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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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LSU fans......was the Holliday kid used more as a distraction in your offense? and do you see new wrinkles being added for him. From the little I've seen of your games, I think you may use him like we use our FR RB Saine #3. Speedster, 3rd down type.
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LoudBuckeyeGirl;1016604; said:
No one else could do it. The red vest looks very nice next to the crystal.

It certainly does. :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;1016420; said:
FWIW, I've had some PMs with Buckeye Nation, and you know, he seems like a good guy. He says he mixed me up with some other gator trolls appearing that day. He apologized (not that it was any biggie), and seems like a genuine Buckeye fan. Anyway, my thanks to those who had my back.

Just thought I mention that. I'm gonna rep him for being a stand up guy and admitting a mistake.

Hey you're a dang gator troll, ain't ya?


Opps. Sorry... my mistake! I'm really a stand-up guy.

light me up! :p
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I am not worried about WHO covers Doucet, but rather what kind of scheme and mindset we will employ....

The Bucks have not given up many long pass plays. On the other hand, guys like Beckum were allowed to catch the ball all day long. 73 receptions for Beckum?? I think he had that against tOSU!

Personally, I would like us to be agressive. Blitzing, pressing receivers, jumping the routes. it certianly would go against our tendencies and by halftime LSU would be wondering who dey was wearing them red jerseys!!

cover 2, cover 3, whatever.... let's be agressive. If we match Doucet with Jenkins, great --- now let's go get that quarterback.

Instead of telling Lil Animal to contain and spy, let's wreak some havoc!!!

Yeah I know, I'm not a coach and I dont know what I'm talking about but I wanna see some mean, nasty Silver Bullets!!!
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I wouldn't say they used Holliday as a distraction at all. LSU really doesn't try to fool you a lot, besides a few trick punts or kicks and whatnot. They generally just line up and say this is what we are going to try and do. Lets see you stop it. They are good enough on offense, they really don't have to rely on a lot of trickery.

That is not to say they want use him more as a distraction in this game.
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After what happened on offense in last year's game, I think Barton and the o-line will come out with a nasty chip on their shoulders and something to prove. Not saying that LSU doesn't have a tough d-line, but I'm so pumped to see our line get their shot at redemption. I think they'll open up some serious holes for Beanie to drive through! Also looking forward to some of Barton's comments on the matter:biggrin:...you know he'll throw out some keepers!

Way too long to wait...anyone have an official countdown??
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buckeyes_rock;1016655; said:
After what happened on offense in last year's game, I think Barton and the o-line will come out with a nasty chip on their shoulders and something to prove. Not saying that LSU doesn't have a tough d-line, but I'm so pumped to see our line get their shot at redemption. I think they'll open up some serious holes for Beanie to drive through! Also looking forward to some of Barton's comments on the matter:biggrin:...you know he'll throw out some keepers!

Way too long to wait...anyone have an official countdown??

ther's a countdown here: BUCKEYE FANS ONLY: Ohio State football and basketball news for Ohio State fans!

35 days 4 hrs 39 min
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RB07OSU;1016564; said:
Doucet is very talented but I think he is about equivalent to Mario Manningham, though they are different WR's. Manningham is more of a deep threat and I think while Doucet can hit the homerun, he is more of an intermediate range guy who can make you miss or run you over. That said, I have confidence in Malcolm Jenkins to contain Doucet and Washington could hold his own. However, if he somehow gets matched up with Chekwa or Coleman, then we could get into some trouble, though I doubt Heacock would allow that. Honestly the only thing that worries me with LSU is the inside run on our D. Hopefully our DT's have the games of their career's thus far and let Lauranaitis rome free a bit.

Actually the receiver to be worried about if you are OSU is Byrd. He caught the final TD against Auburn. (He was perfectly covered by Auburn) He is an increbile talent and very fast. He is just learning the position but has a nack for getting open. (RP's TD pass to him in the SEC game) The knock on him and our other receivers is youth. Byrd goes realitivly unnoticed by defenses because of Doucet and Lefell.
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ray6072;1016647; said:
I wouldn't say they used Holliday as a distraction at all. LSU really doesn't try to fool you a lot, besides a few trick punts or kicks and whatnot. They generally just line up and say this is what we are going to try and do. Lets see you stop it. They are good enough on offense, they really don't have to rely on a lot of trickery.

That is not to say they want use him more as a distraction in this game.

Holliday scares the shit out of me on kick returns. Our kick coverage has been uncharacteristically abysmal this year. We allowed a KR for a TD against Northwestern. Think about that for a minute. Northwestern. We beat them 58-7. Guess where the "7" came from. Granted, if you guys get a lot of chances to return kick-offs then we're doing something right, but still...
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I am not worried about WHO covers Doucet, but rather what kind of scheme and mindset we will employ....

The Bucks have not given up many long pass plays. On the other hand, guys like Beckum were allowed to catch the ball all day long. 73 receptions for Beckum?? I think he had that against tOSU!

Personally, I would like us to be agressive. Blitzing, pressing receivers, jumping the routes. it certianly would go against our tendencies and by halftime LSU would be wondering who dey was wearing them red jerseys!!

cover 2, cover 3, whatever.... let's be agressive. If we match Doucet with Jenkins, great --- now let's go get that quarterback.

Instead of telling Lil Animal to contain and spy, let's wreak some havoc!!!

Yeah I know, I'm not a coach and I dont know what I'm talking about but I wanna see some mean, nasty Silver Bullets!!!

LSU's favorite pass play(s) is the recieiver screen, so they would like you to blitz. Plus we are not UF. We are a running team that can pass.
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ray6072;1016647; said:
I wouldn't say they used Holliday as a distraction at all. LSU really doesn't try to fool you a lot, besides a few trick punts or kicks and whatnot. They generally just line up and say this is what we are going to try and do. Lets see you stop it. They are good enough on offense, they really don't have to rely on a lot of trickery.

That is not to say they want use him more as a distraction in this game.

In our basic offensive sets, you're right, we use very little trickeration. In fact, quite a few Tiger fans complain that they know wht play we're running just by the formation we're in. That hasn't been the case as much this year as the last few, but it does still happen. So far, we've never really used Holliday as a decoy. He's gotten the ball on the majority of plays he was on the field. Don't let his lack of size fool you. He can take a hit pretty good. Heck, he's even got a pretty sweet tackle to his name in the Auburn game this year. But he's only really a threat if there's a hole. Once he gets to the second level, not many people are gonna catch him from behind.
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