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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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GrizzlyBuck;1016935; said:
It sure would help if we can make LSU one dimensional. Hester seems to run low and although it is cliche' but he sure seems to always fall forward. I agree Beanie will need a good game and we can't let LSU just stuff it down our throats. Our D-tackles may be the key to this game.

That is a good idea but no team this year has been successful making LSU one dimensional. I think for OSU to win they need to win time of possession and run a ball control offense. LSU's offense is very underrated and can strike from any where on the field. Keep OSU's offense on the field and wear down our injured defense. LSU needs to do the same an protect our defense by keeping them off the field.
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craigblitz;1016928; said:
I think the key is slowing down Hester... That kid is a beast... Every game LSU lost they got away from running that animal and it cost them. He is on tough SOB
Interesting point - and there is no doubt that Hester has played very well in some key games. Though, he did net over 120 yards in their most recent loss.

But, my question is this .. what made them go away from Hester in the losses - well, specifically the loss against Kentucky? Conversely, you can say with certainty that running Hester for over a hundred hasn't always been the key to success for LSU.
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Alright, well I was told this could make for some good discussion in here. All numbers via NFLDraftScout.com.

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sandgk;1016946; said:
Interesting point - and there is no doubt that Hester has played very well in some key games. Though, he did net over 120 yards in their most recent loss.

But, my question is this .. what made them go away from Hester in the losses - well, specifically the loss against Kentucky? Conversely, you can say with certainty that running Hester for over a hundred hasn't always been the key to success for LSU.

In the Kentucky game he got his bell rung, after that hit he was less effective in that game. In the Ark game, we were more effective passing the ball becuase they were playing 8 in the box to stop the LSU rush.
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sandgk;1016946; said:
But, my question is this .. what made them go away from Hester in the losses - well, specifically the loss against Kentucky? Conversely, you can say with certainty that running Hester for over a hundred hasn't always been the key to success for LSU.

True. Weird thing about LSU is that even under Saban's coaching staff, they've never depended on one star back for the load, like most teams seem to do. The "running back by committee" seems to be the norm for LSU. Even when one of the "Parade All-Americans" who "back up" Hester (Williams, Scott, Murphy) breaks a long run, you can bet they'll be lucky to get two more carries the rest of the game.
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sluTiger;1016962; said:
FYI, LSU does not report those speed, height, weight, and injury stats accurately...
Those are pre-college statistics, IIRC. Either way, I think this wave of visitors has proven they are above the silly southern speed smacktalk, at least when it comes to OSU, so I don't think we have to go down that road.

While there is plenty of speed on both squads, the more physical squad will win this one, as usual.
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jwinslow;1016967; said:
Those are pre-college statistics, IIRC. Either way, I think this wave of visitors has proven they are above the silly southern speed smacktalk, at least when it comes to OSU, so I don't think we have to go down that road.

While there is plenty of speed on both squads, the more physical squad will win this one, as usual.

The only OSU game I saw this year was against Michigan. I did not see a lack of speed and think that is a fantasy created by the media.
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We have some game torrents available in the video subforum, for any LSU fans interested in watching some OSU action. The UM game was not the greatest. Once it became apparent that UM's offense was shut down, Tressel started killing the clock at the start of the 3rd quarter. The Penn State game is probably the best example of OSU's potential against a very athletic defense. However, their offense is very inconsistent.
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From what I can tell, this is the most even matchup that either team could have faced. If that speed chart wasn't proof enough of an even matchup, just look at the attributes:

1. Avg-Above Avg QBs with good size and strong arms.
2. Solid, tough RBs that can run between the tackle but have good speed once they get past initial contact.
3. Great defenses with playmakers all over the field.
4. Deep sets of WRs, featuring big-play home run guys and possession guys.
5. Talent in waves at every position - enough to run several lines in a game and stay fresh.

I would give LSU the nod in WR talent. I think Beanie has more ability than Hester, though I don't know if our depth is as...well, deep. I think our OL can provide better pass protection than LSU's OL, but both QB's are going to get hit because both teams are talented and deep on the DL. I know Dorsey is all world and will be healthy, but I like our line too and think that big Vern is as much a game-changer as anyone on anyone's DL. I would say that both sets of LBs are highly talented and so are the DBs of both teams.

One place where tOSU might be able to shine is in the TE position - Ballard and Nicol have great hands and are able blockers as well. One thing is certain - Flynn and Boeckman will have to avoid turnovers for either team to have a chance because both teams can put on controlled, clock killing drives.

And we have Tressel.

This should be a great game, it has all the makings of a classic. :oh:
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Jaxbuck;1016941; said:
I have watched a lot of LSU games this year and knowing when he's coming isn't the problem, its stopping him. Its a 2007 version of the fullback dive play, they just slam him up in the line behind that monster left guard and get what they need on sheer guts.

That kid could play for my team any day of the week.

GrizzlyBuck;1016935; said:
It sure would help if we can make LSU one dimensional. Hester seems to run low and although it is cliche' but he sure seems to always fall forward. I agree Beanie will need a good game and we can't let LSU just stuff it down our throats. Our D-tackles may be the key to this game.

craigblitz;1016928; said:
I think the key is slowing down Hester... That kid is a beast... Every game LSU lost they got away from running that animal and it cost them. He is on tough SOB

FYI.... It's pretty damn hard to make us one dimensional and even if you do, we probably will still provide a very impressive challenge. The sad part is that Hester probably is not the best back on the team in terms, some of the runs that Hester breaks, he ends up getting hit by a corner or safety from behind. A faster back would probably take those in for 7. And we have I'd say three solid backs + Trindon Holliday who is good if he gets matched up in space or breaks by the front seven.

Doucet, Byrd, and even lafell (who has been prone to some bad drops this year) all are good receivers so unless you guys play sell-out blitzes, you'll probably need to keep your secondary back to cover those three.

BGriffBuckeye;1016954; said:
Alright, well I was told this could make for some good discussion in here. All numbers via NFLDraftScout.com.


Interesting, it always seems like SEC games are played "faster" on TV.... apparently not. Could you get a breakdown of last years Florida/OSU 40 times?
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Interesting, it always seems like SEC games are played "faster" on TV.... apparently not.
I think there's a greater depth of speed in the SEC, but not necessarily a greater depth of great teams (most years, obviously this year the b10 isn't that deep). There may be a better depth of good teams.

I know Florida had an undersized, speedy defense, especially along the DL. Chizik did the same at auburn (not sure if they kept it). Would you say that's a trend among many SEC teams? I'm not familiar with their weights. In contrast, a stereotypical b10 DE tips the scales pretty heavily. That may be part of the perception issue.
Could you get a breakdown of last years Florida/OSU 40 times?
There's one out there, pretty similar really. Main problem in that game was the OT-DE matchups, as well as some extra 'padding' there and at QB.
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