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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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Times Record


Sign of the times: Bucks in town
Huge turnout for autograph session at mall
Sports Writer

<!-- ARTICLE BODYTEXT --> <!--ARTICLE TEXT--> ZANESVILLE -Ohio State football fans turned out in droves to receive autographs from some of their favorite Buckeyes Wednesday night at Colony Square Mall.
Leslie Burkett, of Adamsville, was first in line for the event, arriving at 10 a.m. And, as the day went on, the crowd grew.
Ohio State senior linebackers A.J. Hawk, Anthony Schlegel and Bobby Carpenter were among a group of 10 Buckeyes who signed autographs for at least three hours for designated fees at Sports Zone.
Center Nick Mangold, kicker Josh Huston, offensive tackle Rob Sims, cornerback Tyler Everett, tight end Ryan Hamby, fullback Brandon Schnittker and defensive tackle Marcus Green, from Ohio State's co-Big 10 championship football team that handled Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl, also attended Wednesday's signing.By 4:30 p.m. an estimated crowd of 350 fans packed into an area near Sports Zone, located across from Old Navy. The remainder of the line formed was 4 to 5 wide and extended to near J.C. Penney, more than 400 feet from the signing area, with an additional 100 people in line at a vacant store next to K B Toys.
"Nothing around Columbus surprises me," Green said of the turnout. "We had a team signing and heard people were there at 7 a.m. and the signing was like 6 in the evening. I wouldn't do that, but I appreciate people are willing to do that."
With video games in hand, three young fans patiently waited all day to get Hawk's signature on their footballs and jerseys.
Logan Bash, 9, Ian Chambers, 11 and his brother, Eli, 9, of Zanesville, were prepared for a day of waiting as they sat in their Buckeye folding chairs.
Norma Farquhar-Shalan, of Zanesville, had a book to read while she waited to get items signed for her grandson, Joseph Bradish, 9, of Powell.
"He loves the Buckeyes," Farquhar-Shalan smiled. "I think Joseph will be just as pleased with the autographs."
Junior safety Donte Whitner, widely expected to announce he's entering the NFL draft on Friday, did not attend Wednesday's signing. Whitner's departure to the NFL leaves Ohio State with just two returning starters next season, but the Buckeyes' cupboard isn't exactly bare according to Hawk.
"We have a lot of guys who will be playing who don't have a ton of game experience. But it's not like they'll have true freshmen stepping in. There are so many linebackers returning competing for just three jobs ..."
Hawk, an expected top 10 pick in April's NFL draft, is still contemplating on whether it's worth the risk of playing in the Senior Bowl on Saturday, Jan. 28, in Mobile, Ala.
Carpenter, from Lancaster, is nearly 100 percent recovered from his broken right leg he suffered against Michigan in November.
"At the Fiesta Bowl, I felt I was able to contribute but maybe not be 100 percent," said Carpenter, a possible first-round draft pick who sat out the Fiesta Bowl. "I'm getting ready for the Senior Bowl and I want to be 100 percent going into that."
Schlegel, a middle linebacker who transferred to Ohio State from the Air Force Academy, said his time with the Buckeyes nearly met all of his expectations.
"Everything except for a national championship. We came close, but that isn't good enough," said Schlegel, who should also be drafted by an NFL team. "I was surrounded by quality people which really made it a great experience for me."
Schlegel, Hawk and Carpenter not only formed perhaps the top linebacking corps in college football, but also a close relationship.
"They are my best friends on and off the field. They are the reason I came to Ohio State. I wanted to play with great guys. It's been an honor to play with them," Schlegel said.
Huston, a recent Ohio State graduate with a degree in marketing, was signing autographs to help pay his bills. Huston could soon cash in at the professional level. He's one of just four college kickers invited to compete in a Skills Competition near Miami later this month. The event will be broadcast on ESPN.
"I'm pumped up. (ESPN) asked (NFL draft expert) Mel Kiper the four kickers he would pick first," Huston said. "It's a huge honor."
Huston watched the Skills Competition for quarterbacks two years ago when current Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was involved.
"Ben used to hold (kicks) for me," Huston said. "You have a jersey on and no helmet ... It will be exciting to be in that kind of atmosphere."
As part of the deal, Huston will be flown to Detroit for Super Bowl week.
Green is one of several Buckeyes slated to attend the NFL Combine to work out for teams next month.
"I'm trying to get the drills down and get as strong as I can," said Green."
And a strong Ohio State team is what Kay Moran wants to see each year. The Zanesville woman and her 19-year-old grandson joined the waiting crowd around 1 p.m.
"I've nicknamed them the 'Cardiac Kids,'" she said, due to the fact they have managed to make her heart stop several times over the past couple of seasons.
After hours of waiting, 6-year-old Tyler Joseph of Duncan Falls was too starstruck to talk to his favorite player, but that didn't stop Hawk from talking to him.
"I'll come watch you play when you become a Buckeye," Hawk said.
And Garrett Lochary of Marietta thought he was the luckiest boy in the world Wednesday.
"I love them," he said of the Buckeyes. "I'm so glad I'm here. This is cool."

