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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

I would caution OSU fans on two fronts.

1. Be careful of what you wish.

2. Don't expect to be warmly embraced and welcomed back by fans in the other 49 states, any of the Canadian provinces except, perhaps, Labrador, and any country ending in "slavia."

Isn't that just the way we like it?
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Tonight, Ohio State football fans are hoping for ...

A loss by either No. 1 or No. 2 would be good for No. 3

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Gene Smith, the Ohio State University athletic director, has a choice between two Christmas parties tonight. Electronics could play a role.
"It could be determined," Smith laughed, "based on who has the largest television."
Like Smith, college football fans nationwide will keep an eye on two pivotal games tonight that will help determine who plays in the Jan. 7 national championship game. No. 1 Missouri and No. 2 West Virginia both play ? Missouri is an underdog to Oklahoma ? and a loss by either team likely would put No. 3 Ohio State in the title game.

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College football
Buckeyes watching showdown
Missouri and Oklahoma game today will decide more than a Big 12 Conference championship
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Saturday, Dec 01, 2007
Never before have two men from Ohio who haven't coached at Ohio State held so much sway over the school's perennial powerhouse of a football program.
Kenmore's Gary Pinkel, coach of Missouri, and Youngstown's Bob Stoops, coach of Oklahoma, and their teams meet tonight at 8 in a showdown that will probably determine whether the Buckeyes will be smelling roses or dancing down Bourbon Street come January.
That, however, is the worry of the Buckeyes.

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I'd much rather face Pat White and the Mountaineers in NEW ORLEANS than face the USC Trogans in LOS ANGELES.

Pitt is pathetic. They could bring back Dorset and still have nothing to go against WVU.

On the other hand, should a miracle take place, we could wind up with what, the Bucks and whom? Hawaii?
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cincibuck;1013202; said:
I'd much rather face Pat White and the Mountaineers in NEW ORLEANS than face the USC Trogans in LOS ANGELES.

Pitt is pathetic. They could bring back Dorset and still have nothing to go against WVU.

On the other hand, should a miracle take place, we could wind up with what, the Bucks and whom? Hawaii?

Let's hope for a miracle. But more likely the Warriors will go to the Sugar Bowl. And tOSU will play WV, but I'd rather see us play Missouri - we haven't handled the spread offense very well.

toledoblade.com -- Lot riding on Hawaii victory

The Warriors are right where they want to be, 12th in the Bowl Championship Series standings. They'll need to stay there when the final standings are released tomorrow to land in one of the choice bowl games.

With a win, the Warriors could be headed to the Sugar Bowl - their first postseason appearance outside the Aloha State since the 1992 Holiday Bowl.
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methomps;1012849; said:
It wasn't the same situation. In 2003, they voted USC #1 in their final regular season poll. They did this with no idea that USC wouldn't be going to the BCS NC game. USC won in the Rose Bowl and the AP voters kept them at #1. In 2004, they voted Auburn #3 in their final regular season poll. Their #1 team (USC) won, and they kept that team #1.

Is that kind of like the USC version of no one beat us in overtime?

The AP writers knew full good and well USC was going to end up a distant #3 in the final BCS just like everyone else at the end of the regular season. The only question was between OSU and LSU for #2. OSU lost to scUM and LSU went.

The AP writers chose to keep USC #1 knowing it could cause a split NC if they won the RB. It was pretty widly discussed at the time.

The sportwriters used a double standard for USC and Auburn in '03/'04.
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cincibuck;1013202; said:
I'd much rather face Pat White and the Mountaineers in NEW ORLEANS than face the USC Trogans in LOS ANGELES.

Pitt is pathetic. They could bring back Dorset and still have nothing to go against WVU.

Yeah, but Tony's in his 50's now, so he's lost a step. :tongue2:
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the way pitt COULD stop wvu (which this was mentioned before) is to keep the wvu offense off the field. All pitt has is a running game, if the can hold the ball for 35-45 min of the game, that would only allow for wvu offense time for maybe 21-28 points. running at the 3-3-5 and getting at least 2 first downs each possession (obviously scores need to happen too) would shorten the game giving pitt a better chance. if uconn would have ran more to help their def they could have hung in it longer.

the other thing is regardless who we play...WVU,Missouri,USC, i feel that the 35-40 day bashing of OSU is just what our defense needs to hear. last year it was flipped and osu got fat and happy on top while flor was stewing for the month. i can only imagine lauranitis and ghoulston stewing and how they would play when everyone is saying "you guys blow" not to mention how beanie loves to hear that.

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jlb1705;1013304; said:
Which of VT's two losses (LSU, BC) doesn't count anymore?

Speaking of Va Tech....

I was thinking about them the other day and you know, if it weren't for that BC comeback in the final minutes of their first meeting, it would be the Hokies and not the Buckeyes who would be hoping for a Missouri loss tonight against Oklahoma. Or maybe it might be Missouri and/or West Virginia hoping for a VT loss against BC today because VT might have been in front of them in the polls at this point.

Thank God for that BC comeback! Without that game, the Buckeyes would probably need a BC win in the ACC Championship today along with a Missouri and/or West Virginia loss to get to New Orleans.

Go Sooners because Pitt is gonna get stomped!!!!

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Jaxbuck;1013298; said:
The AP writers chose to keep USC #1 knowing it could cause a split NC if they won the RB. It was pretty widly discussed at the time.

The sportwriters used a double standard for USC and Auburn in '03/'04.

The AP voters individually decided that USC was the #1 team in the country. They were #2 and then Oklahoma (#1 at the time) lost to Kansas State. Ohio State was out, since they lost to Michigan (for their second loss). LSU moved up from 3 to 2. I'm pretty sure that the coaches' poll had the same top 3.

Despite being #1 in both polls, USC was #3 in the final BCS standings, and Oklahoma stayed #1 in the BCS standings. The writers, in my opinion, weren't voting based on their speculations as to who would be #1 in the BCS. They were voting on who they thought was the best team in the country.
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