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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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FWIW, I've had some PMs with Buckeye Nation, and you know, he seems like a good guy. He says he mixed me up with some other gator trolls appearing that day. He apologized (not that it was any biggie), and seems like a genuine Buckeye fan. Anyway, my thanks to those who had my back.

Just thought I mention that. I'm gonna rep him for being a stand up guy and admitting a mistake.
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I see it a little differently

toby34a;1016172; said:
I think that the scarlets should be the choice this year... the whites worked in Arizona three times... but the fourth wasn't so good. The scarlet jerseys worked all right in the Alamo Bowl, that's for sure. This being in N'Orleans, we did well when we last wore the Scarlet (1999 Sugar Bowl against Texas A&M) but not so well with the white (1998 against Florida State).

Tressel should have a jersey scrimmage over the next few weeks in order for the team to be up and really fighting. I think that since we're not going to have the entire banquet series for half the team this year (the only ones are going to be Laurenitis/Jenkins/Gholston/Barton, versus Troy and his entourage) we'll be fine... and pushing hard practices should shake off any rust that would develop.

The team this year should be mentally prepared, and have tons of bulletin board material to go off. I'm just hoping that we show that we belong (and I think that we shall).

As I live in Alabama now, I've seen LSU for quite a few games. Hester's a bruiser, probably comparable to PJ Hill. He's got a knack for slashing and getting 8 yards after LSU spreads the field. Flynn's a smart QB, but not that mobile. Perriloux still makes rookie mistakes, and can get frustrated. I'd think that Les Miles would probably put in some wrinkles to see Perriloux.

Early Doucet is nothing to be worried about- lock Jenkins on him, and call it a day. The rest of their recievers have been a wash in recent weeks. They have no TE to speak of.

The defense keys off the DL. If we run stretch plays with Beanie, we get rid of the heavy rush up the middle with Dorsey (who will still not be as maneuverable for a while, and those stretch plays have been great recently). As long as we get past the DL, Beanie should gain 5 yards every time, as their LBs are good but not great, and Beanie's a hell of a back. We will have to get a good push off the line and be prepared to use the FBs to get a hit on Dorsey versus a linebacker for up-the-middle runs.

The key matchup in this game is tOSU's O-line against LSU's D-line. If the O-line plays like they did against Michigan, against Wisconsin, and similar games, we'll be fine, and be able to play Tresselball all game long. What LSU does have, however, is the ability to come back in games and the heart to stay in them. It'll be an interesting month as I start hearing it all over again about the "weak" B10 in Rocket City USA.
Hester is an excellent runner (Number 1 on the depth chart at tailback and fullback) great run and pass blocker and also has good receiving skills. He is also much faster than people seem to think.
I agree with you that Flynn is a smart QB, he doesn't have that much game experience but he doesn't make many mistakes. Where I don't agree with you is on the subject of mobility. He has been hampered for the last several weeks with a high ankle sprain, without that injury, he is extremely mobile and it is one of his strengths. His ankle should be healthy by game time as should his seperated shoulder.
Perriloux has limited game experience, but has progressed very well. He played the entire SEC championship game and did very well. About the only blackmark against him in that game was an interception, and in reality I would fault the receiver more for that one. I would rather see a healthy Flynn start the game, but Perriloux is more than up to the task.
Where I really disagree with you is on Early Doucet. If you plan to cover him single cover man to man, you may as well mail the game MVP award to him right now. He has been hampered by a groin pull for all but about 3 games this year. He missed 4 games entirely. He should be 100% by game time and if he is, he will probably be the best receiver you will have faced all season.
LSU has not utilized it's TE a lot in the past, but we have a couple of them that are both good blockers and receivers. They have been used a lot more this year than in the past, mostly because of injuries to receivers such as Doucet.
Les Miles is very secretive about injuries, more so than any other coach I have ever seen (And I have been around for awhile) so a lot of people are not aware of just how banged up we have been for several weeks. I realize that all teams are bumped and bruised this time of year, but we not only have more than normal but they are to key people. Our #1 and #2 QB's, 3 of our best defensive players, our best receiver, our 2 fastest running backs, #1 safety, etc. The good news is that with the exception of one defensive player they should all be healthy by game time.
Looking forward to a good game and I hope that whoever wins, Southern Cal won't try to claim 1/2 of the NC. :-)
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Welcome to all of the LSU visitors (at least the classy non-troll ones)

This shapes up to be a good game. Two big, strong, fast (yes tOSU is fast:biggrin:) teams that don't have to employ gimmicks to be successful. This game will be won in the trenches (oh hi Captain Obvious) and I hope Barton and Boone have a burning desire to erase last years debacle.