[email protected]
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<table class="text" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="2"> Money can buy a lot of things, even priceless memorbilia. </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">
</td> <td>
</td></tr></tbody> </table>
<table class="text" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td align="center">
</td><td align="center">
</td></tr></tbody> </table> A crowd estimated of well over 1,000 people lined up as early as 10 a.m. Wednesday to catch a glimpse of their favorite Buckeye.

Fans paid $25 for senior linebacker A.J. Hawk's autograph, while the nine other senior players cost fans $20 each. All ten autographs could be purchased for $100.

Alongside Hawk in attendance were seniors Bobby Carpenter, Anthony Schlegel, Rob Sims, Nick Mangold, Tyler Everett, Marcus Green, Ryan Hamby, Josh Huston and Brandon Schnittker. Mike Kudla was scheduled to appear, but didn't show up.

Junior Donte Whitner was not in attendence, as originally scheduled. The safety from Cleveland has yet to declare for the NFL Draft, but is expected to announce his intentions to forgo his senior season and enter the NFL Draft before the January 15th deadline.

Unfortunately, some unlucky fans were turned away from the autograph session at 9 p.m., despite being in line for several hours. The players were only scheduled to sign from 6-8 p.m. and even stayed an extra hour.

To see footage from the Buckeyes' visit to Zanesville click the "watch video" link above.
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Hey all I was at the signing last night, I got there around 3 and got signed around 8... It was a great time, the guys were very gracious and seem to be having a good time. The lines were CRAZYYYYY! I wasn't to far back in the line, but still I waited a while. But you can't beat sitting around talking buckeye football for hours! I thought it was cool when the crowd broke out with the O H I O chant! That was awesome! Go BUCKS! :osu:
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Hey all I was at the signing last night, I got there around 3 and got signed around 8... It was a great time, the guys were very gracious and seem to be having a good time. The lines were CRAZYYYYY! I wasn't to far back in the line, but still I waited a while. But you can't beat sitting around talking buckeye football for hours! I thought it was cool when the crowd broke out with the O H I O chant! That was awesome! Go BUCKS! :osu:

We got there at 5:00 but had someone in line for us at 4:00.....We got out of there around 8:30pm....The chant was pretty cool....The only thing better would've been if they played the fight song over the PA system....We started in line in front of Coach House...Once the line started to move, it wasn't really all that bad.....Don't think you will catch me standing in line like that again for autographs though....As much as I hate to admit it I thought it was ridiculous to stand for 3 hours for 3 signatures..But, if I was to get a John Hancock...Glad it was AJ
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I know not everyone can get to a game during the season, but after home games behind the stadium you can usually get a sig. from many of the players.

The school trys to make it an orderly process by fencing off the path to the bus (so if someone chooses not to "hang out" they have a straight shot to the bus without being mobbed), but many of the players will stop and sign as they walk to the buses.

And I don't think that there was one home game this year that AJ, Schlegel or Carpenter made it to the bus before it left because they all came out of the fenced-in area and signed autographs until everyone got one...even to the point where they were "kicked out" of the stadium gates by those who lock up at night...greatly appreciated by all who had the chance to meet them. Santonio was usually very available after games as well.

Not that I won't attend a few autograph sessions myself this off season (just to hang out and get my football fix and pass the winter-no-football blues), but if you're not into standing in 3 or 4 hour lines in a mall or spending $$ on a sig. from your favorite buckeye players and plan on getting to a game or two this year, then this could be an alternative (and add to your gameday experience too :biggrin: )

The team also usually does a Media Day / Autograph session in early August at the start of the season...the lines are long, but it's free and all current players are there as well as the coaches and it's just a great time (really gets me pumped for the upcoming season). And they just recently (before the Bowl Game) had a fan appreciation (free) autograph session in the City Center Mall where all players were present.

Lots of options to get pics and signatures of and with your favorite players.

