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Well. I'm going over to a friends house to watch the game on Dish Network- Saturday. One more down. He's just called and watching TSUN and App St tonight. I wonder if this will have an impact on TWC? Prolly not though- huh!?
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jenkinswoody;922321; said:
The way I understand the chart, it's not in the basic service- right?

I don't have Dish, but I just talked to a Dish customer and he said it was considered in their basic service. Sat packages are a little different than cable, but as I understand it from him, this would be an expanded basic service, which is what the BTN wants. He was happy and said it wouldn't cost him anymore money. Here is more Dish Launches Big 10 Network - SatelliteGuys.US
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Big Ten Network

September 6, 2007

DISH Network, the Leader in College Sports, Adds Big Ten Network

Games in High-Definition Available This Weekend

Englewood, Colo. and Chicago – EchoStar Communications Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH) and its DISH Network? satellite TV service today announced the launch of the Big Ten Network.

"DISH Network recognizes how important Big Ten games are to our customers, and we are pleased to have reached an agreement with the Big Ten Network so we may continue offering our customers the best in college and all sports," said Eric Sahl, senior vice president of programming for DISH Network. "Additionally, when we launch the HD simulcast of the Big Ten Network next week, our customers will receive even more HD programming at the best value."

Big Ten Network President Mark Silverman said: "It's great to add DISH Network to our growing list of distribution partners, because it offers another important choice for our fans. DISH Network continues to enhance its HD sports lineup, and we're going to produce more events in HD than any new network in television history. We look forward to working closely with DISH Network to bring more and more viewers to the Big Ten Network."

DISH Network customers nationwide who subscribe to America's Top 100 and higher will find the Big Ten Network on Channel 439. Customers throughout the nation will also have the opportunity to preview the network until early 2008. At that time, the channel will be carried on America's Top 100 Plus service within the eight states with Big Ten institutions.


Gee, suddenly companies like Insight and Dish, with no ties to the BTN, are picking it up. What's the next excuse from TW and Comcast?
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CleveBucks;922344; said:
Big Ten Network

Customers throughout the nation will also have the opportunity to preview the network until early 2008. At that time, the channel will be carried on America's Top 100 Plus service within the eight states with Big Ten institutions.

Actually, this part of the article is the key to the equation. They are treating it as an RSN. Not available without an additional fee outside of BTN markets in 2008.
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heisman;922385; said:
Actually, this part of the article is the key to the equation. They are treating it as an RSN. Not available without an additional fee outside of BTN markets in 2008.

Sounds like a compromise deal. Maybe others will follow suit.

For any Dish subscribers- I have and HD reciever and DVR from 2 years ago- If I sign back up, can I use those rather than leasing new ones? Also, I went through and "build a system on their website." It came to $72 plus taxes and fees. If you dont mind- how much are taxes and fees with Dish? Thanks in advance.
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jenkinswoody;922397; said:
Sounds like a compromise deal. Maybe others will follow suit.

For any Dish subscribers- I have and HD reciever and DVR from 2 years ago- If I sign back up, can I use those rather than leasing new ones? Also, I went through and "build a system on their website." It came to $72 plus taxes and fees. If you dont mind- how much are taxes and fees with Dish? Thanks in advance.

If you want BTN games in HD, then your equipment will not work. You need an MPEG-4 capable receiver. Taxes and fees are $0 here in Illinois. I think it may depend on your state.
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jenkinswoody;922397; said:
Sounds like a compromise deal. Maybe others will follow suit.

For any Dish subscribers- I have and HD reciever and DVR from 2 years ago- If I sign back up, can I use those rather than leasing new ones? Also, I went through and "build a system on their website." It came to $72 plus taxes and fees. If you dont mind- how much are taxes and fees with Dish? Thanks in advance.

It's not a compromise. It's what the BTN has been asking for all along.

Big Ten Network

Q: Will I have to pay more for the Big Ten Network?
A: We believe that if you live within the eight states of the Big Ten footprint, you should not have to pay any more to receive the network, which is why we are asking for the network to be carried on expanded basic cable. If you already get 50 to 60 channels as part of your basic cable/satellite package, we feel that the Big Ten Network should be part of that lineup. It's hard to imagine finding more than 50 channels more important to a viewer within the Big Ten community than the Big Ten Network.
Outside of the eight-state region, you may be required to subscribe to a digital level of service, which could include many other channels in addition to the Big Ten Network.
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