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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Piney;1968256; said:
Funny, last night the lightbulb in my head went on... IF aTm goes to the SEC... kinda frees up the politics for Texas to move conferences. I wouldn't put it past Delaney to come up with this type of chess move. Taking Nebraska kicks off the Texas v aTm feud that allows Delaney to go for the checkmate.

I thought that was one of the sticking points when the conference realignment happened originally. The fact that Texas would not leave aTm floating in the wind without a conference. If the B1G wanted Texas, they would have to take aTm as a package deal. I also remember that if aTm could be "taken care of", then Texas could go on it's own. This could be the "in" that the B1G is looking for to get Texas.

The question is, does the B1G want Texas and it's drama. If Texas comes in as an equal partner without the LHN, I say yes.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1968291; said:
I thought that was one of the sticking points when the conference realignment happened originally. The fact that Texas would not leave aTm floating in the wind without a conference. If the B1G wanted Texas, they would have to take aTm as a package deal. I also remember that if aTm could be "taken care of", then Texas could go on it's own. This could be the "in" that the B1G is looking for to get Texas.

I believe Texas Tech was more of an issue. A&M would have been welcome into the Big Ten, SEC or PAC...Tech not so much. Baylor doesn't seem to be in the discussion this time around like they were back in 93-94...of course the Governor now is an A&M grad and not a Baylor one (Ann Richards).

Remember Gee's email quoted "Tech problem".

Buckeyefrankmp;1968291; said:
The question is, does the B1G want Texas and it's drama. If Texas comes in as an equal partner without the LHN, I say yes.

Without the Texas mafia (A&M, Baylor, Tech) & latecomers to their posse (Oklahoma, OK St) UT loses most of the sharpness from their horns.
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Piney;1968287; said:
True, the LHN does become an issue. Probably moreso for the Big Ten than the Pac 12. The PAC 12 could say that LHN becomes a defacto 'regional' network for the state of Texas.

I would have thought the LHN would kill the Big 10 move, but it was interesting the workaround that was put out there on the Northwestern Board. It really comes down to how bad does Delaney wants this (especially if it comes with getting Notre Dame in the Big Ten)

Not saying I would be for this or not... probably not... but it is interesting at what lengths it is being discussed behind closed doors.

I can see Texas and Oklahoma in the PAC, along with 2 others from among Okla St/TTech/Mizzou/Kansas, depending on politics and markets.

Texas has said that they don't want to be independent, but they've shown that what they say publicly isn't necessarily so. I think the LHN is the deal-breaker for the B1G, plus Tom Osborne has to be clanging warning bells for his new conference friends, so I can't see that happening.

But if Texas goes to the PAC, then ND will have a tough time staying independent. Texas in the PAC means that four 16-team conferences are almost a sure thing, and the 4 conference champion playoff scenario could shut out anybody not included from the future playoff picture. So ND would have a realistic choice between the B1G and the remnants of the ACC/Big East (after a few choice schools have been acquired by the SEC and the B1G), which would probably combine to form the fourth 16-team league.

I see a key question being whether Delany will try to get both Texas and ND, or whether he's willing to work with Larry Scott in order to accomplish Texas to the PAC and ND to the B1G.
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Muck;1968297; said:
I believe Texas Tech was more of an issue. A&M would have been welcome into the Big Ten, SEC or PAC...Tech not so much. Baylor doesn't seem to be in the discussion this time around like they were back in 93-94...of course the Governor now is an A&M grad and not a Baylor one (Ann Richards).

Remember Gee's email quoted "Tech problem".

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1968307; said:
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I forgot to mention that the Texas legislature is out of session until 2013 (seriously) so unless a special session is called so it'll be more difficult for them to wield the banhammer on any moves made by A&M or other schools right now.
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Muck;1968314; said:
I forgot to mention that the Texas legislature is out of session until 2013 (seriously) so unless a special session is called it'll be difficult for them to wield the banhammer on any moves made by A&M or other schools right now.

Do they getting paid for 2012?

