BB73;1982702; said:Last October 26th, here's what Jim Tressel was thinking about when it was time for a football practice and is was rather windy. He decided to practice indoors that day.
The next day Notre Dame practiced outdoors and the high winds tragically caused the death of Declan Sullivan.
Jim Tressel committed a 10.1 NCAA violation and lost his job because of it, but I'm glad that while he represented tOSU he was the type of person that was concerned about the well-being of others, and never placed a student in serious physical danger in order to get some practice video.
In my opinion, Kelly and Swarbrick are both guilty of negligence in the death of Declan Sullivan, and neither of them has publicly accepted his responsibility.
Wow...that is really scary foreshadowing. Thanks for sharing.
Just shows the kind of coach and, more importantly, man we lost as head coach. Yes, of course he made mistakes, he's human and he sure did pay the price for them. Just hate it when people/opposing fans act like he is a scumbag coach and has been running a dirty program for years.
