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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

Palpie;1010054; said:
One of the funniest things about the whole 2003 thing was the BCS did exactly what it was designed to do. There were 3 1-loss teams and the two most worthy, by the formula jointly agreed upon before the season, were picked. But since the mighty all-knowing media's favorite USC was the one rejected, the BCS had the be worng and was ripped.

And then immediatley embraced the next year when it gave them the results they wanted (USC in the NC game) and left out an undefeated Auburn.

If you apply the same rules in both years you either have 1/2 a NC both times for USC or one NC in 2004.
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Jaxbuck;1010579; said:
which of course is Swedish for "goofy looking cocksucker"

Funny he doesn't look Swedish

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I'm originally from St.Louis, and I'm a fan of the Cardinals, so I post on a St.Louis based message board, and my oh my, Mizzou fans are clueless:

Why should he be? If Missouri loses to one of the best teams in the nation, his team gets to face middling Ohio State for a national championship. The bastard will be doing backflips.
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Miles' press conference is indicative of why we want him at TSUN. He is talking about having only 2 losses, and that both are in OT - by the old system, they would have 2 ties. He says something like "let's say those 2 ties would equal 1 loss" - then he goes on to say "you show me another school that has 1 loss...in overtime" .... Les, you just turned ovetime losses into ties, so OT is not a factor. There are lots of other schools with just one loss - you have 2 losses in OT, not 1. His logic is funny - if he had another 2 minutes to talk, he probably could have convinced himself that they were already 13-0.
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Didn't see this linked anywhere. Actually points out that the SEC is not the uberconfrence so many believe.

SEC vs. the Other Conferences: A Look at the Evidence - The Quad - Sports - New York Times Blog

One of the comments:
Well then let us dumb ole southern folks suggest this. Whomever your favorite team is. Drop your conference and come on down to play a real ?complete? schedule in the SEC. By doing this you will receive two very important things. The first is a conference that pays each institution a great deal of money from a fan base that spends money like it snows where you guys are located. And another thing you would consistently receive is a football season that NO GAMES are EASY. Your teams will also end up with one or two losses a year. Take your pick,,,West Virginia, Ohio State, Oklahoma, USC, Missouri, Oregon,,,,If any of these schools played an SEC schedule. They WOULD NOT BE IN CONTENTION for a possible National Championship. One more thing for you guys to ponder. When you witness the SEC in bowl games. More times than not. If you pay very close attention. Most SEC schools are practicing for the upcoming year. Sure each of our schools play to win. But our success is based on what we do in our conference. There are only two bowls that are important to all of us. The location of the current years National Championship and next years championship. Not the opinion of Hockey Sports Writers in New York. So step up and come on down to the best conference. You will get to eat good food,,,watch great football,,,and set on edge of your seat each and every game hoping your team can win,,,and one more very important point of football,,,your recruiting base will EXPLODE,,,,so all you go ahead,,,,spank me if you don?t like,,,does not matter,,,,most of you have never even put a cup between your legs,,that is for drinking ?tea?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm pretty sure he's completely serious. Some other funny comments too, including one guy refering to OSU as a "fat, bloated big 10 team"
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Palpie;1010977; said:
Didn't see this linked anywhere. Actually points out that the SEC is not the uberconfrence so many believe.

SEC vs. the Other Conferences: A Look at the Evidence - The Quad - Sports - New York Times Blog

One of the comments:

I'm pretty sure he's completely serious. Some other funny comments too, including one guy refering to OSU as a "fat, bloated big 10 team"

I love the rational for bowls games the SEC now has too. Just to cover their butts if they win they are great, if they lose they were really playing for next year because all they care about is the NCG. Wow if that was true there must be a whole mess of disappointed southerns every year.
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Shoving an ice pick into the BCS balloon

By Mark Gokavi
Staff Writer

Friday, November 30, 2007
The Bowl Championship Series is better than leagues being tied to certain bowl games. Of course, getting pricked by a pin is better than getting stabbed in the eye by an ice pick. But it's still not good.
No, this isn't a playoff system rant (that likely comes next week). This is about the random nature of the polls and BCS rankings depending on when and where teams lose.

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It's not Buckeyes' fault they've come so far Published on Friday, Nov 30, 2007

The West Virginia Mountaineers have yet to succumb to a bite from the Pitt Panthers. The Oklahoma Sooners have yet to steamroll the Missouri Tigers.
So why are the Ohio State Buckeyes the object of obsession of many on ESPN and other sports media entities?
''I don't think it's right for them to get in'' the BCS title game, Colin Cowherd said Monday on his ESPN Radio Show. Echoes of ''Luckeyes'' have started once again, a la 2002.

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Ohio State's fate with 2 from state

Youngstown's Stoops leads Sooners, and Akron's Pinkel leads Tigers
Friday, November 30, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
olumbus -- Ohio State linebacker Marcus Freeman was reminded this week that Okla homa coach Bob Stoops is a Youngstown native, so it's a son of Ohio that controls the national title hopes of the Buckeyes on Saturday.
"Maybe he'll help us out a little bit," Freeman said.
Of course, Oklahoma's opponent in the Big 12 championship, No. 1 Missouri, is also coached by an Ohio native, Akron's Gary Pinkel.
"Ahhh," Freeman grunted.
Frustrated by losing control of their own destiny, the Buckeyes players will be Soonering up, gathering at their apartments and in front of the big screens in the lounge of the Woody Hayes Athletic Center when No. 1 Missouri and No. 2 West Virginia kick off Saturday night. The No. 3 Buckeyes need one of them to lose to reach the national title game, and with the Mountaineers hosting 4-7 Pittsburgh, most of the hope rides with Oklahoma, with the Sooners actually listed as 3-point favorites over a Missouri team they beat earlier this year.

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