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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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MVillani1985;1043088; said:
The only fans I've encountered remotely like the ones you're talking about I've only encountered on the internet. Thankfully I haven't met any like that in real life.

Nothing could be as bad as 2003 and 2004. Our low point was the 6-4 loss to Iowa in 2004, the defense held Iowa to two field goals, but also produced the only Penn State scores from two safeties. The offense couldn't even score a field goal.

Those are the same fairweather fans I'm talking about. Some of them might have been different people, but they had the same mindset.

I would actually be shocked if Pitt beat Penn State nowadays, but crazier things have happened. I agree that Syracuse sucks, but they're a lot better than Florida International, Temple, Coastal Carolina, and Buffalo, and at least they have a history with Penn State.
Fuck Penn State, this isn't the Alamo Bowl thread.

There is way too much of a layoff in games when the National Championship thread degenerates into talk about Penn State and their inability to delevelop a QB.
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2000+ Posts = Telephone

You remember that telephone game back in kindergarten? We start with LSU vs OSU and end up with why PSU is unhappy they are in the Big 10? I know the media likes to down our competition, but MSU should have beaten BC minus 5 of their best players and 4 INT's from Hoyer. Here's hoping to more success from all the big ten teams in their bowl games.!!!
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Jaxbuck;1042893; said:
Also, PSU fans seem to by and large be very anti B10. Stems from:

-their genetic predisposition to be assholes
-their newness to a conference(and the resulting humbling of their program)
-their conspiracy theory that B10 officials are out to get them
-their belief that the B10 sportswriters didn't help them get at least a split NC in 1994

but mainly its just because they are a bunch of dickheads.

I personally root for all B10 teams in Bowl games or OOC games, even scUM. It just does not take much for me to enjoy scUMs demise when they lose one even though I know I should root for them to win.

Jax- Great post, you did forget one "theory" that trumps all of these (except the genetic predisposition to be assholes, of course) and that is the beleif that everyone but them cheats to get recruits, and they would be better, but they won't stoop to that level. (Seriously, even some of their beat writers beleive this)
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MVillani1985;1043066; said:
I'll correct you on this.

1. SOME Penn State fans have been assholes, but the same can be said of any team's fanbase. I'm sorry if you had to experience the dickhead minority firsthand

What about the ones who go one opponent websites and conduct starnge "experiments" at the expense of the "rube natives."

Penn State has a snooty superior attitude and always will... in case you haven't noticed, this is thread is titled "BCS National Championship Game: Jan 7th, tOSU vs LSU" -- I have an idea... why don't you get lost and go to some PSU site and babble about the title game you're playing in this year.
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I think its interesting how confident a majority of Tiger fans are considering that they had to stomach 2 losses during the regular season. I think the "healthy" aspect is getting played out, and we'll come right in and punch them in the mouth. We will double up on Dorsey, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of Henton in the backfield mixing up the playcalling to get the front four of LSU out of their game completely.

Again, for 2 losses, they are very confident they win this one easy. That attitude typically can burn you....
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BuckeyeGanoosh;1043190; said:
I think its interesting how confident a majority of Tiger fans are considering that they had to stomach 2 losses during the regular season. I think the "healthy" aspect is getting played out, and we'll come right in and punch them in the mouth. We will double up on Dorsey, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of Henton in the backfield mixing up the playcalling to get the front four of LSU out of their game completely.

Again, for 2 losses, they are very confident they win this one easy. That attitude typically can burn you....
I don't think a majority of the fan base knows a whole lot about Ohio State, except for what the bumbling blowhards at ESPN spout night after night. Add in the National Championship game last year, LSU's blowout of an over-hyped Notre Dame last season, the Tigers performance against Virginia Tech this year, and I think it all contributes to the mainstream "SEC is Superior" thought process of our fanbase.

And I agree that this type of attitude can & will burn you, hopefully the team isn't buying into all this nonsense.
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re: Food for thought

DaddyBigBucks;1029391; said:
Food for thought:

LSU, when healthy, has the best defense Ohio State will have faced this season.

LSU has the best offense Ohio State will have faced this season.

I doubt that sane Buckeye fans would dispute this.

Ohio State has the best defense LSU will have faced this season. Many Southern Football fans I know here in Tallahassee are greatly offended that there are people on the planet who believe such heresy. But I honestly don't see how a sane person would dispute it. Differential stats take quality of competition into consideration; and even in differential stats, Auburn is not within sniffing distance of the Buckeyes (and no other LSU opponent should even be in the discussion).

Then there is the OSU offense. One could argue, based on differential stats, that there are at least 4 offenses better than Ohio State's that LSU has faced this year. For the upcoming preview I have put together some numbers that suggest this is an oversimplification, and that Ohio State is much better on offense than Tressel-Ball allows them to show. But getting back to the "any sane Buckeye fan" line of reasoning; Florida's offense is better than ours.

Long story short: Both offenses are facing their toughest test of the year, but only the Buckeye defense is facing their toughest test of the year. The LSU defense has seen better.

While this tends to suggest that LSU has an advantage here, the advantage for a more tested team usually comes from superior focus. I doubt that the Buckeyes are going to have any trouble focusing, either on their preparation or on the game.
Well said.

As a Tiger, my biggest concern is that in addition to everything DaddyBigBucks stated, OSU is the most disciplined team LSU has played in a long long time. The matchup with LSU is more favorable for the Bucks than was UF last year. Much more traditional power-on-power than gimmick. Unfortunately, in terms of match ups, Vernon Gholston on Carnell Stewart scares the heck out of most of us who understand football. That is a huge mismatch. If we can't deal with it creatively, the Tigers will be in a world of hurt IMO.

From this end though I'd expect LSU will also be top flight vs teams OSU has faced this year. Despite the two losses, we have a pretty good squad when healthy, and the rumor is that we'll be fairly healthy.
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GeauxTigers99;1042179; said:

Come on, that has to be one of the best looking helmets in college football!!!

insert crocidile dundee voice "that's not a helmet, now that's a helmet."

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NC_Tigah;1043291; said:
From this end though I'd expect LSU will also be top flight vs teams OSU has faced this year. Despite the two losses, we have a pretty good squad when healthy, and the rumor is that we'll be fairly healthy.

Any word on whether Dorsey is expected to be at or near 100%? It sure would be a shame if he was still a little lame come next week :tic:.
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