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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
powerlifter;1660721; said:
The same people that say they don't give a [censored] about any opponent in the big ten will be the same people whining about how the buckeyes are getting screwed by the polls,and act as if some conspiracy is taking place and/or how the big ten gets little credit. I would gladly take a win over a higher ranked michigan every year. Do I give a [censored] about michigan? No,but I do give a [censored] about quality wins that can lead to higher rankings. There is a bigger picture..

Just win your 1 big OOC game and everything will be gravy if Ohio St runs the table.
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zwem;1660737; said:
Which conference would ND's academics and culture fit? Which would be the best conference for them if they were to join one?

The priests and alumni have already proven (1999) that they will overrule their faculty's academic interests in favor of what's best for the football program. My guess is that they'd, once again, pass up CIC membership in favor of a weak-ass Big East that they think they could control--both on and off the field.
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BUCKYLE;1660738; said:
Our conference is seen as weak, yet we still have two teams in the BCS.
Simma...talking hypothetically about the value of conference rep, not your actual season or actual rep. Do you think a one loss Big-10 team would have lost to a one loss SEC Champ in 08 or 09 for the BCS No. 2 spot - and have it come down to a hundredth or thousandth of a point, 'cause I don't....

We would have won the vote going away. Would it be fair? Who cares - not the point I was making.
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Jozymozy;1660727; said:
A buddy of mine brought this(NY Market exposure) up to me...not a bad point. The only thing is, they only get exposure as long as they're winning. As unlikely as it may be, I would rather see Pittsburgh join us. They already fit the profile, both geography wise and philosophy wise, and have an instant in-state rivalry with the Nittany Lions.

And bring little-to-nothing to the conference. There's no additional revenue to be had by adding P-burgh.

Jozy said:
Mizzou- not a bad second choice.

Notre Dame? Nah. They want to keep playing for nothing each year, let them. Good luck.

Jozy said:
Texas/Nebraska- WAY too far away. It doesn't make sense (with the Longhorns, especially) to drag these guys thousands of miles out of the way to complete their conference schedule.

Distance is, IMO, almost irrelevant. It takes as much time to fly and drive to the Big Ten areas to play as it does most of the po-dunk joints in the Big 12. Furthermore, the money that Texas would gain (or be privy to) would more than overwhelm any travel expenses.

zwem;1660737; said:
They are the only two on that list that I thought would fit.

Texas just isn't a good fit. What would Texas do about their OOC schedule? Their rivals are Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Baylor, and Texas Tech. I know most people don't care about that, but what about hardcore Texas fans who care about their rivalries? The history and tradition of the big ten would drop. It has always been about the Midwest. Texas belongs in the conference they are in with the rivalries and location.

Most Texas fans I've talked to could give two shits about Baylor and Texas Tech. Most would love to rid themselves of their little brothe TAMU. With the amount of rivalries that REALLY matter, it's almost a non-issue.

zwem said:
ND already has rivalries with several teams in the big ten. It seems in recent years Ohio St fans just flat out hate ND. I don't know why but if they joined you guys could pound on them. Which conference would ND's academics and culture fit? Which would be the best conference for them if they were to join one?

They should join the Big East or ACC. Then dwindle into nothingness.
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zwem;1660737; said:
They are the only two on that list that I thought would fit.

Texas just isn't a good fit. What would Texas do about their OOC schedule? Their rivals are Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Baylor, and Texas Tech. I know most people don't care about that, but what about hardcore Texas fans who care about their rivalries? The history and tradition of the big ten would drop. It has always been about the Midwest. Texas belongs in the conference they are in with the rivalries and location.

I don't see what being average in football has anything to do with it. Pitt actually had a good year and their biggest loss was by a touchdown. They aren't a powerhouse, but they could have probably finished in the top 3 or 4 in the big ten last year. The big negative is they don't bring in a new market.

ND already has rivalries with several teams in the big ten. It seems in recent years Ohio St fans just flat out hate ND. I don't know why but if they joined you guys could pound on them. Which conference would ND's academics and culture fit? Which would be the best conference for them if they were to join one?

