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buck1973;922402; said:
It's not a compromise. It's what the BTN has been asking for all along.

Big Ten Network

Not exactly. AT100 is basic level of service. For an additional $10, AT100+ is basic level of service plus your RSN and locals. So, even within Big Ten footprint, Dish still got away with treating it as an RSN.
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CleveBucks;922344; said:
Big Ten Network

Gee, suddenly companies like Insight and Dish, with no ties to the BTN, are picking it up. What's the next excuse from TW and Comcast?

They are weighing up the costs of the lifetime value of a customer and factoring in the word-of-mouth conversion instigated by those people telling their friends about the clearer digital picture on satellite.

It's all about the profitability. Clearly, these guys think that many Big Ten teams will not really be able to command so much followership that their fans are willing to disrupt their cable, internet, and telephone network connections.

The battle for BTN is not just a cable decision, it's a bundle decision.
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heisman;922416; said:
Not exactly. AT100 is basic level of service. For an additional $10, AT100+ is basic level of service plus your RSN and locals. So, even within Big Ten footprint, Dish still got away with treating it as an RSN.

I didn't realize Dish charges extra for local RSN and local channels. These are included on both Directv and cable, so it's pretty much equivalent.
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heisman;922416; said:
Not exactly. AT100 is basic level of service. For an additional $10, AT100+ is basic level of service plus your RSN and locals. So, even within Big Ten footprint, Dish still got away with treating it as an RSN.

The BTN has always said that an "expanded" basic was acceptable. People think that basic means a bare bones setup, and that's not what they wanted. Dish didn't get away with anything.
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OSU SPORTS;922437; said:
The BTN has always said that an "expanded" basic was acceptable. People think that basic means a bare bones setup, and that's not what they wanted. Dish didn't get away with anything.

Bare bones is $19.99. AT100 is $29.99. AT100+ is 39.99. If you want the channel in HD, that's an additional $20 per month. If you live outside the Big Ten states, you can add the RSN pack for an additional $6. No one is saying they "got away with anything" as you put it. They just got it classified as an RSN in terms of the way they package it.
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buck1973;922432; said:
I didn't realize Dish charges extra for local RSN and local channels. These are included on both Directv and cable, so it's pretty much equivalent.

Agreed. Since Dish got it classified as an RSN, however, it may change the way they package it when they change their rate plans (every Feb.).
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heisman;922416; said:
Not exactly. AT100 is basic level of service. For an additional $10, AT100+ is basic level of service plus your RSN and locals. So, even within Big Ten footprint, Dish still got away with treating it as an RSN.

Actually, Heisman, that's exactly what you said, "Dish still got away with treating it as an RSN".

All the BTN wanted from Day one was to avoid being placed on a "separate" tier. You can call it whatever you desire, but that's the business model. By separate it means aligned with "just" other sports channels, within the Big Ten footprint. It's a distribution concept for widespread market penetration.
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heisman;922444; said:
Agreed. Since Dish got it classified as an RSN, however, it may change the way they package it when they change their rate plans (every Feb.).

When did Dish get it classified as an RSN? The only thing I saw was that they filed. Can you provide a link that provides documentation?
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OSU SPORTS;922453; said:
When did Dish get it classified as an RSN? The only thing I saw was that they filed. Can you provide a link that provides documentation?

By definition, an RSN is a Regional Sports Network. They are offering the channel regionally on AT100+, that's all the plus stands for: America's Top 100 with RSN. They are not offering it on any level of service outside of Big Ten markets (after the promo), you have to add an additional package of RSN's for $6. This is totally different than Directv's setup. You do not need to add their RSN pack outside of Big Ten country. It is available to all subs on their most basic level of service. Even channel location on Dish is with all the RSN's, while Directv's channel placement is just above the ESPN family of networks. This is really just a big pile of semantics at this point and time, but if you notice the press release states that this will go into effect in early 2008--coincidentally this is when Dish changes their rate plan structures every year.
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heisman;922459; said:
By definition, an RSN is a Regional Sports Network. They are offering the channel regionally on AT100+, that's all the plus stands for: America's Top 100 with RSN. They are not offering it on any level of service outside of Big Ten markets (after the promo), you have to add an additional package of RSN's for $6. This is totally different than Directv's setup. You do not need to add their RSN pack outside of Big Ten country. It is available to all subs on their most basic level of service. Even channel location on Dish is with all the RSN's, while Directv's channel placement is just above the ESPN family of networks. This is really just a big pile of semantics at this point and time, but if you notice the press release states that this will go into effect in early 2008--coincidentally this is when Dish changes their rate plan structures every year.

I just discovered that you have no idea about the classification issue. It's not about the simple definition of a regional Sports Network. I have wasted my time. Have a good evening.
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OSU SPORTS;922476; said:
I just discovered that you have no idea about the classification issue. It's not about the simple definition of a regional Sports Network. I have wasted my time. Have a good evening.

I apologize if I have wasted your time by educating you. Once again, if you have read what I have said, I never said they received an FCC re-classification, I said they allowed Dish to treat it like an RSN, which is what they wanted all along. It means they don't have to raise the price of AT100, they can just raise the price of the "plus" thus having total control in pricing of BTN without negatively affecting the rest of their customer base. If you would like to read more about it, I suggest heading over to the leading satellite technical forum and start with this thread.

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