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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Hey guys!

Just a quick pop-in to say congrats on making the big game. I hope many are coming to the game in N.O. The French Quarter is back up and running, but the city can use all the help still. We hope you come, eat well, have fun and stay safe.

This promises to be a great game with two great teams. Even if it has been the weirdest year in college football history.

And if you hear some weirdos yell "Tigerbait" at you, it is usually followed by a smile and a welcome.
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Tigergrl26;1016154; said:
Just a quick pop-in to say congrats on making the big game. I hope many are coming to the game in N.O. The French Quarter is back up and running, but the city can use all the help still. We hope you come, eat well, have fun and stay safe.

Well, Nawlins is very fortune that Ohio State is in the title game, because we Buckeye fans travel very well, and we party and spend like few others...
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I think that the scarlets should be the choice this year... the whites worked in Arizona three times... but the fourth wasn't so good. The scarlet jerseys worked all right in the Alamo Bowl, that's for sure. This being in N'Orleans, we did well when we last wore the Scarlet (1999 Sugar Bowl against Texas A&M) but not so well with the white (1998 against Florida State).

Tressel should have a jersey scrimmage over the next few weeks in order for the team to be up and really fighting. I think that since we're not going to have the entire banquet series for half the team this year (the only ones are going to be Laurenitis/Jenkins/Gholston/Barton, versus Troy and his entourage) we'll be fine... and pushing hard practices should shake off any rust that would develop.

The team this year should be mentally prepared, and have tons of bulletin board material to go off. I'm just hoping that we show that we belong (and I think that we shall).

As I live in Alabama now, I've seen LSU for quite a few games. Hester's a bruiser, probably comparable to PJ Hill. He's got a knack for slashing and getting 8 yards after LSU spreads the field. Flynn's a smart QB, but not that mobile. Perriloux still makes rookie mistakes, and can get frustrated. I'd think that Les Miles would probably put in some wrinkles to see Perriloux.

Early Doucet is nothing to be worried about- lock Jenkins on him, and call it a day. The rest of their recievers have been a wash in recent weeks. They have no TE to speak of.

The defense keys off the DL. If we run stretch plays with Beanie, we get rid of the heavy rush up the middle with Dorsey (who will still not be as maneuverable for a while, and those stretch plays have been great recently). As long as we get past the DL, Beanie should gain 5 yards every time, as their LBs are good but not great, and Beanie's a hell of a back. We will have to get a good push off the line and be prepared to use the FBs to get a hit on Dorsey versus a linebacker for up-the-middle runs.

The key matchup in this game is tOSU's O-line against LSU's D-line. If the O-line plays like they did against Michigan, against Wisconsin, and similar games, we'll be fine, and be able to play Tresselball all game long. What LSU does have, however, is the ability to come back in games and the heart to stay in them. It'll be an interesting month as I start hearing it all over again about the "weak" B10 in Rocket City USA.
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Tigers will be first 2-loss team to play for BCS title

Bayou Bengals win right to face off with Buckeyes, leaving some teams with plenty to complain about.

By Eddie Pells
Associated Press

Monday, December 03, 2007
The latest chapter in this crazy, unpredictable college football season was written Sunday when LSU won the sport's version of the lottery, being picked to play Ohio State for the championship and leaving about a half-dozen other candidates with plenty to complain about.
The Tigers (11-2), ranked second in the latest Associated Press poll, will be the first team to play in the BCS title game with two losses.

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It's OSU vs. LSU in the Big Easy

'I felt like we were meant to get here,' Jenkins says of Buckeyes' upcoming showdown against LSU in New Orleans.

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Monday, December 03, 2007
COLUMBUS ? A rash of upsets in college football this season has had fans calling for a postseason playoff, but Ohio State likes the system just the way it is.
The Buckeyes will be playing for the national title for the second time in two years when they meet Louisiana State in the BCS championship on Jan. 7 in New Orleans.

