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Oh8ch;1236970; said:
Just got back from Chicago where I paid $68 to sit in the upper reaches of the end zone to watch an exhibition game (I would only do it for my son).

I once paid $14 for season OSU tix as a student.

That $14 now looks like a bargain to watch those same games on TV.

Thank goodness I am old and will die soon. Either that or give up sports completely.

Ah yes, I remember paying something like $15 to sit in the upper reaches of Cleveland Municiple Stadium, drink Pfeiffer beer and watch an NFL DOUBLE HEADER!

The figure of $12 for the season ticket, which incuded 6 home football games and half the home basketball games PLUS a discount on Makio and all the wrestling, swimming, fencing, track, baseball, gymnastics meets you might stumble on to while trying to find a pick up game of hoops. You must be damn near as old as me Oh8ch.
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How about this. Do you remember watching Cassady

Every chance I got.


Unfortunately his show is no longer carried by Time Warner.
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I remember watching Hoppy run, and Jimmy Roseboro and Tom Matte and Bob Ferguson. My first visit to the 'shoe was to watch Cassedy his junior year. They lost to Illinois whose featured back was a kid named J.C. Caroline. Howdy Dowdy? Do I look like Phineas T. Bluster? Captain Video and the Space Cadets, the dancing pack of Old Gold Cigarettes, What's My Line? Hosted by Jon Daley with Bennet Cerf and Dorthy Killgallen and Audrey Meadows. How about Your Hit Parade with Snooky Lansen, Gizelle McKenzie and some blonde bimbo whose name escapes me. Hell, I remember Amos and Andy on RADIO along with Fibber McGee and Molly. But best of all was the magic line from Smilin' Ed McConnel and the Gang, "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy." Which I did, late at night, when I was sure the rest of the family was asleep -- and I didn't go blind.
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Oh8ch;1236970; said:
Just got back from Chicago where I paid $68 to sit in the upper reaches of the end zone to watch an exhibition game (I would only do it for my son).

I once paid $14 for season OSU tix as a student.

That $14 now looks like a bargain to watch those same games on TV.

Thank goodness I am old and will die soon. Either that or give up sports completely.

Best Buckeye;1237023; said:
Was that back in the 30's? :wink2:

Oh8ch;1237026; said:
I can't remember. But I do now that one of the Harrison's was President.

Best Buckeye;1237030; said:
How about this. Do you remember watching Cassady run? or Don Southerin play? Rufus Mayes?

I remember paying the same $14 for student season tickets too; and Rufus Mayes was on the team then. Ohio state had two All-American offensive tackles (David Foley and Rufus Mayes). It was probably one of their all time best offensive lines.

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cincibuck;1237055; said:
I remember watching Hoppy run, and Jimmy Roseboro and Tom Matte and Bob Ferguson. My first visit to the 'shoe was to watch Cassedy his junior year. They lost to Illinois whose featured back was a kid named J.C. Caroline. Howdy Dowdy? Do I look like Phineas T. Bluster? Captain Video and the Space Cadets, the dancing pack of Old Gold Cigarettes, What's My Line? Hosted by Jon Daley with Bennet Cerf and Dorthy Killgallen and Audrey Meadows. How about Your Hit Parade with Snooky Lansen, Gizelle McKenzie and some blonde bimbo whose name escapes me. Hell, I remember Amos and Andy on RADIO along with Fibber McGee and Molly. But best of all was the magic line from Smilin' Ed McConnel and the Gang, "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy." Which I did, late at night, when I was sure the rest of the family was asleep -- and I didn't go blind.
You twanged your twanger over a frog? :wink2:
Rosemary Clooney was the blonde bimbo. She had a lot of hits of her own. and a great set of Gazoombas.
Paul and Mary Ford show.
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Back in the day not only did we walk five miles uphill in the snow to get to school, we had to twang our twangers to the aforementioned Dorothy Kilgallen (center back row).


H - A - W - T
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