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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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BuckeyeGanoosh;1043190; said:
I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of Henton in the backfield mixing up the playcalling to get the front four of LSU out of their game completely.

From what I have heard this is probably unlikely. The OSU coaching staff isn't very confident with his decision making (passing) as of yet, so the only way he gets in is by an injury to Todd B. Even if that is the case, you'll see a ton of running plays.........and not much else. Lets just hope that Todd stays healthy.
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daddyphatsacs;1043558; said:
Lets just hope that Todd stays healthy.

I hope that our OL is up to the task, he's not as quick on his feet as Troy was. I will admit a deer in headlights game for Smith, but above all else, Todd just needs time to throw the ball. If we can get a comfortable 3 seconds in the pocket consistently, I could see Todd coming out the hero in this game. It would be just like OSU to have a highly touted QB flop in the title game, just to turn around and win it with Todd Boeckman.

It really comes down to how much time he gets to throw the ball.
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BuckeyeGanoosh;1043617; said:
I hope that our OL is up to the task, he's not as quick on his feet as Troy was. I will admit a deer in headlights game for Smith, but above all else, Todd just needs time to throw the ball. If we can get a comfortable 3 seconds in the pocket consistently, I could see Todd coming out the hero in this game. It would be just like OSU to have a highly touted QB flop in the title game, just to turn around and win it with Todd Boeckman.

It really comes down to how much time he gets to throw the ball.
I've said it and said it again. Boeckman is the key to the game. :io:
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GeauxTigers99;1043674; said:
Help me out a little, those leaves are awards for the players I assume?? Like big hits, good games, etc., etc.??

Is there any difference b/w the black leaves and the green ones?

The leaves given to players are a darkish green, not black like those on the mini helmet pictured above. As for the criteria for earning leaves, please read here...
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GeauxTigers99;1043674; said:
Help me out a little, those leaves are awards for the players I assume?? Like big hits, good games, etc., etc.??

Is there any difference b/w the black leaves and the green ones?

They're for various things. Ohio State Football Traditions: Buckeye Leaves

Also, there are only black leaves, no green ones. (There was a debate about that a while ago)

EDIT: Wow...I'm really slow
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I'm having a hard time sleeping, wondering which Todd Boeckman will come out to play.

I'm hoping that Beanie gets 30+ carries, and Boeckman is needed as little as possible.

I'm not saying that Boeckman cannot win this game. I just believe that Boeckman is most efficient when the running game is at its best.

The way the Buckeyes run the ball will decide the game. If they can open up the possibility of using the play-action and limiting Boeckman's role in the passing game, there is no way that the Tigers will win this game.
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Come on, that has to be one of the best looking helmets in college football!!!
Sorry I'm late, but LSU has the ugliest helmets I've ever seen. No joke.
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