But I will add that, like conference strengths, these thing are quite cyclical over time.
It may be inexorable.
Generally, settlement of the US moved from the East Coast to the Midwest. Big cities grew around rivers and canals. Those cities were then the primary targets of the development of railroads. When industrialization hit that was where the labor and resources and transportation systems were.
Fewer and fewer folks now rely on industry for jobs. They can live where they like, and they like to be warm. (But not too warm - which is why A/C was important.)
Immigration issues, overpopulation, and budget crisis might cause a push back - but in general the folks who moved South (and West) like it there. I winter in Florida myself and if it weren't for the grand kids might consider a permanent move.
However, there is one related silver lining vis-a-vis football and it is one of the reasons I have some confidence in our chances with Texas. That is the myth of the PAC 10 TV market.
Folks in California, Washington, Oregon and Arizona have real lives. They hike, and bike and surf and do all kinds of other fun stuff - even on Saturday afternoons in the fall.
With the target PAC 10 Texas will play almost all of their games in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and Colorado. The chances that folks in San Francisco or LA are going to sit down to watch Texas play Oklahoma St just because they are now PAC 10 teams are pretty slim. And if they don't watch where is the extra revenue that makes it worthwhile for Texas to do a 16 way split? What will drive this hypothetical PAC-10 TV Network?
In the Midwest we circle the last Saturday in August and make sure all of our yearly chores are done. We sit down in our recliners and stare straight ahead waiting for some football. And those marginal fans who rake the leaves during Purdue-Minnie are going to let them pile up during Texas-Purdue and Nebraska-Minnie.
Until you marry her and she blackmails you with threats of divorce every year.
For the record, I intend to respond to this.
I just have to wait til my wife goes to bed.