The Tigers (11-2) are the champions of the Southeastern Conference and could be playing before a partisan crowd in their home state. OSU (11-1), which won the Big Ten crown for the third straight year, was thrashed in last year's title game by SEC champion Florida, 41-14.
"That's a challenge, no question about that," OSU coach Jim Tressel said, "but it's a challenge I think our guys really want. We wanted to be in the championship game no matter who it is or where it is."

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OSU will face LSU in national title game Buckeyes get chance to avenge loss to Florida against SEC foe
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Monday, Dec 03, 2007
Considering the emphatic statement from Les Miles that he would be staying at LSU instead of taking the football coaching job at the University of Michigan, the only way his team and Jim Tressel's would play anytime soon would be in a national championship game.
And so it is done.
Ohio State will battle Louisiana State in the Allstate BCS National Championship Game on Jan. 7 in New Orleans.

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It's Ohio State vs. LSU in BCS championship

Monday, December 03, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- College football's national title picture must not be that difficult to figure out. Even Jim Tressel got it right.
A year after Ohio State's coach memorably abstained from voting in the final coaches poll because he didn't want to commit to Florida or Michigan as the No. 2 team in the country, Tressel's final ballot Sunday matched the BCS final standings.
Ohio State No. 1. LSU No. 2.

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Ohio State gets LSU in BCS title game
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Buckeyes say they?re hated as they prepare another title game[/FONT]
UPDATE: 8:37 PM, Sunday, December 2, 2007
AP Sports Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? Ohio State is No. 1 in the polls and headed for the national championship game against No. 2 LSU in the Tigers? den at the Superdome. Still the Buckeyes say they get no respect.

?In all likelihood we will be the underdog because pretty much everyone on earth hates us,? offensive tackle Kirk Barton said on Sunday night shortly before the Buckeyes and Bayou Bengals were confirmed as the opponents in the Bowl Championship Series title game. ?That?s cool. We?re going to be playing in Louisiana against LSU and SEC Nation. So, it?s just one of those things we?ll probably end up being the underdog, but that?s fine with us. We?ve played in hostile games before. It?ll be a lot of fun.?

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Ohio State, LSU are 1-2 in AP poll
UPDATE: 2:58 PM, Sunday, December 2, 2007

NEW YORK (AP) -- Let's try this again.

Ohio State was No. 1 and LSU was 2 in the AP Top 25 on Sunday, just as they were a month ago, before four weeks of upsets and unlikely results capped the most unpredictable college football season in recent memory.

Essentially, voters in the media poll hit the reset button on the final regular season ranking.

After the top two teams in the rankings lost for the second straight week, Ohio State jumped two spots to No. 1. The Buckeyes, who haven't played since they wrapped up the Big Ten title with a 14-3 victory over Michigan on Nov. 17, received 50 first-place votes out of a possible 65.

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Buckeye fans bask in fresh shot at glory


COLUMBUS ? Students on Ohio State University?s main campus streamed into the streets and set off fireworks Saturday night just as No. 2-ranked West Virginia?s collapse was complete, guaranteeing the Buckeyes their third appearance in a national championship game in five years.

It was a position few would have expected Ohio State to be in after the football team suffered its sole loss of the season to then-unranked Illinois.

Even country singer Brad Paisley kept the crowd updated with scores during his concert at the Schottenstein Center, because not everyone watched the football games that determined the Buckeyes? fate.

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Article published Monday, December 3, 2007
OSU draws LSU in title game
No. 1-ranked Buckeyes have shot at redemption


COLUMBUS - Consider the improbable and unprecedented journey the Ohio State Buckeyes have been on and where it has landed them - in New Orleans on Jan. 7 to play Louisiana State for a national championship. After a college football season that has seen more seismic jolts than the folks living on top of the San Andreas Fault, the Buckeyes are right back where they were exactly a year ago - ranked No. 1 and headed for the Bowl Championship Series title game. The final weekend of the season saw last week's No. 1 Missouri and No. 2 West Virginia both lose, creating the void that Ohio State (11-1) and LSU (11-2) filled. As the top two teams in the season's final BCS rankings, Ohio State and LSU will play for the big prize in the Louisiana Superdome.

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