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Boston Celtics (17x NBA champions)

BuckeyeNation27;1493681; said:
so Boston is joining LA in the category of teams who think they can Yankee themselves a championship, but won't.

They already did...

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ya, thats a sick starting 5

If KG can get healthy, that line-up is filthy.


That's a lot of offensive threats, and guys who are content on just winning. The NBA is really picking up steam.....
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Jake;1666204; said:
Even without Paul Pierce, this shouldn't happen. :[censored]ed:

New Jersey Nets @ Boston Celtics - Nets 104, Celtics 96

Pack the bags, turn off the lights, the Celtics are done. If anything they need to shut down some of their older players for a while and try to get them healthy. Even if they end up with a bad playoff seed their only chance is if they can get everyone 100% healthy and rested for the playoffs.
That's a big reason I'm not worried about Shaq and Z missing some time. As long as they both are healthy and have a couple weeks before the playoffs everything will be fine.
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They can talk about Big Three all they like but these days Rondo is the MVP of this team, and it's not even close.
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