Our beloved Buckeyes have a wonderful opportunity to assauge some horrid memories and build some good ones.

While admitting that I have scarlet glasses on, LSU seems to be a little more mistake prone (coaching personalities?)

LSU will be healthy for the first time in a while so we'll get their best shot.

I think Pelini's leaving could disrupt them some. Bo is very fiery, what are the personalities of the other LSU D coaches (guests?) Will we see some unexpected new wrinkles from a new D-Cord?

It's going to be a long month +
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This is one of those "duh" comments but it's going to come down to :osu:wning the line of scrimmage on both sides of the field. Kentucky and Arkansas ran the ball well on LSU. Tennessee kept it close but when they couldn't run the ball and became 1 dimensional.....obviously the result was not good. It all starts with the O & D lines.
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Tigertracker;1016428; said:
Hester is an excellent runner (Number 1 on the depth chart at tailback and fullback) great run and pass blocker and also has good receiving skills. He is also much faster than people seem to think.
I agree with you that Flynn is a smart QB, he doesn't have that much game experience but he doesn't make many mistakes. Where I don't agree with you is on the subject of mobility. He has been hampered for the last several weeks with a high ankle sprain, without that injury, he is extremely mobile and it is one of his strengths. His ankle should be healthy by game time as should his seperated shoulder.
Perriloux has limited game experience, but has progressed very well. He played the entire SEC championship game and did very well. About the only blackmark against him in that game was an interception, and in reality I would fault the receiver more for that one. I would rather see a healthy Flynn start the game, but Perriloux is more than up to the task.
Where I really disagree with you is on Early Doucet. If you plan to cover him single cover man to man, you may as well mail the game MVP award to him right now. He has been hampered by a groin pull for all but about 3 games this year. He missed 4 games entirely. He should be 100% by game time and if he is, he will probably be the best receiver you will have faced all season.
LSU has not utilized it's TE a lot in the past, but we have a couple of them that are both good blockers and receivers. They have been used a lot more this year than in the past, mostly because of injuries to receivers such as Doucet.
Les Miles is very secretive about injuries, more so than any other coach I have ever seen (And I have been around for awhile) so a lot of people are not aware of just how banged up we have been for several weeks. I realize that all teams are bumped and bruised this time of year, but we not only have more than normal but they are to key people. Our #1 and #2 QB's, 3 of our best defensive players, our best receiver, our 2 fastest running backs, #1 safety, etc. The good news is that with the exception of one defensive player they should all be healthy by game time.
Looking forward to a good game and I hope that whoever wins, Southern Cal won't try to claim 1/2 of the NC. :-)

