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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

Dadgum it! I need every one of those wins!


NCAA penalties extend to 10 FSU sports

Football coach Bobby Bowden was ready to enter spring football practices with 382 career victories, trailing Penn State coach Joe Paterno by one win on the all-time list. The sanctions will force him to forfeit all wins during which ineligible students competed in 2006 and 2007. It is not immediately clear how many games will have to be forfeited.

Cont'd ...
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Given the history of cheating associated with this program during the tenure of Bobby Bowden as coach, it will be very fitting if Florida State is forced to vacate the wins of recent years. in my mind, there is no way that this man should be honored as the winningest coach in college basketball history.
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Steve19;1423864; said:
Given the history of cheating associated with this program during the tenure of Bobby Bowden as coach, it will be very fitting if Florida State is forced to vacate the wins of recent years. in my mind, there is no way that this man should be honored as the winningest coach in college basketball history.

If ya aint cheatin, ya aint tryin.... besides, He was nice to Marshall after the plane crash.
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Steve19;1423864; said:
Given the history of cheating associated with this program during the tenure of Bobby Bowden as coach, it will be very fitting if Florida State is forced to vacate the wins of recent years. in my mind, there is no way that this man should be honored as the winningest coach in college basketball history.

I guess you would say he would then reach the summit of college basketball history. :biggrin:
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FSU President TK Wetherall said:
"We just don't understand the sanction to vacate all wins in athletics contests in which ineligible student-athletes competed because we did not allow anyone who we knew was ineligible to compete. Our position throughout the inquiry was that as soon as we knew of a problem, they didn't play."

Hey genius, "we" be you! The people perpetrating the fraud were part of your university. :roll1:
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