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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1062481; said:
That must have been it. Just don't remember it. The Denliger one makes sense as the one which followed the Roughing.

Wait a second... I remember Hartline's now. Not the foul itself. but, I remember OSU driving, getting backed up 15, but then pressing forward. Robo dropping the TD and then the blocked FG. Correct?

How I wish it was all just a bad dream - but, that is the sequence.
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I had the wrong first name , it was Cameron Heyward that had the PF right after the roughing.
Link Bucknuts

I was there,? Spitler said. ?I was there to make the play nobody touched me. I took my eye off of it and I just missed it. We?re a team. Win as a team and lose as a team. Tonight, we lost as a team.?​
That penalty was compounded moments later, when OSU defensive end Cameron Heyward was flagged for a personal foul for hands to the face. That moved the ball down to the OSU 28.
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Is Coach Tressel biting off more than he can ............?

I believe in Coach Tressel and wouldn't want another period.

But.........maybe just maybe old JT needs some help.
  1. Two years in a row the Buckeyes' offensive play calling well......was pretty Lame...:huh:
  2. Adjustments? Adjustments? Anyone?!? Pressman coverage by LSU...Line up two tOSU Receivers same side....both run deep patterns......4Th. Fastest 100m in Nation in HS. 2006 B. Saine..220lbs.....flare pass in flats..... Anyone?..TE....crossing pattern....Hello....Oh your right! Todd B. throw that 18 yard out pass! Brilliant!
  3. Incorporating our stud talent pool into the game plan, Oh no lets just instead keep'em a secret? Hush now....:paranoid:
  4. Team quits two years in row. Granted young team this year but at least a solid 2 quarter collapse period against the Fighting Tigers...
  5. Not prepared for adversity. When thing got tough.....we didn't.
  6. Mental errors and lack of discipline.
  7. No major sticks...a trade mark too OH-IO Football, not one Slobber-Knocker two years in a row now? Intensity? Ken Dorsey/ Willis Ma-Damn-knee...remember the way we came out and punched them in the mouth?
  8. Worst of all we had our own players finger pointing and fighting one another at Half Time in the frickin National Championship Game....:bicker:
Look I've heard all the rational excuses, I've heard the joy of being in back to back title games and kind of agree with a lot of it.

However when my scarlet shades are removed for a moment I think we got some work to do around here and if we don't want Jimmy T to turn into the man I despise the most on the planet John "the Bastard" Cooper, well......maybe.....our...

....Coach Tressel the hard working guy that he is, whom is absolutely dedicated to this program should relinquishes some duties and get some quality helpers quick!!! Consider Coach T's daily responsibilities of running this program day in and out....Whew!...Double Whew!!!

Time for a high caliber Offensive Coordinator to fully take over the play-calling....JT has to turn the reigns over. Maybe we all get a little comfortable when our Offensive is rolling up Y-State or Minnesota, but lets face it in todays Big Boy Ball week in and week out we don't see teams like LSU, Florida or the looming USCs' of the world. Weak Big Ten? More media hype than truth IMHO...but there is a gap presently..Are fault? No, but times are a changing and winning the Big Ten is great no doubt about it and the main reason Coach T is our main man as we all know is that he owns those hated bitches to the North.......

.......but Tressel set the bar pretty high when he gave the Buckeye Nation the National Championship beating the Canes in his second year....thats how it is and I'm sure most of us are damn glad.

If we do in fact bring in a full time quality Offensive Coordinator maybe Coach Tressel can be more focused on the intangibles that real champions seem to have and dare I say we seem to have lost two years in a row.

Word to your Mother..


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The team didn't quit. They played hard the whole damn game and i'm sick of people saying they quit. The breaks didn't go Ohio State's way. The better team won. But the Buckeyes played their asses off. If Tressel really needed your help, the Buckeyes wouldn't have won 3 Big 10 Championships in a row now. What was John Cooper's record in bowl games where we would be National Champions if we won? I'll take 1-2 over 0-0 any day. The fact that anything less than a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP makes people critics of the coaching staff shows you exactly what level this coaching staff has taken this football program too.