If we have not found a way to fix the "tech problem", then any talk of Texas to the B1G is pointless.
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The (un)official Texas mouthpiece *cough* douchenozzle *cough* weighs in...

D-Day appears imminent for 10-member Big 12

Three sources close to the situation said Texas A&M's regents board will meet on August 22 to deliberate and likely vote on an application to join the Southeastern Conference as early as 2012.

Texas A&M System spokesman Jason Cook denied reports that A&M has already agreed to join the SEC.

"There's no agreement in principle, nothing," Cook told Orangebloods.com.

Two sources said the SEC presidents are being gathered Saturday in an emergency meeting to address the possible addition of Texas A&M.

The question is if anything can slow the apparent momentum. Sources across the Big 12 said lawmakers were being contacted in hopes of reaching Texas A&M officials to fully consider preserving all the history and tradition between Texas A&M and the Texas schools in the Big 12.

On Friday, the House Higher Education Committee in the Texas Legislature scheduled a meeting for Aug. 16 to take up the issue. Last year, legislative hearings were called right before the Big 12 - on the verge of breakup last June - came back together.

Sources say the Aggies' nine-member regents board is leaning toward leaving the Big 12 and are being fueled by a lack of confidence in the current configuration of the league - i.e. the relationship between Texas and ESPN (the Longhorn Network) and how it could negatively impact the rest of the members.

There's growing concern in the Big 12 that A&M is already well down the road toward joining the SEC.

According to multiple sources close to the situation, Aggies' president Bowen Loftin met with SEC officials prior to an Aug. 1 meeting among Big 12 athletic directors in Dallas to discuss how to co-exist with Texas and its Longhorn Network (LHN).

Loftin apparently aired A&M's grievances against LHN to SEC officials during the meeting. Cook said he wasn't aware of any such meeting.

"I think this is pretty far along," one administrator at a Big 12 school said of A&M's courtship with the SEC.


Meanwhile on the A&M rivals site...

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Piney;1968256; said:
Now here is a question... what if Texas wants to join the Big 10 now? What is the Nebraska reaction? Heck, what is the rest of the Big Ten's reaction if Texas is giving some pass on the BTN due to the LHN? ie 'special priviliges'?

DO NOT WANT. I think I can freely speak for Nebraska Fan when I say that we do not in any way ever wish to be in a conference with Texas again.

To be clear, that is entirely focused on the Texas Way, as perpetrated by their administration, boosters, and hangers-on. It has nothing to do with their athletics, academics or fans, all of which are wonderful. Oddly enough, I think Nebraska Fan quite enjoyed competing athletically against Texas, even though they beat us 9-1 or some such number. We competed in most every one of those games, and had chances to win. In Volleyball, Nebraska's #2 sport, we had some absolutely epic matches against the Longhorns. We even had great basketball games against them, upsetting them once or twice.

For who/what Mack Brown is, I like the guy. He's always been very complimentary towards Nebraska/Nebraska Fan, and he's a decent sort of guy (as used-car salesmen go). Texas Fan is a good person, great to have visit your town and overall quite genial. ShaggyBevo Texas Fan is not representative of their fanbase, and while they're entertaining, they are far more crude than the typical Texas fan.

Austin, from what I hear, is a beautiful city that is wonderful to visit. I haven't had the pleasure, but those who have say nothing but great things about the city.

So our dislike of Texas is solely focused on the Texas-centric method of running a conference that they seem incapable of doing away with. Ask our Arkansas fan friends about this. They, too, have nothing good to say about Texas, and for very good reason.

Texas was a primary motivating factor in the dissolution of the Southwestern Conference. Less than 20 years later they may be the primary motivating factor in the dissolution of the Big XII. I do not see any reason to believe they would change their ways if they joined the Big Ten. It would take a very strong conference commissioner to stop the balance of power from being shared equally to becoming more Texas-based, and while I think Delany is more than capable of doing this, he won't be around forever, and Texas will. Once Delany is gone, if his successor does not have the same iron backbone, you will see the erosion and eventual implosion of the qualities you all hold dear about the Big Ten, the unity of purpose, the camaraderie, the egalite.

