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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul

I would hope that it wouldn't be necessary, but, nonetheless:


3074326;2364194; said:
I like how he's a chemistry teacher who doesn't fuck around.

Seriously though, he's a family man. How do you not like a family man? He loves his kids and he loves his wife. He went to work every day as a damn provider and risked his life for his family. What more can you ask for? A good, solid dude. You're clearly the monster here.


TheMightyQuinn;2364196; said:
[censored] Hank and his clepto annoying wife. I hope the M60 is for them. I've been on team Walt this long, I'm not changing sides now.

I almost jumped off the Walt wagon when he let Jane OD, but he seemed to feel remorseful about it, so I stayed with him. I was rooting from him dealing with the cartel, Fring, even Hank.

What pushed me off the wagon was poisoning Brock and then lying, over and over again, to Jesse about it. Killing Mike was just the icing on the cake. Mike was a bastard, but at least he was honest about who he was.

How many people have died directly or indirectly because of Walt? Whose life is better as a result? Anyone? He has ruined or damaged every life that he has touched (possible exception of Jesse, who was a lowlife to begin with, but is at least trying to be a better person....... only after seeing what kind of sociopath Walt has become. :lol:).

I just honestly cannot fathom rooting for Walt right now.

I think it's YOU people that are fucked in the head. Bunch of sociopaths. :p
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I'm not rooting for either side, really. Just that the final season wraps everything up just as well and the rest of the series has gone. I can't see any fans being satisfied with Walt simply going to jail, or getting shot is a big gun battle at the end......

Hank doesn't seem to have anymore than a lot of circumstantial evidence against Walt....... If Walt is able to walk, I think this will literally drive Hank crazy. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hank end up on the wrong side of the law by the time this is over.

Does anyone else find it odd that Walter Jr/Finn has been almost completely MIA during this first two episodes of the season? Is he still part of the show, or is there some story there? Also, I could have sworn that either Badger or skinny P (or both) were killed earlier in the show......or was whole Star trek discussion a hallucination in Jesse's head?
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It's understandable to root for Walt because we know his character inside and out. He's the focal point of the show. But at some point we have to recognize that he's a first class piece of shit.

Now I'm just rooting for him to die of cancer. Because we already know it becomes common knowledge that he's Heisenberg, it doesn't make any sense to hope he doesn't get found out by the public at large (which I would have preferred to protect his children from the shame of it all).

I really think the show ends with Jesse killing Walter. It's the only way to save Jesse's soul and he desperately wants to make amends for all the harm they've done. I think Walt will eventually end up confessing to him all that he has done and Jesse will end it - possibly at Walt's request.
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OH10;2364363; said:
I really think the show ends with Jesse killing Walter. It's the only way to save Jesse's soul and he desperately wants to make amends for all the harm they've done. I think Walt will eventually end up confessing to him all that he has done and Jesse will end it - possibly at Walt's request.
I think this is a strong possibility.

However, my prediction is this:

The last couple of episodes, Walt is on the run, with the DEA chasing him. He hunkers down somewhere...a hotel (think back to the cold opening at the beginning of episode 1 of the first part of season 5 at the diner in NH). The final scene is him surrounded in a hotel by the police/feds (Hank among them). The final scene fades out with Walt coming to grips with all the horror that he has caused, staring at a gun in his hand. Semi-ambiguous ending where we're left wondering if he went out quietly with a self-inflicted gunshot, or if he commits suicide by cop in a final "blaze of glory".

*edit* just remembered the opening of this season, where he returns to his abandoned home ("hello, carol"). Could end there...
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NFBuck;2364945; said:
I think this is a strong possibility.

However, my prediction is this:

The last couple of episodes, Walt is on the run, with the DEA chasing him. He hunkers down somewhere...a hotel (think back to the cold opening at the beginning of episode 1 of the first part of season 5 at the diner in NH). The final scene is him surrounded in a hotel by the police/feds (Hank among them). The final scene fades out with Walt coming to grips with all the horror that he has caused, staring at a gun in his hand. Semi-ambiguous ending where we're left wondering if he went out quietly with a self-inflicted gunshot, or if he commits suicide by cop in a final "blaze of glory".

*edit* just remembered the opening of this season, where he returns to his abandoned home ("hello, carol"). Could end there...

I think it's a mix of both of your scenarios.

Walt is being pursued, his life is in pieces and he knows his time is limited. He has the massive gun to protect himself, time is running out but he wants to go out on his own terms.
He goes into his old house, gets the Riacin from behind the outlet cover and it will act as his suicide pill if he's ever captured.
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If Walt was surrounded and wanted to go out on his own terms, I doubt he would take the ricin since he wouldn't die for ~48 hours (based on what he said about its effects in previous episodes). Not to mention it would be a pretty miserable way to die if you had a variety of choices. Flu like symptoms, seizures, diarrhea. vomiting, etc. for a number of hours/days isn't an ideal way to commit suicide. I think the ricin is still intended for someone else.

