Muck;2157007; said:
MUP rates them among the Top 25 research institutions in the US ahead of Purdue, Sparty, Indiana, Iowa & UNL.
Please Identify which of the following MUPs (source: is your MUP:
MuP Manchester University Press (UK)
MUP Master of Urban Planning
MUP Multiple UNC Provider
MUP Medically Underserved Population
MUP Master Use Permit (construction)
MUP major urinary protein
MUP Mashup (web application that combines content from more than one source )
MUP Movimiento de Unidad Popular (Spanish)
MUP Motor Unit Potential
MUP Multi-Use Path
MUP Mission to Unreached Peoples (Seattle, WA)
MUP Manufacturing Use Product (EPA)
MUP Michigan's Upper Peninsula
MUP Manual Unpacking
MUP Millersville University of Pennsylvania
MUP Ministarstvo Unutrasnih Poslova (ministry of internal affairs - Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia)
MUP Movimento para a Mobiliza??o e Unidade dos Professores
MUP Missouri Union Presbytery
MUP Mobile Upload
MUP Master Update Program
MuP Multiple User Personality (message boards)
MUP Most Urgent Packet
MUP Metrics Utilization Plan
MUP Methyl Umbelliferone Phosphate
MUP Martin's Unit=Power (hip hop group; Haiti)
MUP Mixed Use Project (zoning)
MUP Man Utd People (Manchester United fan forum)
MUP Mobile Update Package