And how does Nebraska's reaction change if Oklahoma is brought into the Big Ten along with Texas and the Big Ten does things right and restores the Nebraska v Oklahoma game to it's rightful place?

I am ambivalent towards a renewal of the Oklahoma/Nebraska rivalry, especially if it includes Texas in any way. If Texas is brought along, there will be no Oklahoma/Nebraska. It will just be what it's been since the formation of the Big XII.

For all the grief Nebraska has received for its academic shortcomings, Oklahoma makes Nebraska look like the Harvard of the Plains. Oklahoma is the prototypical Football Factory. Their academics suck. While they are a national brand that would improve the ability of the BTN to sell itself nationwide, they would do nothing to further the academics of the conference - or, to put it a different way, they would do less than even Nebraska is capable of doing to further the Big Ten's academic standing, and would in fact drop it down significantly.

I am not against Oklahoma joining the Big Ten. But I'm not holding my breath hoping for it, either.
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BB73;1968299; said:
Texas in the PAC means that four 16-team conferences are almost a sure thing, and the 4 conference champion playoff scenario could shut out anybody not included from the future playoff picture. So ND would have a realistic choice between the B1G and the remnants of the ACC/Big East (after a few choice schools have been acquired by the SEC and the B1G), which would probably combine to form the fourth 16-team league.

I don't think you could ever have a playoff with just the 4 winners from the 16 team conferences. Not unless the NCAA dropped the other current FBS teams down to a different division. Otherwise there would probably be a big anti trust lawsuit. You would almost have to have an 8 team playoff that included at least one guaranteed spot for a non super conference team.
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MaliBuckeye;1967899; said:
UT and ND to the B1G? Or aTm?


(who had pretty dead on connections to the B1G offices last summer)

Wow, interesting stuff to consider from PBC. The potential for Texas to join, for them to continue to keep the LHN, and for them to keep the profits from LHN and not share in the BTN profits.

IF Texas does decide that the B1G is the right place to go and agrees to the above, will the BTN get into the basic tier cable in Texas, or will that deal never happen? Could be a huge windfall for BTN or could be a big nothing.

Also interesting that Texas could potentially join the conference without any of their "yes men" (TT, Baylor, aTm, etc). One of the things I like about Nebraska was that they were pretty much on their own island sometimes in the votes in the Big XII (11-1) and didn't care how the other schools voted. They kept an open mind and voted for what was best for them. If Texas joins on their own, they'll be on their own island and won't have a block of votes to cast for their own personal agenda. Nebraska fans have to love that aspect IF they were to join.

I'm still not digging Texas joining the conference, but PBC's such and the logic above make it feasible for them to join without the drama. At this point though, it seems impossible for the longhorns to play nice with its other conference mates. I'll be damned if they're going to break up this conference too. Either be one of us and accept the fact that you are an equal member of this coference, or be that greedy whore who's only concerned with #1 and go join the Big East with TCU where you can ruin yet another conference. Should be much easier to ruin that conference than the last two.
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Psalty;1968336; said:
I don't think you could ever have a playoff with just the 4 winners from the 16 team conferences. Not unless the NCAA dropped the other current FBS teams down to a different division. Otherwise there would probably be a big anti trust lawsuit. You would almost have to have an 8 team playoff that included at least one guaranteed spot for a non super conference team.

The argument is that the big 64 would break away from the NCAA & just run their four team playoff/championship.

The remaining 50 or so NCAA Div 1 teams would of course be welcome to keep the bowl system or play their own tournament if they so desire.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1968384; said:
No way in hell Delany would do that deal.
According to Purple Book Cat, who is on the inside and nailed things in the last go around, that's what has been proposed to Texas. And if Texas gets on board, ND would jump on as well to get us to 14. As of that post, Texas and ND had been given offers to join the Big Ten and Texas A&M hadn't, but was on the fast track to get an offer. Obviously the ship has sailed on Texas A&M.
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