However, an out-of-left-field theory I read is that ricin is sometimes used to combat cancer cells, and Walt may try to use it for that purpose. That seems unlikely, though.

I really have no idea how they will end things, but the speculation is part of the fun as the story unfolds. I think something as simple as the good people living and the bad people dying is too predictable for a show with as many twists and turns as this has taken.
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Mr_Burns;2365061; said:
If Walt was surrounded and wanted to go out on his own terms, I doubt he would take the ricin since he wouldn't die for ~48 hours (based on what he said about its effects in previous episodes). Not to mention it would be a pretty miserable way to die if you had a variety of choices. Flu like symptoms, seizures, diarrhea. vomiting, etc. for a number of hours/days isn't an ideal way to commit suicide. I think the ricin is still intended for someone else.

However, an out-of-left-field theory I read is that ricin is sometimes used to combat cancer cells, and Walt may try to use it for that purpose. That seems unlikely, though.

I really have no idea how they will end things, but the speculation is part of the fun as the story unfolds. I think something as simple as the good people living and the bad people dying is too predictable for a show with as many twists and turns as this has taken.

Maybe he'll feed Walt Jr. the ricin to get him to shut the fuck up about what he wants for breakfast.
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Bucky Katt;2364305; said:
How many people have died directly or indirectly because of Walt?

The last issue of wired did just that.

Deaths tied to Walter White, by weapon, over 6 seasons of Breaking Bad.
Prison Shank: 8
Firearm: 4
Wheelchair Bomb: 3
Bike Lock: 1
Fists: 1
Flammable Liquid: 1
Phosphine Gas: 1
Pontaic Aztek: 1
Vomit: 1
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TheMightyQuinn;2365079; said:
The last issue of wired did just that.

Deaths tied to Walter White, by weapon, over 6 seasons of Breaking Bad.
Prison Shank: 8
Firearm: 4
Wheelchair Bomb: 3
Bike Lock: 1
Fists: 1
Flammable Liquid: 1
Phosphine Gas: 1
Pontaic Aztek: 1
Vomit: 1

Psssssshhhh...that's not even two dozen. Tony Soprano laughs at this.
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NFBuck;2364945; said:
I think this is a strong possibility.

However, my prediction is this:

The last couple of episodes, Walt is on the run, with the DEA chasing him. He hunkers down somewhere...a hotel (think back to the cold opening at the beginning of episode 1 of the first part of season 5 at the diner in NH). The final scene is him surrounded in a hotel by the police/feds (Hank among them). The final scene fades out with Walt coming to grips with all the horror that he has caused, staring at a gun in his hand. Semi-ambiguous ending where we're left wondering if he went out quietly with a self-inflicted gunshot, or if he commits suicide by cop in a final "blaze of glory".

*edit* just remembered the opening of this season, where he returns to his abandoned home ("hello, carol"). Could end there...

I just don't see this unconventional show ending so conventionally. Sopranos already did the ambiguous ending. And the suicide (either by hand or by cop) seems like it's been done a millions times as well in movies as a way for the bad guy to end (thinking of the Recruit or Set It Off).

The ricin is interesting and can't be ignored since the writers thought to highlight to start the 2nd half of the final season. And the gun cannot be ignored either since the writers highlighted in the flash forwards of the 1st half of the season.

Couple of things are clear from the flash forwards:

1) Walt eventually goes on the run (whether that's to New Hampshire is still questionable because I'm sure Saul could set him up with a false identity that makes it seem like he went there - also strange that whatever ID he had did have his actual birthday on it because he showed it to the waitress but couldn't have had his real name or they'd have recognized him, right?);

2) For whatever reason, Skylar and his children are not with him, which could be as a result of her turning State's evidence, her being on the run, her death, or her arrest;

3) Walt is no longer on chemotherapy, which could either mean the cancer is gone or he's not able to go in for treatment because there's a warrant out for his arrest;

4) Walt is not afraid and he is preparing to do battle with someone or something. Going to the house when you have to at least consider that it is being monitored demonstrates that he has no fear of confronting the police or any potential rivals. He has the big gun. For what? To go out like Tony Montana? He picks up the ricin. For what? To poison himself? To poison someone else?

It doesn't make sense that he'd look to poison himself (for the reasons previously stated there are less painful ways to go out). He's risking a lot to get the ricin, which could fit with the theory that he's using it to treat his cancer. Of all of the thing we've seen, the ricin is the most confusing to me.
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Bryan Cranston front row center
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