I would rather stay at 11 than add pitt, there is no gain for the conference, sure it helps pitt but in what way to they improve the big10?

and you are right, no other conference makes sense for ND, but this isnt about what is best for them, its whats best for us.

As for texas, they dont care about baylor or tech. Oklahoma would probally still get played every season in OOC, and I think they would give up one rivalry game if they had to in order to keep from getting stuck in a dying conference because if we dont take them, i think we do take missouri who also makes more sense than ND or Pitt.

If we are gonna expand it has to be texas OR missouri + two of Rutgers/syracuse/uconn/pitt/ND otherwise i dont see the point in bothering to expand at all.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1660747; said:
I would rather stay at 11 than add pitt, there is no gain for the conference, sure it helps pitt but in what way to they improve the big10?

and you are right, no other conference makes sense for ND, but this isnt about what is best for them, its whats best for us.

As for texas, they dont care about baylor or tech. Oklahoma would probally still get played every season in OOC, and I think they would give up one rivalry game if they had to in order to keep from getting stuck in a dying conference because if we dont take them, i think we do take missouri who also makes more sense than ND or Pitt.

If we are gonna expand it has to be texas OR missouri + two of Rutgers/syracuse/uconn/pitt/ND otherwise i dont see the point in bothering to expand at all.

The big 12 isn't a dead conference. It's usually a top 3 conference year in and year out. I also don't see Texas coming in because why would they want to travel a good distance just for their road games? I really don't see how it benefits them if they join the Big Ten. Sure it helps the Big Ten, but how does it help them?

I wouldn't mind Missouri. They wouldn't be a bad fit.
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zwem;1660773; said:
The big 12 isn't a dead conference. It's usually a top 3 conference year in and year out. I also don't see Texas coming in because why would they want to travel a good distance just for their road games? I really don't see how it benefits them if they join the Big Ten. Sure it helps the Big Ten, but how does it help them?
Read this article that muffler dragon linked 3 pages ago in this thread. Best article on Texas's situation I've read in regards to B10 expansion. Makes some great points on what Texas has to gain here... from Texas's perspective, no less.

muffler dragon;1660462; said:
Enjoyable read that was originally posted at shaggybevo:

Barking Carnival ? Blog ? Being Bill Powers
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zwem;1660773; said:
Sure it helps the Big Ten, but how does it help them?

12 million more in television money right out of the gate, and that's not making any account for the fact that the addition of the Texas market would substantially increase the size of the BTN's pie.

Academic affiliation with the CIC and a strengthened research profile.

BTW, the dollar amounts involved in the latter dwarf any money considerations for athletics.
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The big 12 isn't a dead conference.
How about after Colorado bolts for the pac-10 & Missouri wants to head for the big-10? What if Nebraska wants to tag along?
I also don't see Texas coming in because why would they want to travel a good distance just for their road games?
Playing a premiere opponent at home would be a big change of pace. Look at this home lineup for season ticket holders:

09 - La-Monroe, Tx Tech, UTEP, Colorado, UCF, Kansas. :sick1:

In the expansion format (which would likely include Texas A&M), they would be playing one of OSU, PSU or UM during most seasons (obviously rotating home and away).
I really don't see how it benefits them if they join the Big Ten.
They clear 100 million in added revenue over a decade under the current revenue stream. With a huge addition in viewership and advertising, the revenue is projected to skyrocket much higher.

Huge academic perks, which could inspire them to add a medical school to cash in on those benefits.
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jwinslow;1660780; said:

Thanks for the very entertaining link. Looks like the Longhorns have their retard problem well under control.

God damn, you're a fucking idiot. Maybe this will make sense to a moron like you:

Big 10 = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Big 12 = $$$$

Do you have Alzheimer's or are you really just this fucking stupid? The increase in Texas's grants wouldn't come out of Michigan's share. Both schools would get more grants, especially Texas.
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