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In the FWIW category, received my 2007 'ESPN Gameplan' literature in the mail. It showed game action figures from all of the conferences, EXCEPT the Big Ten. Soooooooo, it appears that we're not going to get the Big Ten games out here in California (at least). Need to call my disk provider and see what upgrade need to make in order to get the Big Ten Network... anyone gotten a final answer on whether there's going to be ONE game or FIVE (or six) on the BTN? (I"ve gone through the last couple pages of posts and don't see the answer I'm looking for - but if I've been lazy,.....)

Thanks in advance.

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Wells4Heisman;891988; said:
Oh so the dish people come today to see if its compatible with our house... well it isn't they want me to cut down a bunch of trees in the ole backyard.
Guess I'll just have to hit up the buckeye bar every game this season.

Come on up to the east side of Cleveland. I'll buy the first round.
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Big Ten Network to Televise 24 Classic Big Ten Football Contests
Relive some of the `Greatest Games' in college football history

CHICAGO - They are epic sports battles that are etched in hearts and minds of Big Ten fans across the nation. They are unforgettable moments that stir passion and pride. They are echoes of both triumphant victories and devastating defeats. Throughout the fall, college football fans will have the opportunity to relive 24 of those match-ups on the Big Ten Network series, "The Big Ten's Greatest Games."
The Big Ten Network will televise two classic games each week throughout the football season. "The Big Ten's Greatest Games" will highlight some of the best moments in the rich histories of all 11 Big Ten football programs.
Series producers have interviewed many legendary players and coaches from those games along with those who were on hand to cover the event. Their insight and memories will be integrated into each episode.
Big Ten Network President Mark Silverman said the "Greatest Games" series honors the legacy of the conference's recent past, and will be a consistent presence year-round. "We know that these are the games that our fans talk about most, and we know they will love to see them time and again," he said.
The series premieres August 30 at 9 p.m. ET, 8 p.m. CT, with the 2006 Ohio State-Michigan "Game of the Century" before settling into its regular time slot with back-to-back episodes on Tuesday nights beginning at 6 p.m. ET, 5 p.m. CT.
Last year's memorable showdown between No. 1 Ohio State and No. 2 Michigan
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Wells4Heisman;891988; said:
Oh so the dish people come today to see if its compatible with our house... well it isn't they want me to cut down a bunch of trees in the ole backyard.
Guess I'll just have to hit up the buckeye bar every game this season.

C'mon man! Grow a set and buy a chainsaw!
Those trees will make great firewood.
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Earlier in these BTN threads there was discussion of various "what-if" scenarios about which games would be shown where, and when. Specifically, what would happen if you were out of the BTN 8-state main market and wanted GamePlan, would it help you, would it do any good?

OSU_SPORTS and I went back and forth trying to read the chicken entrails, but still it kept coming back into the threads from others, what about out-of-market people, what would they be able to see - and where, and how.

So, I posed the question under the guise of a relocated Florida based BT fan and asked the question through their contact form. This is what they responded with:

Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for sending your question regarding the Big Ten Network and ESPN GamePlan/Full Court.

In years past, the only Big Ten games that appeared on ESPN GamePlan or ESPN Full Court were the regional ABC football games and the football and basketball games aired on ESPN Regional and ESPN Plus. Those regional ABC football games will now air on ESPN/ESPN2 out of market. The ESPN Regional/ESPN Plus basketball games will now be carried by the Big Ten Network.

Beginning in 2007, the only time a Big Ten ABC game might end up on GamePlan is in the rare instance that ABC is regionalizing a prime-time Big Ten game. There will be no Big Ten games on ESPN Full Court.

The Big Ten Network is making all of its games available to cable and satellite operators as part of their agreements to carry BTN. Whenever the Big Ten Network is producing more than one game at a time, cable and satellite providers that have agreed to carry the Big Ten Network will be offered the chance to carry the additional games via "overflow" channels.

For example, let's assume that at noon ET one Saturday the Big Ten Network is producing two games (Penn State vs. Illinois and Michigan vs. Northwestern). If the Penn State-Illinois game is airing on the Big Ten Network, your cable or satellite system will be given the rights to carry the Michigan-Northwestern game on an "overflow" channel.

DirecTV has indicated that they plan on airing all of our "overflow" games. For cable operators, the decision whether or not to air BTN "overflow" games will be made by the cable operator.

Overall, the Big Ten Network will be producing significantly more football and men's basketball games than have aired regionally in recent years, and these games will be made available to all cable and satellite systems as part of their contracts to carry the Big Ten Network.

We sincerely appreciate your email and interest in the Big Ten Network.

The Big Ten Network web team

I think that e-mail response pretty much underscores what OSU_SPORTS has been preaching this entire time.

As for my response - Get DirectTV, or get to a house that carries DirecTV.
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I have told Cox i am leaving them until they carry BTN. They appoligized and offered one month free cable, yes Cox a $70 bill credit more than makes up for a season lost of OSU football. I promptly laughed and bid them Freddy Adu. DirecTV is scheduled for instsllation and reception of all things tOSU-like.

Standing by anxiously, you would think I was a yorkie waiting at the door for its celebrity owner to come home from a night of booze laden automobile operation.
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from the Daily Herald article linked above:
Q: Will Dish Network get the Big Ten Network?
A: DirecTV?s leading satellite competitor recently filed a complaint with the FCC to have the Big Ten Network be reclassified as a regional network. That would allow an arbitrator to break a logjam and determine a fair deal.
Silverman thinks that?s a good sign for a Dish-BTN agreement. ?It shows me that, one, they?re very interested in the Big Ten Network,? Silverman said. ?And, two, they?re trying to get the best deal they can. Dish is continuing to negotiate with us (while awaiting the FCC?s ruling). Maybe they?ll pursue both and take the best deal.?

Any chance that the cable networks are waiting to see what happens with this filing?
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In the mean time, while they sort out the details, Here's ESPN2 schedule. Plenty of football all over the counrty. tOSU is scheduled four times plus many games that cover local colleges like Toledo and Ohio U.

I added a column for scores for those that keep track of these things (me).


  • ESPNU TV Schedule_!!_Font.pdf
    11.1 KB · Views: 41
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I have told Cox i am leaving them until they carry BTN. They appoligized and offered one month free cable, yes Cox a $70 bill credit more than makes up for a season lost of OSU football. I promptly laughed and bid them Freddy Adu. DirecTV is scheduled for instsllation and reception of all things tOSU-like.

This is why they HAVE to roll over on this one. Time Warner will go out of business in Columbus without carrying OSU football and they know it.

And I may change providers myself - even though I will be attending the games that I would miss on tv and even though from all I have read the Big Ten is the bad guy on this.

I don't pay my cable bill so I can watch the Food Network and Oxygen.
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