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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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There's a great picture floating around of a play where Holliday is actually crouching down behind the O-line--the defense can't see him at all!

First timer here--look forward to discussing the game with you Bucks--I'll even be putting up a place for Two buckeyes in my house the weekend of the game (I live in New Orleans!),

Any N.O. questions? I'll be glad to help.
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leroyjenkins;1016611; said:
LSU fans......was the Holliday kid used more as a distraction in your offense? and do you see new wrinkles being added for him. From the little I've seen of your games, I think you may use him like we use our FR RB Saine #3. Speedster, 3rd down type.
He is a distraction when he comes in because he demands attention by the defense, but he is usually used when he is in the game. They have even been running him up the middle lately. He is small enough that he can sometimes get through holes that others cannot, and if he gets through the line the fun begins, because he is the fastest man in college football. Curiously, they seldom throw deep to him, even though he seems to have good hands.
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I do think a huge key to this game will be busting up those signature LSU screens. That is Jenkin's biggest strength. Our linebacker have historically been able to stop that kind of attack.

Busting the classic LSU screen is key.
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been very very pleased with the treatment and well-meaning. its been much better than the florida and hardcore sec fans (gatorubet is the exception!) last year and everyday since! good luck to both teams even though come that january 8th night we are enemies! haha. as always...


(i would LOVE for an lsu fan to finish that...!!! lol)
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EidoloN;1016728; said:
been very very pleased with the treatment and well-meaning. its been much better than the florida and hardcore sec fans (gatorubet is the exception!) last year and everyday since! good luck to both teams even though come that january 8th night we are enemies! haha. as always...


(i would LOVE for an lsu fan to finish that...!!! lol)

:io: There you go then!!
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UpNorthBuckeye;1016644; said:
I am not worried about WHO covers Doucet, but rather what kind of scheme and mindset we will employ....
Me too.

Now, after the game last year against UF.. one thing I found comfort in was repeating to myself JT will never let this happen again when we get to this stage.

With that said, I really hope we attack LSU like we did scUM and don't play a passive bend-but-don't-break type of defense.
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The term "Games are won and lost in the trenches" may sound cliche, but I think it's what will determine this game. Can our O-line let Beanie get some yards? How good is our D-line, we saw how we did against Michigan, but we also saw how we did against Illinois.

This is going to be smash mouth football, I think both teams play good, physical games, which should make for a fun game to watch. Admitidly, I have only watched a few LSU games this year, the Florida, Kentucky and Arkansas games, all three I saw one thing that really concerned me, that was how quick they can operate when they are desperate.

The real question for me will be "How good is this defense?" we have seen it versus the big10, but we play those teams every year, we see those coaches habbits and tendencies, and a lot of those coaches try the same damned thing every year. Northwestern, Michigan State and Michigan came in with these incredibly hyped offenses, yet we stopped all three cold. If we can keep the ball out of their playmakers hands or limit the yards they get it will give us a much greater chance of controlling the game overall.

Another big question is how will Boeckman play? Over the past few outings I wouldn't use the word consistant to describe him, the Illinois game got him rattled and he appeared to still be rattled during the Michigan game. He needs to regain his confidence, if he does we have a deep threat that will help open the run, not to mention that if we fall behind we have some quick scoring opportunities.
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Trash Talking

I just read an article on foxsports.com written by Mike Kriegel. He seems to be nothing but a Trash Talking Bastard. Says he's looking forward to seeing the number 2 team win again.:(



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ajbyrnes80;1016840; said:
I just read an article on foxsports.com written by Mike Kriegel. He seems to be nothing but a Trash Talking Bastard. Says he's looking forward to seeing the number 2 team win again.:(




I would not worry too much about a blow-out on either side. From what I can tell you guys are a big physical offense and you have a lot of speed. I am pretty sure we will have trouble stopping your big running back, (i.e. Teebow)
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craigblitz;1016928; said:
I think the key is slowing down Hester... That kid is a beast... Every game LSU lost they got away from running that animal and it cost them. He is on tough SOB

It sure would help if we can make LSU one dimensional. Hester seems to run low and although it is cliche' but he sure seems to always fall forward. I agree Beanie will need a good game and we can't let LSU just stuff it down our throats. Our D-tackles may be the key to this game.
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craigblitz;1016928; said:
I think the key is slowing down Hester... That kid is a beast... Every game LSU lost they got away from running that animal and it cost them. He is on tough SOB

GrizzlyBuck;1016935; said:
It sure would help if we can make LSU one dimensional. Hester seems to run low and although it is cliche' but he sure seems to always fall forward. I agree Beanie will need a good game and we can't let LSU just stuff it down our throats. Our D-tackles may be the key to this game.

I have watched a lot of LSU games this year and knowing when he's coming isn't the problem, its stopping him. Its a 2007 version of the fullback dive play, they just slam him up in the line behind that monster left guard and get what they need on sheer guts.

That kid could play for my team any day of the week.
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