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BuckeyeTillIDie;1237117; said:
I remember when it was $20 a game for one student ticket. Ah, the good ole days.
Yeah? Well I remember having to listen to some of the games on the radio back in the day because not every game was broadcast on TV!

Oh ... wait ... what was this thread about?
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Dryden;1237121; said:
Yeah? Well I remember having to listen to some of the games on the radio back in the day because not every game was broadcast on TV!

Oh ... wait ... what was this thread about?

I remember when the only game that got broadcast on TV was the Michigan game and if you were lucky maybe you got one other nationally prominent Buckeye game....Stanford an Elway....Oklahoma an Erxleben(sp)....
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Bob Hunter commentary: Big Ten TV mess sullies anyone involved in it

Sunday, August 24, 2008 3:42 AM
By Bob Hunter

News that athletic director Gene Smith had sent a letter to Ohio State football ticket-holders and alumni suggesting that Time Warner subscribers change cable providers caused me to see him in a different light.
If he has recommendations for cable television, which many subscribers have bundled with telephone and Internet service, I wondered if he also had suggestions for those. Would he recommend the unlimited long distance package or a pay-as-you-go plan with a flat rate for each local call? Cable Internet service, satellite or DSL?
Or maybe he could suggest a painting contractor for a little work around my home. And plumbing. Anyone needing a good, reliable plumber might want to check Angie's, er, Gene's List.

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If anyone is in Windstream phone country they are running a special now on their DSL for $20 for the first year with no phone service. After the first year their cheapest plan is $35 for 1.5 MB if you don't have phone service. If you do bundle it is cheaper. I have Vonage so I can't bundle. Most DSL providers will offer DSL without the phone and it usually is cheaper than RR alone as long as you are good with 1.5-3 MB connections. I don't think I get more than 1.5 with RR anyway in my area.
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Just finished with Time Warner and Direct. Seems the Miz signed us up for a price deal with TW last January. 24 months. It will cost me $80 to get rid of TW. ON the bright side: Direct offered me the Premier service which includes the NFL package (au resvoire Bengals) free for four months plus free hook up and three dvrs to set up the rest of the house. Then comes the bomb. They can't schedule me for service until September 9th. Questions: I now get three PBS stations (and most of the TV we watch, other than OSU football, is on PBS) will I still be able to get all three (CET in Cincinnati, KET in Covington and DET in Dayton) PBS stations?
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cincibuck;1237618; said:
Then comes the bomb. They can't schedule me for service until September 9th.
This is the worst time to order DirecTV because they offer that NFL deal every year and it always generates a lot of business which causes long backups to be installed. Same thing happened to me last year when I ordered, but it's well worth it once you have it. I imagine they're getting even more backed up in Columbus with people also switching to get BTN.
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Buckeye Nut;1237633; said:
This is the worst time to order DirecTV because they offer that NFL deal every year and it always generates a lot of business which causes long backups to be installed. Same thing happened to me last year when I ordered, but it's well worth it once you have it. I imagine they're getting even more backed up in Columbus with people also switching to get BTN.

I'm glad I called a week ago. Getting setup Wednesday.
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