I sort of fall in the middle of everyone's annoyance (or lack thereof) I guess personally. I see Boise State as the Gonzaga of football. The Zags spent a couple of years as everyone's small conference tournament darling...and then I found myself hoping for them to lose because I was tired of the glass slipper bullshit. That all culminated with the whole Adam Morrison crying fiasco. Now, they've settled in as a team that everyone pretty much expects will be good, so the whole Cinderella thing doesn't really apply to them anymore in most contexts. So too shall it be with Boise State I think, though I guess the whole BCS inequality makes the "small conference" deal more enduring than it needs to be. I dunno, I don't love 'em, I don't really hat 'em, I just wish they'd be judged like everyone else is by the media and leave it at that.