Early Doucet may prove to be the best WR OSU faces this season, although I'd put him on roughly the same level as Mario Manningham. You may or may not be aware of Ohio State's secondary. Malcolm Jenkins may end up being the first CB drafted if he comes out after this season. Some Buckeye fans would argue that Donald Washington has been as good as Jenkins or a little better this season. I think if either of those to get matched up on Doucet, they can hold their own if not contain him. If LSU moves him around effectively and gets him matched up against somebody like Kurt Coleman though, that could be trouble for the Buckeyes.
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Tigertracker;1016428; said:
Hester is an excellent runner (Number 1 on the depth chart at tailback and fullback) great run and pass blocker and also has good receiving skills. He is also much faster than people seem to think.
I agree with you that Flynn is a smart QB, he doesn't have that much game experience but he doesn't make many mistakes. Where I don't agree with you is on the subject of mobility. He has been hampered for the last several weeks with a high ankle sprain, without that injury, he is extremely mobile and it is one of his strengths. His ankle should be healthy by game time as should his seperated shoulder.
Perriloux has limited game experience, but has progressed very well. He played the entire SEC championship game and did very well. About the only blackmark against him in that game was an interception, and in reality I would fault the receiver more for that one. I would rather see a healthy Flynn start the game, but Perriloux is more than up to the task.
Where I really disagree with you is on Early Doucet. If you plan to cover him single cover man to man, you may as well mail the game MVP award to him right now. He has been hampered by a groin pull for all but about 3 games this year. He missed 4 games entirely. He should be 100% by game time and if he is, he will probably be the best receiver you will have faced all season.
LSU has not utilized it's TE a lot in the past, but we have a couple of them that are both good blockers and receivers. They have been used a lot more this year than in the past, mostly because of injuries to receivers such as Doucet.
Les Miles is very secretive about injuries, more so than any other coach I have ever seen (And I have been around for awhile) so a lot of people are not aware of just how banged up we have been for several weeks. I realize that all teams are bumped and bruised this time of year, but we not only have more than normal but they are to key people. Our #1 and #2 QB's, 3 of our best defensive players, our best receiver, our 2 fastest running backs, #1 safety, etc. The good news is that with the exception of one defensive player they should all be healthy by game time.
Looking forward to a good game and I hope that whoever wins, Southern Cal won't try to claim 1/2 of the NC. :-)

I agree with Flynn having some good wheels esp. if he's healthy but Doucet being the best we've seen I wouldn't go so far as saying the best:wink2: but one of the best Manningham (67 rec 1096yd 16.4 avg 11 TD long97yds) Devin Thomas (75 rec 1226yd 16.3 avg 8TD long80yds) and even Wisc. TE Travis Beckum (73 rec 960yd 6TD long46yds) could be thrown in. It's not just their stats but these guys are pretty decent athletes and all around outstanding football players that any coach would love to have on their team. Doucet poses a real problem if LSU is able to run effectively and use play action (I know big cliche) other wise when tOSU has man coverage on him the Blitz is a comin!:biggrin:

Great post and I hope all the LSU players are healthy and ready to play on Jan 7th. It's gonna be a classic BigTen SEC matchup!!
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Just to give ya'll an idea of doucet's talent, Mel Kiper(yeah, i know, its kiper but he'll do lol) has him number 18 on his big board and the number two wide reciever listed. Kiper doesn't list draft eligibler juniors. He has sweed of texas ahead of Doucet.

Scouts board has Jenkins ranked number 12 overall with a score of 95 and Doucet ranked as the 22nd player and a score of 92. Two wide recievers they have listed behind him are Malcom Kelly and Mario Manningham. And, this is with Doucet being injured pretty much his whole senior year. Looks like it will be one of the better matchups on the football field with him finally healthy. The only two recievers he has listd ahead of Doucet are Sweed and Desean Jackson.
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cincibuck;1016249; said:
Tressell chose to wear white last year when it was OSU's call. It will be an away game any way you slice it, so look for Tressell to chose white again... or maybe go "throw back" and wear the jeresys from the 67 - 68 NC team.
I rather wear red in new orleans. Whites leave some bad memories. Save the whites for our next fiesta bowl trip..

Throwback to the 67-68 jeresy's? I'm down. That would be nasty..

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Doucet is very talented but I think he is about equivalent to Mario Manningham, though they are different WR's. Manningham is more of a deep threat and I think while Doucet can hit the homerun, he is more of an intermediate range guy who can make you miss or run you over. That said, I have confidence in Malcolm Jenkins to contain Doucet and Washington could hold his own. However, if he somehow gets matched up with Chekwa or Coleman, then we could get into some trouble, though I doubt Heacock would allow that. Honestly the only thing that worries me with LSU is the inside run on our D. Hopefully our DT's have the games of their career's thus far and let Lauranaitis rome free a bit.
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if wilson can get back healthy, I think Cam Heyward playing the inside would be a strong possibility, especially on throwing downs to get an extra pass rusher in there.

I think Lawrence Wilson could bring an added dimension to this dfense many have forgotten about. He'd give us 2 speed rushers with a power rusher in Heyward.

Hopefully Lawrences' rehabilitation is going well.
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