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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

1270;970848; said:
for skewing our numbers
the more page hits we get the bigger bonus we get

Our pleasure, Matt. You'll find that this is one of the more active large football chat sites in the country, year-round. Does your station fall under ClearChannel?
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If he's still there after the 2008 season, Bobby will have a new boss. But I would bet any change involving the head football coach would have to have the approval of Wetherell.


Hart leaving athletic director job at Florida State

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) ? Florida State athletic director David Hart Jr. is leaving the school after a dozen years.

Florida State president T.K. Wetherell told Hart this summer that his contract would not be renewed after its January 2009 completion.

"The uncertainty, it can become paralyzing," Hart said. "Now is the time for everybody to move on. Not to do so would not be the right thing."

Wetherell, who played football for the Seminoles 40 years ago, and Hart had not seen eye-to-eye on the operation of the athletic department for the past few years.

Cont'd ...
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BB73;971813; said:
If he's still there after the 2008 season, Bobby will have a new boss. But I would bet any change involving the head football coach would have to have the approval of Wetherell.


Gator fans hope Bobbeh stays another ten years, until he wheels out on the field in a Garnet and Gold Hoveround with a custom drool cup.

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BB73;971813; said:
If he's still there after the 2008 season, Bobby will have a new boss. But I would bet any change involving the head football coach would have to have the approval of Wetherell.


Open speculation here is that this move makes a change in the football program possible.
  • I am just reporting speculation by media and fans in Tallahassee. This isn't even my own speculation.
  • Those speculating all agree that any change would be precipitated by a "retire now and get a golden parachute; retire later and get a gold watch" kind of offer.
  • Most people who do the speculating end up doing a 360 by the time their done talking. They all end up guessing that Bobby will reject the offer as the most important thing to him is outlasting JoePa.
What's most interesting to me is that the Radio Guy who I referred to on the previous page mentioned doing an interview with Bobby "back in the good 'ol days". It was when other elder statesmen of college football were falling on hard times, and they discussed what the FSU program-builder would do if the program began to decline on his watch.

Specifically, Radio Guy asked Bobby Bowden how many losses in a season would spur him to retirement. Bobby's response, according to Radio Guy, was "Oh, four or five". Radio Guy lamented that they "lose 4 or 5 games all the time now". (They have 4 or more losses in 4 of the last 6 seasons)

This fact, coupled with the looming possibility that JoePa will pass Bobby to retake the lead in career wins, opens the door for an exit sooner rather than later.
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Source: Bowden agrees to one-year contract extension

By Joe Schad

Updated: November 30, 2007, 1:56 PM ET

Florida State and coach Bobby Bowden have agreed to a one-year contract extension worth just under $2.5 million for the 2007-08 season, a source familiar with the deal said Friday afternoon.
Bowden's contract had been set to expire in January. He made about $1.7 million this year.

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Florida State has confirmed what was already well know:
They have officially announced that Jimbo Fisher will succeed Bowden as the Head Coach. There is no word on when Bowden will retire; but his new contract was for one year only. Open speculation is that 2008 is it for Bowden the Elder.
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DaddyBigBucks;1019447; said:
Florida State has confirmed what was already well know:
They have officially announced that Jimbo Fisher will succeed Bowden as the Head Coach. There is no word on when Bowden will retire; but his new contract was for one year only. Open speculation is that 2008 is it for Bowden the Elder.​

A sad day for all the Gator faithful....

......but Joe Pa is probably popping a Cialis to celebrate his chance at the all time winning record thingy :groove:
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Jaxbuck;970636; said:
I'm sure his audience is large. The problem is the public library, DBB and the Governor are the only ones in Tally with a computer.

"A grotesque place of land speculators and desperados..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson on Tallahassee, after his visit in 1827.
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Gatorubet;1023592; said:
"A grotesque place of land speculators and desperados..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson on Tallahassee, after his visit in 1827.

and last I checked Bobah wasn't any dag gum land speculator so that kind of narrows it down a bit.
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Fair or not, scandal threatens Bowden's legacy

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 3:02 AM

Gerry Broome Associated Press

Wait a minute. Is that Joe Paterno and NCAA investigators joining hands in Tallahassee, charging up to the plaza square at Doak Campbell Stadium and trying to topple the statue of Bobby Bowden?
Is the stained-glass window of Bowden mysteriously starting to crack? Is the lead soldering between the panes beginning to tarnish? And don't look now, but are the crystal images of Bobby's eyes suddenly and symbolically turning black?
We are speaking metaphorically, but in a literal sense it's not a stretch to say Bobby Bowden's entire legacy at FSU is now at stake.

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NFBuck;970216; said:

I'd say Bowden is more guilty because I think most view JoePa as more of a figurehead nowadays whereas Bowden is still very much in complete control. Either way, I enjoy watching both programs struggle...particularly the noles.
The man is a walking senility drug advertisement. He can't remember the names of his players, does not seem to know what is going on around him, he does not have any input into play calling on offense or defense, and his post-game TV show is pathetic that a huge number of Gators watch it every week for a laugh.

We call game day at Tallahassee "Weekend at Bobby's"....
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