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We got there at 5:00 but had someone in line for us at 4:00.....We got out of there around 8:30pm....The chant was pretty cool....The only thing better would've been if they played the fight song over the PA system....We started in line in front of Coach House...Once the line started to move, it wasn't really all that bad.....Don't think you will catch me standing in line like that again for autographs though....As much as I hate to admit it I thought it was ridiculous to stand for 3 hours for 3 signatures..But, if I was to get a John Hancock...Glad it was AJ

Well we weren't to far apart from you guys... I got there arond 3 and i was at the edge of the Deb shop. It was pretty crazy to stand there, as long as we did, but it was fun! I was surrounded by great fellow bucks!
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grrrrrrrrrr....:pissed: I missed the ones at The Frame Shop. I checked on Kevin's website on the 10th and it said no dates were set. I got back on there last night and found out that I missed them. I guess I can still buy the ones I missed but it isn't the same as shaking the guys hand and telling them thanks for giving us all something awesome to do on Saturdays.
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grrrrrrrrrr....:pissed: I missed the ones at The Frame Shop. I checked on Kevin's website on the 10th and it said no dates were set. I got back on there last night and found out that I missed them. I guess I can still buy the ones I missed but it isn't the same as shaking the guys hand and telling them thanks for giving us all something awesome to do on Saturdays.

That's why I'm not a huge fan of that website. They often just have private signings. I'd much rather meet the players, say hello to them, and watch them sign an autograph for me.
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That's why I'm not a huge fan of that website. They often just have private signings. I'd much rather meet the players, say hello to them, and watch them sign an autograph for me.

Not sure about the private signings, I was at every one of Kevin's signings last year. And don't get me wrong. I am not saying anything against Kevin or his website. He is one of the most reliable and affordable guys out there. (At least in my experience.) I know that things get crazy when these guys come out and start signing. I was more mad at myself for not checking everyday rather than every other day.
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Just got back from the Everett/Youboty signing over at the frame shop. Had an absolute blast. Everett and Youboty were great guys. Some interesting tidbits:

- Hated cowboys, followed the eagles (grew up in philly for a little while I think)
- Since he almost went to PSU, I asked him what paterno was like: "Laughed... exactly like you see on TV"
- #32 MSU (WR Jerramy Scott) was the most fun opponent all year. Never stopped running his mouth, not really trash, just liked hearing himself talk.

- When asked about amos, he said the other CB spot is completely up for grabs
- He enjoyed the show, thought it was laid back
> Another one wouldn't let you even think about snapping a quick pic (everyone did that here, I don't think they were charged)
> It ended up getting shut down for reasons like that, and everett and some other guys went outside and signed stuff anyway (what a class act)
- almost went to FSU, grew up with Doss and ran around with him in HS
- He actually called him during the signing
- Followed the steelers (and the raiders)

Got them to personalize autographs to me for the designs I made (listed above)...

Of course I forgot my camera, so hopefully the disposable pic with the two guys turns out. I almost asked one of the other customers if they could email me a pic :lol:
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Just got back from the Everett/Youboty signing over at the frame shop. Had an absolute blast. Everett and Youboty were great guys. Some interesting tidbits:

- Hated cowboys, followed the eagles (grew up in philly for a little while I think)
- Since he almost went to PSU, I asked him what paterno was like: "Laughed... exactly like you see on TV"
- #32 MSU (WR Jerramy Scott) was the most fun opponent all year. Never stopped running his mouth, not really trash, just liked hearing himself talk.

- When asked about amos, he said the other CB spot is completely up for grabs
- He enjoyed the show, thought it was laid back
> Another one wouldn't let you even think about snapping a quick pic (everyone did that here, I don't think they were charged)
> It ended up getting shut down for reasons like that, and everett and some other guys went outside and signed stuff anyway (what a class act)
- almost went to FSU, grew up with Doss and ran around with him in HS
- He actually called him during the signing
- Followed the steelers (and the raiders)

Got them to personalize autographs to me for the designs I made (listed above)...

Of course I forgot my camera, so hopefully the disposable pic with the two guys turns out. I almost asked one of the other customers if they could email me a pic :lol:

In my opinion this is the exact reasons why I like Kevin's signings. The Nugent one I went to last year was very laidback. You dont feel like the Gaustapo is running the whole thing. You can actully get to know the person you are there to see, if only for a little bit. I'm sure the personalities of the players themselves comes into play a lot but from experience Kevin does a great job with these signings. Good to here that another one went off well.
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i love autograph signings, but i am not one to pay for autographs, i obtained over 200 autographs this year all for free, around 15 from hawk, only players i didnt get were ted ginn and ashton youboty, after the fiesta bowl i got through security and saw ginn standing by himself, walked up and asked for his autograph, and he wouldnt give it to me, he just walked away, youboty wouldnt sign either. The key is after the games, you wait 30 minutes and all the players come out and sign, i got smith, pittman, carpenter, hawk, schegel, even some recruits such as chris wells, just thought id share
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> Another one wouldn't let you even think about snapping a quick pic (everyone did that here, I don't think they were charged)

I'm going to try and translate this in my head into something resembling proper English...I'm assuming you meant to say, "He's another one who wouldn't think twice about letting you snap a quick pic", meaning he doesn't mind at all if you take his pic. Did I get it right?
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