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Bill O’Brien (HC Boston College, aka BillyBob O’Buttchin et al)

ant80;2283659; said:
Given the circumstances, I think he did a great job. I doubt any Tom, Dick or Harry can come in this year, face the adversity he has faced, and pulled out the same (or better) results. You're not giving him enough credit for what he pulled off this year.

Well, there's no way to really confirm what someone else could have done in the same circumstances. All I'm saying is that while I agree that he did a good job, he didn't do anything to warrant being an NFL coach. He kept a fractured situation from completely breaking. He did that really well. It's not like his team was COMPLETELY gutted. Don't worry, it will be in the coming years.
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southcampus;2283662; said:
Well, there's no way to really confirm what someone else could have done in the same circumstances. All I'm saying is that while I agree that he did a good job, he didn't do anything to warrant being an NFL coach. He kept a fractured situation from completely breaking. He did that really well. It's not like his team was COMPLETELY gutted. Don't worry, it will be in the coming years.


Pat. Shurmur.
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BuckeyeNation27;2283666; said:
If his agent can't get him out of his contract with 0 buyout after he was told there would be no NCAA involvement in the Sandusky [Mark May]......well, his agent sucks.

Exactly. He--through these third parties--is blatantly letting the nfl teams know that there's a huge hole in that contract if they want him. He's also letting ped aggy know that he'll try and tie the buyout up in court for years.
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BuckeyeNation27;2283666; said:
If his agent can't get him out of his contract with 0 buyout after he was told there would be no NCAA involvement in the Sandusky shit......well, his agent sucks.

Who the hell did he have as an agent, freaking Master P?!?

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So, apparently the Paterno's have hired an EX-FBI AGENT who now WRITES FOR TV in LA to investigate all the horrendous acts against Zombie Joe's reputation. This guy is 100% legit, according to the pedsters, even though this is a rumor and not based in any FACTS AND EVIDENTS.

Freeh, even though he has been honored numerous times for his work at the FBI as well as after, is not to be believed in anything he does. So, according to the brainturst in Slappy Valley, Pennsyshitolia, this WRITER OF FICTION is going to clear Joe's name because HE IS TO BE BELIEVED OVER FREEH NO MATTER WHAT.

Those posters on BWI are just fucking idiots. Really.

I hope O'Brien leaves in the middle of the night to an NFL gig, they end up hiring some D3 bottom dweller of a coach to fill the gap until sanctions are done, and by that time they decide to give up on football altogether and use the scrap from the erector set they call a stadium to help fund the trust for the real victims of this situation, the kids that were repeatedly violated by a Penn State legend.
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I just don't get the fascination by any NFL team of BOB. He had one average season at PSU and was the OC for the Patriots before then. The Patriots seem to switch out OCs every couple of seasons and Tom Brady continues to chug along. Now I am not a rocket surgeon, but I think the common denominator might be the QB more than the OC in New England.
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BuckBackHome;2283773; said:
I just don't get the fascination by any NFL team of BOB. He had one average season at PSU and was the OC for the Patriots before then. The Patriots seem to switch out OCs every couple of seasons and Tom Brady continues to chug along. Now I am not a rocket surgeon, but I think the common denominator might be the QB more than the OC in New England.

This is the same NFL that keep hiring re-tred head coaches every year only to fire them three years later. I don't get that fascination. I would rather take a chance with BOB than Norv Turner again or Chan Gailey again or some other ex-head coach now offensive/defensive coordinator.
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BuckBackHome;2283773; said:
I just don't get the fascination by any NFL team of BOB. He had one average season at PSU and was the OC for the Patriots before then. The Patriots seem to switch out OCs every couple of seasons and Tom Brady continues to chug along. Now I am not a rocket surgeon, but I think the common denominator might be the QB more than the OC in New England.

Norv Turner got about 15 years of NFL mediocre head coaching work for little more than being the guy calling plays for Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin 20 years ago.
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