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Regardless of the fact that the BTN will be on DirecTV (which I have), I'm still keeping GamePlan for two reasons:

1. As a backup in case the BTN stuff gets screwy
2. There are many good games on during the other times
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Best Buckeye;890717; said:
Probably when they realize that storms don't ruin the reception.
Disagree completely. TimeWarner shows are constantly littered with thunderstorm warnings, often with gigantic, show-hindering graphics. Then there are those nights where tornado watches are announced every 3-5 minutes (for locations as far as kentucky), with 1 minute audio overrides (spent mostly repeating the same extra info)
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I caved in and switched to DirecTV

since they have the offer of NFL Sunday Ticket And The Premium Package For $69.99 A Month For 4 Months, then i just resume the Premium Package after the 4 months
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OSU Sports wrote "Personally I would rather watch old OSU games on the BTN in the off season, as opposed to spelling bees on ESPN."

I guess this simply highlights the difference in preferences among people. In my case I would tons rather watch a live event than go back to historical ones, especially games I saw or even more especially games we lost.

I have no problem with the spelling thing. It can be gripping. Even Espin's coverage of poker tournaments (not live) are often the best thing going on in a time slot, given the drivel so often on live TV.

I am still torn whether to abandon GamePlan, despite it being an expense of some significance to a retiree like me. Living in the SW, and in a location where the local ABC station adamantly refuses to carry any morning football games (except grudgingly OSU-scUM) I am left with whatever is on ESPN at that time, plus exclusively PAC10 in the afternoons. Pacific time.

The only exception is nightime, prime time games, when they occur. So, there is something to be said for maintaining Gameplan here, while fuming that the BTN disaster will for the first time in YEARS prevent me from seeing several Bucks games, except for Indiana last year, and now my cable company (Cox) has picked up the U subsequently.

Thus, I don't complain about the Espins carrying womens golf or tennis, or softball, or Little League or any of that stuff live. Tons more interesting than watching reruns of the Florida debacle or games I saw live in past years. But, again, it is a matter of personal preference, obviously. Finally, please don't extoll dish or DirecTV to me, or sports bars. Not an option in my case.

Go Bucks!
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Interesting Change to Gameplan language

CleveBucks;859392; said:
Game Plan is pretty useless for most/all games. Anything on ABC/ESPN/ESPN2 will be national this year. Any other home games will be picked up by Big Ten network and probably won't be on Game Plan.

I agree with you. I'm in Alabama, and I depend on gameplan to see Buckeye games. But I've cancelled gameplan. Now sit down, as what I'm about to say might shock some people... I call DTV and tried to see if they could tell me if B10 games would still be part of gameplan. No one could give me any info worth a hill of beans...SHOCKING!!! That being said, I checked both DISH and DTV's websites, and interestingly enough, the B10 is no longer one of the conferences mentioned when talking about games televised.

Maximum College Football. Brings you to top teams, key rivalries, major conferences matchups, including the action from the Big XII, ACC, SEC, Pac-10, Big East, MAC, WAC and Sun Belt. Get up to 10 games each Saturday during the regular season. Enjoy the best coverage of college football anywhere.

That leads me to believe that even ABC noon and 3:30 games will not be televised on gameplan :(, and it's gonna be luck of the draw of my local ABC station televised buckeye games, as CleveBucks says all games will be nationally televised.

I'm gonna be so pi$$ed if I have to miss some games this year. Anyone have any info to the contrary???
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As far as Gameplan goes, I'd rather watch a meaningful game in another conference than Northwestern-Michigan State. I'd buy it so I wouldn't have to watch that crap.

I've already made arrangements for babysitters during the stolen games, and if my wife gives me any shit, I'll send her to the spa. That'll shut her up.

I manage at a steakhouse in Dublin, OH, (Stoney River) and when the Buckeyes are playing, we might as well work in the nude...nobody's gonna see it. We have two really nice viewing areas, and when the brass was in town, I was thiiiis close to convincing them to switch to DirectTV to try and generate some revenue on those days.

I have Insight right now, but if they don't get their shit together soon, I'm dumping them and getting DirectTV. Because it never rains in Central Ohio.
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Best Buckeye;890717; said:
Probably when they realize that storms don't ruin the reception.

They do here in Hawaii, because the angle of attack to the satellite is so severe (my dish is essentially pointing at the horizon). If we have heavy rain, the signal drops out completely...
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BuckeyeNation27;891257; said:
it's not cheaper when you get the all in one package from time warner.
Ya, but im pretty tired of time warner's crap, I don't even get ESPN HD with my HD package becuase the cable that's attached to my wall jack that they installed is frayed, a guy came out to my house and said that was the problem but they couldn't fix it because they didnt install it. But if they didn't who did? There are no other cable providers in the Dayton area that could have installed it. Anyway, I want to switch to Direct Tv, too bad my mom doesn't care if I miss an Ohio State game, what's a 17 yr old kid to do? I even got a summer job to pay for half the bill, but thats still not enough :( . Anybody willing to let me watch the game at their house who has direct tv? :biggrin:
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Big Ten starting blitz for network

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, July 30, 2007
As busy as Big Ten Conference officials have been promoting the new Big Ten Network this summer, there's plenty more coming in the next three days.
National reporters will converge in Chicago for the Big Ten football media days this week, and plenty of time has been scheduled for commissioner Jim Delany and Big Ten Network president Mark Silverman to discuss the all-day, year-round channel that launches Aug. 30 despite contentious (and unresolved) negotiations this summer with many cable providers. Here are some things to watch for:

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Big Ten should seek big names for expansion

Remember when the Big Ten was an athletic conference and not a cable TV network?
In those days, the only addition the league was rumored to be considering was Notre Dame. When Penn State came on board, it almost felt as if someone had added an Eleventh Commandment.
Now, though, the Big Ten Network is on the prowl. Commissioner Jim Delaney told the Des Moines Register last week that the birth of the network would mean expansion talks are on the way.
"The broader (the network) is distributed, the more value (expansion) has," Delaney said. "We have eight states. With expansion, you could have nine."
And to think Delaney wasn't even a math major.

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