to help get as many through the line as possible. Then when AJ showed up, the line was soo long they allowed only one autograph per person.

It was a good time though. Got my picture signed, wished AJ well in the pros, and talked to some great people.

Side note: Pepsi officials were involved somehow...maybe AJ has a commercial deal already???
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