Got a call from my friendly Time Warner customer service representative this morning and the call went like this...
Me: Hello?
Tina: Good morning, this is Tina calling from Time Warner.
Me: Hi Tina, are you calling to tell me you've added BTN and decided to telephone each and every customer to tell them the good news in a personal and delightful manner?
Tina: No..... ummm.... I was actually calling about your RR service. Would you like to try a faster speed.
Me: No, but I can tell you what I would like... to watch the Buckeyes on my ginormous TV in the comfort of my own home on Sat. Any chance that's happening?
Tina: (She's now laughing at this point) Well sir, all I can tell you is their still negotiating and perhaps at this point they'll realize they've got the wrong people sitting on both sides of the table.
Me: No kidding Tina, you seem like a smart girl, any chance we can get you in there this afternoon to wrap this deal up?
Tina: No, not likely... sorry!
Me: Well it was worth a shot, I don't need anymore RR than what I've got, but I do look forward to your delightful phone call in the future to personally tell me I've now got BTN. BUT so we're clear, don't call back unless you're going to tell me this, ok?
Tina: Okay well sir you have a nice day.