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SparkyOSU;885317; said:
GP does insure you against low profile games though. Especially in a year (like this year) where we will not be a National Spotlight team (last year GP was useless for me here in Vegas, I saw 10 of the games on ESPN or ABC). You will most likely see more of Florida/Michigan/USC/ type games this year.

If this year is like past years, we will also have the option of using gameplan online via ESPN. That option at least gives you the ability to purchase one week at a time, so if you only need 1 or 2 games, it's much cheaper. Lower quality, sure, but cheaper.
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Redhawk;885780; said:
If this year is like past years, we will also have the option of using gameplan online via ESPN. That option at least gives you the ability to purchase one week at a time, so if you only need 1 or 2 games, it's much cheaper. Lower quality, sure, but cheaper.

For those who still have doubts about needing gameplan, this should end any doubters out there. It's pretty clever using Troy's picture when OSU and other Big Ten teams WON'T be on gameplan. The Big Ten is NOT listed as one of the conferences on gameplan

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Buck94;883952; said:
Given the fact that I am a Dish customer, I would be curious as to what you think they might do. They have not been very aggressive in their announcements, yet the continue to add HD channels and provide the most national HD channels of any provider. I think Dish will add the BTN at the last possible moment and flip the switch. They are moving all of the Voom channels to MPEG4 in mid-August, which will open up a great deal of bandwidth (Source, DBSTalk.com).
It might interest and comfort you to learn that Dish is in active negotiations with the Big Ten network (Rivals -free) - it sounds like they are dotting eyes. (Unlike Comcast and BTN who are in the business of poking eyes).

OSU SPORTS;885838; said:
For those who still have doubts about needing gameplan, this should end any doubters out there. It's pretty clever using Troy's picture when OSU and other Big Ten teams WON'T be on gameplan. The Big Ten is NOT listed as one of the conferences on gameplan

BTN is not listed in GamePlan because they do not have to be. They will in Total Choice on DirecTV, no added cost. Their absence from the programming lists merely reflects the fact that they have not yet launched. They will and they will be available in HD - on Total Choice.
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Whatever you do, don't call your cable company and become the pawn in the BTN's extortion plans. Don't get me wrong, no one wants to get these games on TV more than I do but what the BTN is doing is just plain wrong.

First, with the exception of football and basketball, there is truly jack fucking squat worth watching to the average viewer. If the Big Ten thinks people are going to be tuning in for Illinois v. Iowa womens rifle shooting in HD they're out of their minds. In other words, the BTN is using your football and basketball fandom to make more money.

Second, it's not just that they're using fans as pawns, they're using Ohio State fans as pawns (Probably Michigan fans and PSU fans too) more. Why? Because Ohio State (and Mich, PSU) has a huge and fanatical fan base who MUST see the games. You think many folks in Indiana give a shit if IU is playing on a channel they dont get? Nope. So... what does the BTN do? Says "Oh, well, we're not gonna take more than 2 games from each team." Really? I've heard 4 OSU games are now on this doomed fucking channel. And I've heard they may add a 5th?!?!?? Fuck them. They are using the fans, and particular fans - ie us - to strong arm cable companies so they can cash in on football.

The glory days of viewing college football games are over.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;885854; said:
Whatever you do, don't call your cable company and become the pawn in the BTN's extortion plans. Don't get me wrong, no one wants to get these games on TV more than I do but what the BTN is doing is just plain wrong.

First, with the exception of football and basketball, there is truly jack fucking squat worth watching to the average viewer. If the Big Ten thinks people are going to be tuning in for Illinois v. Iowa womens rifle shooting in HD they're out of their minds. In other words, the BTN is using your football and basketball fandom to make more money.

Second, it's not just that they're using fans as pawns, they're using Ohio State fans as pawns (Probably Michigan fans and PSU fans too) more. Why? Because Ohio State (and Mich, PSU) has a huge and fanatical fan base who MUST see the games. You think many folks in Indiana give a shit if IU is playing on a channel they dont get? Nope. So... what does the BTN do? Says "Oh, well, we're not gonna take more than 2 games from each team." Really? I've heard 4 OSU games are now on this doomed fucking channel. And I've heard they may add a 5th?!?!?? Fuck them. They are using the fans, and particular fans - ie us - to strong arm cable companies so they can cash in on football.

The glory days of viewing college football games are over.
Yeah , what he said. The BTN isn't getting any of my money. I will drive to the Shoe and take my chances on a ticket before I subscribe.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;885854; said:
Whatever you do, don't call your cable company and become the pawn in the BTN's extortion plans.
Question - who is extorting whom with the exhortation to contact your local cable company?

