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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

sluTiger;1038885; said:
I think Bowden is one of the good guys of college football. He is no saint but he is no villian. This is unfortunate and he should call it quits before things get worse.

Not to disrespect your expressed opinions, but I think anyone who has such extensive cheating in his program should be fired. I don't care how long he has been around. It isn't like this is his first scandal at Free Shoes University. I personally believe that he is about as slick as they get and that football would be better off without him.
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Steve19;1040114; said:
Not to disrespect your expressed opinions, but I think anyone who has such extensive cheating in his program should be fired. I don't care how long he has been around. It isn't like this is his first scandal at Free Shoes University. I personally believe that he is about as slick as they get and that football would be better off without him.
I agree, and out of curiousity, which would you consider worse from a program perspective, cheating on this scale or the coach high fiving a players helmet?
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Steve19;1040114; said:
Not to disrespect your expressed opinions, but I think anyone who has such extensive cheating in his program should be fired. I don't care how long he has been around. It isn't like this is his first scandal at Free Shoes University. I personally believe that he is about as slick as they get and that football would be better off without him.

I'm with Steve.

This isn't Bowdens first go around with institutionalized cheating, its just the biggest and latest. He's always run about as shady a program as you could get away with. He has always been good at plauisble deniability.
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BucyrusBuckeye;1040116; said:
I agree, and out of curiousity, which would you consider worse from a program perspective, cheating on this scale or the coach high fiving a players helmet?

Actually, I happen to think that any coach nice enough to congratulate a player on an opposing side with a high five should be retained forever, as a token of respect to good sportsmanship.
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If there was ever a program 'out of control' that many football players (any other athletes - or for that matter civilian ((non-athlete))?) cheaters? No, as an institution, the head coach has to be held accountable. One HAS to assume (with the new GPA rules in effect), that even FSU has academic advisors and the like to help the students (and monitor progress) stay eligible. Based on that alone, Bowden has to go. If the AD gets canned, rather than Bowden, I cry 'foul'.

I'm surprised that they didn't hang the problem on one of the academic advisors who got them the test for 'practice'. I'm sorry for the rant, but the southern schools seem to get away with murder in terms of the athlete-students not playing ball with the NCAA. Many of those athletes cannot qualify for up-North schools (where the academics are simply higher). I'd vote FSU an honorary SEC school. The ACC is much better than that.

Does anyone know whether the ACC league can make sanctions? thanks. And I know that the southern schools get tested on the same level (?) as the northern schools, but it seems like the marginal athletes (academicly speaking, not sub-40 speaking) all migrate to the Floridas, FSU's, Auburns, etc. Steve, your're in academia at the college level (ACC also, if memory serves), what's the ACC take on this?

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: :evil:
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calibuck;1041636; said:
If there was ever a program 'out of control' that many football players (any other athletes - or for that matter civilian ((non-athlete))?) cheaters? No, as an institution, the head coach has to be held accountable. One HAS to assume (with the new GPA rules in effect), that even FSU has academic advisors and the like to help the students (and monitor progress) stay eligible. Based on that alone, Bowden has to go. If the AD gets canned, rather than Bowden, I cry 'foul'.

I'm surprised that they didn't hang the problem on one of the academic advisors who got them the test for 'practice'. I'm sorry for the rant, but the southern schools seem to get away with murder in terms of the athlete-students not playing ball with the NCAA. Many of those athletes cannot qualify for up-North schools (where the academics are simply higher). I'd vote FSU an honorary SEC school. The ACC is much better than that.

Does anyone know whether the ACC league can make sanctions? thanks. And I know that the southern schools get tested on the same level (?) as the northern schools, but it seems like the marginal athletes (academicly speaking, not sub-40 speaking) all migrate to the Floridas, FSU's, Auburns, etc. Steve, your're in academia at the college level (ACC also, if memory serves), what's the ACC take on this?

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: :evil:

Sorry to bust a good rant, but Florida is not the home of marginal academic athletes, and is every bit the equal of Ohio State as a fine public university.

FWIW, our admissions policy exceeds the SEC requirements. I have no idea about your policies. We (UF) graduated a greater percentage of our athletes than your squad did last year as I recall. My point is not to denigrate the outstanding institution that tOSU is, but to point out that you are simply off the mark when you accuse Florida of being in an academically inferior position than the average damn Yankee school.:biggrin:

And your Bowden stuff was so spot on too.....:tongue2:
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Gator, this may be a whole thread on it's own, as to 'who's the best set of universities' much of the same vein of 'mine's bigger than yours', or somesuch idioticy.

Your argument of the high academics of Florida may hold water at the undergraduate level, I'm not sure. I'm sure those who read US News & World Report - that ranks the undergraduate schools can chime in at this point. As to grad schools, no. Just a simple no. The SEC and the Big 12 were reviewed versus the Big 10 and the Pac 10, and it was about 152 to 12 on the number of graduate programs in the US top 50, and guess what? The SEC/Big12 wasn't the three digit numbers.

Sorry to put down the U of Florida, you might be the 'shining star' in the SEC - again I don't know. As a whole, the schools below the Mason-Dixon line aren't quite up to par with the 'yankee schools' in terms of academic experience. Notable exceptions of course, and forgive my over generalizations, but I don't think that things have changed that much in the 20 years since I knew those things well. If they have, please educate me.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Also.....FWIW, Big 10 had academic admissions standards higher than anyone other than the Ivy League. Not sure if it's been lowered or not.
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calibuck;1042549; said:
Gator, this may be a whole thread on it's own, as to 'who's the best set of universities' much of the same vein of 'mine's bigger than yours', or somesuch idioticy.

Your argument of the high academics of Florida may hold water at the undergraduate level, I'm not sure. I'm sure those who read US News & World Report - that ranks the undergraduate schools can chime in at this point. As to grad schools, no. Just a simple no. The SEC and the Big 12 were reviewed versus the Big 10 and the Pac 10, and it was about 152 to 12 on the number of graduate programs in the US top 50, and guess what? The SEC/Big12 wasn't the three digit numbers.

Sorry to put down the U of Florida, you might be the 'shining star' in the SEC - again I don't know. As a whole, the schools below the Mason-Dixon line aren't quite up to par with the 'yankee schools' in terms of academic experience. Notable exceptions of course, and forgive my over generalizations, but I don't think that things have changed that much in the 20 years since I knew those things well. If they have, please educate me.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Also.....FWIW, Big 10 had academic admissions standards higher than anyone other than the Ivy League. Not sure if it's been lowered or not.

You're the one who made this statement: "...but it seems like the marginal athletes (academicly speaking, not sub-40 speaking) all migrate to the Floridas..."

Now you provide the bold statements above. My simple comment is this: don't say the one in italics if your knowledge of the subject matter is reflected by the ones in bold.

I'm sure that Florida has many graduate programs in the top 50. And I really have no desire to educate you on that issue. That's what the Big-10 is much better at doing, according to you. :biggrin:

But I will point out that the strength of graduate programs has little to do with the proclivity of so-called marginal athletes going to Florida - or anywhere else

And my calling you on it has everything to do with accountability, and nothing to do with idiocy.
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With JoePa's win last night, he's now within one of Bobby (373-372).


Bowden not worried about legacy
Florida State coach says scandal won't mar success

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Florida State coach Bobby Bowden isn't concerned about his legacy being stained by the school's current academic cheating scandal.


"I don't think you can ruin my legacy," the 78-year-old coach said Saturday. "How can you ruin it? What I've done, I've done. You can't take it away, can you?"
Cont'd ...
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