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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Zurp;1016266; said:
And they had some guy on who claimed to be involved in Vegas betting. He said that believe it or not, LSU is "only" 6 point favorites at this point. He also said that he truly believes that Ohio State can win this game. I think I'd have to "all-in" with my vmoney at LSU (-6).

OSU opened up at +6 to +6.5 depending on the book.

The underdog has won 7 of 9 BCS title games outright.
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If we get a big lead early in the game, I hope Tressel lets this team utterly destroy them. If he holds them back, I'll be pretty disappointed. The last thing I want to witness in this game is any type of conservative withhold of our squad if they start rolling. Just let them play.
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CleveBucks;1016281; said:
OSU opened up at +6 to +6.5 depending on the book.

The underdog has won 7 of 9 BCS title games outright.

Zurp;1016266; said:
I think I'd have to "all-in" with my vmoney at LSU (-6).

Just to specify, I meant that I would go "all-in" on Ohio State to cover. I'll probably go "all-in" on Ohio State regardless the spread.

Who were the two favorites? I would have thought that the following were favorites:
Tennessee in 1998-1999
Florida State in 1999-2000
Oklahoma in 2000-2001
Miami in 2001-2002
USC in 2004-2005

Ohio State, Texas, and Florida all won as underdogs, and I could believe that LSU was the underdog in 2003-2004.
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Zurp;1016266; said:
The callers on Rivals Radio are behaving as if the greatest injustice has just occured. It's pretty funny. But it's getting old. The host is doing a good job at staying neutral, but the callers are brutal. One guy said that last year's beat-down will look pretty tame compared to this year's. To which, I reply that this year's LSU offense will not score 41 points on this year's Ohio State's defense. So I don't see it.

And they had some guy on who claimed to be involved in Vegas betting. He said that believe it or not, LSU is "only" 6 point favorites at this point. He also said that he truly believes that Ohio State can win this game. I think I'd have to "all-in" with my vmoney at LSU (-6).

The only injustice was what happened to Mizzu. They got screwed. There is no way under the current system that OSU would not be in the championship game.

BTW, that host for the Rivials radio show does a great job IMO. He tends to be unbiased and has a good handle on teams and recruiting. I enjoy listening to him. Fans are...well...fans.
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Buckeneye;1016105; said:
Well, watching a couple ESPN clips, Kirk is being blunt/up front about how the media will preach the 'SEC speed' like Sunday gospel. - which of course he is entirely right.

But I really have a warm spot in my heart for Corso now; calling our offensive line the best in the nation. Calling Beanie a "man" - shit like that, ...its not easy to dislike him right now :)

I couldn't believe that not just Corso, but even Holtz is favoring OSU. Interesting.
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Telekinesis;1016295; said:
If we get a big lead early in the game, I hope Tressel lets this team utterly destroy them. If he holds them back, I'll be pretty disappointed. The last thing I want to witness in this game is any type of conservative withhold of our squad if they start rolling. Just let them play.

I agree I hope he lets them loose. I would love to see JT humiliate les (m*ch*g*n man) miles.
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Zurp;1016299; said:
Just to specify, I meant that I would go "all-in" on Ohio State to cover. I'll probably go "all-in" on Ohio State regardless the spread.

Who were the two favorites? I would have thought that the following were favorites:
Tennessee in 1998-1999
Florida State in 1999-2000
Oklahoma in 2000-2001
Miami in 2001-2002
USC in 2004-2005

Ohio State, Texas, and Florida all won as underdogs, and I could believe that LSU was the underdog in 2003-2004.
FSU was favored over both Tennecheat and Ok. This was probably a function of lines playing to public perception more than anything. And, believe it or not I think Ok was actually a slight favorite over USC.

FSU is 99 and Miami in 01 were favorites that won.

Folanator: Mizzou has a major gripe. How the Orange Bowl decided to take a lower ranked Kansas team that Mizzou just beat boggles me. It's not like the Kansas fans are going to be any more excited about the bowl trip than the Mizzou fans. Have to wonder if there was any confence politics over the week with the Orange Bowl. Or maybe the Orange Bowl picked the weaker team to try to give the ACC champ a chance to win its bowl for once :)
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Telekinesis;1016295; said:
If we get a big lead early in the game, I hope Tressel lets this team utterly destroy them. If he holds them back, I'll be pretty disappointed. The last thing I want to witness in this game is any type of conservative withhold of our squad if they start rolling. Just let them play.

Tressel ball.
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