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Time Warner is looking worse and worse.

Plain Dealer

Full statement from the Big Ten Network

There they go again.

Time Warner today publicly offered to air Buckeye football games on a pay per view basis. Time Warner is well aware that it cannot selectively choose to air a network's programming in lieu of full carriage. In addition, offering to do so to a customer base it has effectively ignored for the past year in not carrying the network is counter-productive and creates both confusion and false hope.

While proposals have recently been exchanged, there is a wide gap between what Time Warner and its other competitors would seem to agree is reasonable and fair. Somehow America's top cable operator, largest telephone company and two satellite providers have each decided to make the Big Ten Network available to their customers. There are another 230 or so similar companies, serving more than 55 million homes and seven out of every 10 folks in the eight Big Ten states, that each carry the network, too.

Time Warner has already had more than 18 months to decide to offer the Big Ten Network to its customers, and in a statement Wednesday said "we are ready to carry the network." Fine. Then they should carry the network, and at terms comparable to the network's other agreements. Or they should tell their customers they have decided not to. Either way, Buckeye fans deserve to know the truth.
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mstevmac;1236136; said:
Yet again, TW is shit and I will never pay to have their service again

I wish I could have another provider of cable down here , we rent so we are not allowed to have a dish, so we are pretty much screwed unless we go to friends house to watch a game.
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cincibuck;1234653; said:
Of course, in defense of TW, if we were playing, say Texas Tech or Vanderbilt or Kentucky or even Navy or Air Force; anybody other than an in-state Division subliminal team, ESPN might carry the game and we wouldn't need BTN.

Not necessarily....maybe if one of those games were the big OOC game (but that schedule would SUCK because it has no big ticket game if any of those teams were involved).....

By contract Ohio State will have 3 OOC games and at least 1 Big Ten game on the Big Ten network...
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Dryden;1236009; said:
I'm going to guess this doesn't happen. It's a play by TW to throw the ball back into Gene Smith's court, knowing full well he cannot break lockstep with the Big Ten and sign an independent deal. Once the BTN says, 'Hell no' to the offer, Time Warner will have a press release at the ready pushing the blame for the stalemate on Gene Smith.

If their position is weak to the point that they have to blame a singular AD out of 11, TW might as well quit now.
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exhawg;1236178; said:
Every day that goes by I feel better about ordering DirecTV and it isn't even hooked up yet.

After having it a day now- you'll feel even better when you do. So many incredible HD channels. I'm dropping off my TWC boxes tomorrow :biggrin: Only bad thing is most the stuff on BTN HD the past 2 days has been NW or Purdue. Can't wait until OSU cycles through.
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I checked the upcoming BTN schedule. Every OSU game they're replaying for the next few days is a loss.

I guess they're thinking that we'll get to see plenty of victories starting in about a week and they're just giving everyone else some equal time.
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jenkinswoody;1236196; said:
After having it a day now- you'll feel even better when you do. So many incredible HD channels. I'm dropping off my TWC boxes tomorrow :biggrin: Only bad thing is most the stuff on BTN HD the past 2 days has been NW or Purdue. Can't wait until OSU cycles through.

The cool thing about BTN is there's ALWAYS Buckeye replays on. The unfortunate thing is, it's losses more than wins. But if you think about it, it makes sense. We've been so dominant lately, that when a team beats us, it's automatically one of their best wins in the past decade or so. And they show a LOT of tOSU beating scUM, so that's a plus. Boy, it's great to be a Buckeye.

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Big Ten Network: Time Warner offer sacked
Per-game plan to broadcast Buckeyes games rejected
Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:03 AM
By Jeffrey Sheban


Time Warner Cable wants the Big Ten Network to make Ohio State football games available to its subscribers on a per-game basis.
Under terms of a temporary arrangement proposed yesterday, Time Warner said it would provide free converter boxes with pay-per-view capability to its subscribers.
Customers would pay the Big Ten Network to watch network programming; Time Warner would receive nothing.
The offer was quickly rejected by the Big Ten Network, which called it a publicity stunt.

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Big Ten football
Big Ten Network, Time Warner Cable talks contentious
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sports writer

Published on Saturday, Aug 23, 2008

The rhetoric is heating up in the effort to get the Big Ten Network on Time Warner Cable.
Time Warner on Friday issued a reply from Terry O'Connell, executive vice president of its Midwest region, to a letter written by Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Smith, who said he was disappointed that the cable company hadn't signed a deal with BTN and urged Buckeye fans who want to see the games to sign with other video services.
In the letter, Time Warner's O'Connell offers to supply customers who do not have the necessary equipment with a box to watch individual games on a pay-per-game basis, with the network keeping all of the revenue while it continues negotiating with BTN.
The Big Ten Network called calling that a publicity stunt because all of the BTN's deals require that the channel air first on the expanded basic tier in Big Ten Conference states.

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TW is going to lose a LOT of customers due to their incapability to sign a deal that they had about a year and a half to do. I'm not sure what their beef is with the BTN but I'm looking to see TW lose a LOT of money because of their selfishness ways
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