Seems a good (actually very good) argument could be made that it is the cable companies like Comcast or Time-Warner who are looking for a $5+ per customer payday for those fans who wish to see the regionalized coverage of their local (or favorite) teams. Comcast and Time-Warner want to extort you.

While you know I am sitting pretty with DirecTV I still think the whole thing stinks.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;885854; said:
The glory days of viewing college football games are over.

It does seem so.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;885854; said:
If the Big Ten thinks people are going to be tuning in for Illinois v. Iowa womens rifle shooting in HD they're out of their minds. In other words, the BTN is using your football and basketball fandom to make more money.
Again, BTN wants their product on a common tier, not in a sports package that explicitly costs the consumer more, it is the cable company that clearly wishes to excise a pound of flesh from each participating subscriber, not BTN. I agree that BTN is using the honor cards in their deck as leverage in these negotiations - because those honor cards outweigh the cable company (well Comcast in particular) owned, operated and sponsored sports channels, which Comcast is of course quite willing to pimp and place on a common tier. I also believe that BTN should loosen their pricing with the cable companies, negotiation being a two-way street, thus unblocking one raison d'etre for the present impasse.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;885854; said:
The glory days of viewing college football games are over.
Again - so I'm clear - I absolutely agree that the glory days are done: BTN soon to be followed by B12N, then most likely SECTV and so on and so forth. It is the Balkanization of college football coverage - and having more than two Ohio State football games on BTN would be overkill. Where did you see that indicated as a possibility BTW?
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sandgk;885848; said:
It might interest and comfort you to learn that Dish is in active negotiations with the Big Ten network (Rivals -free) - it sounds like they are dotting eyes. (Unlike Comcast and BTN who are in the business of poking eyes).

BTN is not listed in GamePlan because they do not have to be. They will in Total Choice on DirecTV, no added cost. Their absence from the programming lists merely reflects the fact that they have not yet launched. They will and they will be available in HD - on Total Choice.

Actually Game Plan is not a product of Directv and it wasn't listed because the Big Ten Conference won't be on Game Plan. As I posted earlier in this thread, the BTN will be on the "choice" package, as there is no longer a "total choice" package. When the BTN published the info.Directv did have a package called total choice. The Gameplan add posted on Directv originated from ESPN, not Directv.
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buckeyeinfla;885885; said:
whatt about those that have digital cable and not direct tv..i guess buying the gameplan for osu is worhtless now?
Worthless, no. Though certainly GamePlan will have a diminished and debatable value. Any games carried on BTN will not be part of GamePlan. Right now for the Buckeyes that affects two earlier season games for Ohio State. What is unclear is the fate of the remaining games that would likely get carried on ABC/ESPN/ESPN2 - and of course that other Balkanizing channel, ESPNU.
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OSU SPORTS;885895; said:
Let me clarify this, there will be NO OSU GAMES on gameplan, NO BIG TEN GAMES on gameplan.

From where do you get that information? I ask as the FAQ at BTN only states that the games carried on BTN will not be part of GamePlan - but it is clear that BTN is not the primary rights holder to all the Big Ten games.
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sandgk;885887; said:
Worthless, no. Though certainly GamePlan will have a diminished and debatable value. Any games carried on BTN will not be part of GamePlan. Right now for the Buckeyes that affects two earlier season games for Ohio State. What is unclear is the fate of the remaining games that would likely get carried on ABC/ESPN/ESPN2 - and of course that other Balkanizing channel, ESPNU.

Right now there are 3 OSU game on BTN and a 4th to be added(probably K-state). There will not be ANY OSU games on Gameplane, none, zilch, nada.

The Independent
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sandgk;885899; said:
From where do you get that information? I ask as the FAQ at BTN only states that the games carried on BTN will not be part of GamePlan - but it is clear that BTN is not the primary rights holder to all the Big Ten games.

I think the confusion arises when the BTN enters into the conversation with the ESPN/ABC agreement. They are 2 separate deals. The ESPN/ABC deal(posted earlier in this thread)covers the bulk of the season for the Big Ten. It states that ABC regional games OUTSIDE the region will be carried by ESPN/ESPN2 to the remainder of the nation. This effectively eliminates Game Plan. The residual games will be covered by the Big Ten Network. I can see where there is some confusion on this point. Give credit to the Big Ten for this provision, it saves Big Ten fans over a $100 for those living outside the regional area.
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