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To answer your PBS question, maybe ...

When we had Comcast, there were 2 PBS Stations (I assume they are the "free" ones that an antennae would pick up) and now that we have DTV, we still get the same 2 PBS channels.

Your DirecTV should pick up all of the local channels, so you should also be good with all 3 PBS ... but you will also get Noggin
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cincibuck;1237618; said:
Just finished with Time Warner and Direct. Seems the Miz signed us up for a price deal with TW last January. 24 months. It will cost me $80 to get rid of TW. ON the bright side: Direct offered me the Premier service which includes the NFL package (au resvoire Bengals) free for four months plus free hook up and three dvrs to set up the rest of the house. Then comes the bomb. They can't schedule me for service until September 9th. Questions: I now get three PBS stations (and most of the TV we watch, other than OSU football, is on PBS) will I still be able to get all three (CET in Cincinnati, KET in Covington and DET in Dayton) PBS stations?

Type in your zip code at the following link to find out which local channels you will get.

DIRECTV - Local Channels
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cincibuck;1237618; said:
Just finished with Time Warner and Direct. Seems the Miz signed us up for a price deal with TW last January. 24 months. It will cost me $80 to get rid of TW. ON the bright side: Direct offered me the Premier service which includes the NFL package (au resvoire Bengals) free for four months plus free hook up and three dvrs to set up the rest of the house. Then comes the bomb. They can't schedule me for service until September 9th. Questions: I now get three PBS stations (and most of the TV we watch, other than OSU football, is on PBS) will I still be able to get all three (CET in Cincinnati, KET in Covington and DET in Dayton) PBS stations?

YMMV on what locals you get. It used to be that you could still run an off air ant into your reciever but a lot of the new DTV equipment does not have that option. I was really kind of pissed off when we got our new DVR (had the old TiVO HD DTV) but couldn't get B10 Network in HD with it. So, when we made the switch to the new DVR I lost off air ant running into it. So, that all sucks eggs.

I could still runn the off air into the TVs themselves... and I may if I ever get up the nerve to get that far up on my roof...

So, if it is a big issue for you, ask them what options you have in terms of recievers and see if you can get something that has off air inputs... or run off air directly into the TV.

Best of luck. Frankly, I don't miss the off air too much. We picked up a few extra local things (e.g. NBC 5 in Chicago had a weather channel and some other stuff)... but it's hardly worth flipping out over with B10 Network in HD. Fair trade. Cake or eat it I guess.


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Not sure how legit this is...

Ohio State Buckeyes - BTN and TW Reach a Deal

Posted August 25th, 2008 by George Thomas

Sources familiar with negotiations said that the Big Ten Network and Time Warner Cable have reached an agreement in principle for carriage of the year-old cable network in time for this weekend’s Ohio State Buckeyes season opener against Youngstown State Saturday.

The deal calls for Time Warner to carry the channel on expanded basic on all of its systems in the eight-states where Big Ten schools operate. As recently as Friday, it looked as if an agreement wouldn’t be reached in time to broadcast the game.

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From BigTenNetwork:

Time Warner Cable Statement - August 25, 2008 - Big Ten Network

Joint Statement from Time Warner Cable and the Big Ten Network

Editor's note: Executives from the Big Ten Network and Time Warner Cable issued the following statement on Monday night, August 25, 2008:

Time Warner Cable and the Big Ten Network announced today that they have reached an agreement-in-principle on terms of carriage for the Big Ten Network and its high-definition and video-on-demand programming on Time Warner Cable's line-ups throughout the Big Ten territory, including Ohio and Wisconsin. The pending agreement will ensure that Time Warner Cable's customers across these Big Ten states will have access to this Saturday's Big Ten college football season openers and all future Big Ten Network programming on an expanded basic level of service.
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15 year deal with ESPN, $12+ million per school per year.
Double the $$ of big ten network, not counting the much greater exposure...


ESPN - ESPN signs 15-year deal with SEC - College Sports
No way. Combine the BTN revenue with that of the Big Ten's other agreements, and the Big Ten is already at the $15 million/year/school mark. BTN revenues are expected to double when the network is running at full capacity. The Big Ten will be more like $20 million per year.
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Does expanded basic mean you need a box? I'm heading back to Ohio for the weekend and I thought I was going to have to find a friend with a satellite. If expanded basic is the "normal" cable that my parents have, without a box, it will make it easier for me :)
Expanded basic is straight from the wall, no converter box. Usually the lowest level of cable that includes 50-60 channels.
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