Quit comparing John Cooper and Jim Tressel. If you can compare the two then you obviously have forgotten what it felt like to be a Buckeye during the Cooper era. The SEC isn't our rival...that team up North is, and I don't give a damn if ESPiN wants to talk trash about the Big 10 because we lost to the SEC again. I could care less what anybody thinks of the Big 10, I love Big 10 football. Everything else to me means jack.


This team overachieved it's butt off this year.
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The team didn't quit.

ah sorry folded like a cheap chair against Florida. I said in the LSU game more of a collapse for roughly two quaters...

They played hard the whole damn game

Including the locker room, you bet...

and i'm sick of people saying they quit. The breaks didn't go Ohio State's way. The better team won.

Was it that, they really were a better team or was the it the lack of breaks for tOSU? Or did we perhaps implode? Take off the glasses and think Mcfly....

Quit comparing John Cooper and Jim Tressel. If you can compare the two then you obviously have forgotten what it felt like to be a Buckeye during the Cooper era.

Cough-cough Ahhhh was in school during the worst of it. Class of 1994'

In furtherance I didn't compare the two whatsoever, I just don't want to be so kool-aided that I can't see the potential similarities with bowl losses to savor during the worst days of our lives the waiting for college football season to start period. Bad taste last along time.


I call them what they are underachievers. :biggrin:

Look I'm just goofing with you but I really think you totally missed the point. We need a spark after two thumpings in the National Championship games...And honestly I've never really been impressed with our Offense play calling like I am with say USC. I like when teams get all their weapons involved, don't you?.....Are you Jim Bollman? :p
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I actually do agree with a lot of what HOLYBUCKEYE! said....

Besides the quitting of course. To me the frustrating part abotu the LSU game was the fact that it seemed like everytime we ran Chris Wells we got 5-10 yards, and then everytime we dropped back to pass Boeckman looked lost?? To me I've always wanted an OC to take over from Tressel/Bolleman, but Tressel to his credit has done a pretty damn good job over the past 3-5 years with the play calling.

Also I don't think tressel can help it not if the team doesn't face adversity. Tressel can't make our team play in close games? The thing IMO that has hurt OSU the most by far the last 2 years is the fact that the Big Ten is on a major downhill slide. No team the past 2 years has really posed a threat to us or made us dig deep to pull out a win (UM aside). When we only have to play in 1 close game a year that wont' build a layer of toughness like playing in 4-5 nail biters. Personally I hate close games because I don't have long enough finger nails, but I think the lack of compitition is what has hurt OSU the most recently. I mean how are we suppose to prepare for the LSU's or Florida's when the best we've played we beat soundly??

The biggest thing I agree with is that I'm sick and tired of having only 1-2 players shine throughout a game. We have WEAPONS EVERYWHERE why can't we use them? I don't like going 5 wide with 1 TE and chris Wells whatsoever. I like having the option of throwing out 5 WIDE RECIEVERS!! If we can stress a team both vertically/horizontally as well as being able to pound the ball right at them we'll be one tough team to beat. Next year we could be better than the 06' offense. I know the running game will be better but can boeckman improve enough to get us over the hump?
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OK ok ok dammit dammit dammit... can someone please for the love of god tell me why USC make the "number 2" sign with their fingers and move them back and forth? And do they actually play a different song other than their fight song? I swear to god they're like that best friend that only has one favorite song and insists on listening to it non stop.
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OHSportsFan9;1054717; said:
Jim Tressel, the Legend...is losing his luster, fast.

both in Buckeyes eyes, and the national media.

I love the guy, but back-to-back lackluster performances in the NC game will raise questions.

But you know what? fuck it :biggrin:, we'll be BACK in the NC next year.


Back to back Big Ten titles and showing up in the BCS title game for two years striaght and favored for 3 in a row and Mr. Tressel is losing his luster,fast???

Edit- Don't forget Jimmy did win a BCS title back in the day.
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Dude try living out here with these wannabe's.....My favor line to any USucK pretend a fan is hey dude the tag is still on your shirt....or I hit them with hey Rubber boy if your such a big fan of USC who was your coach prior to Carrol.............................crickets cripping.............deer in headlights and then.....wait for it they hum the fight on tune and wave two fingers for victory.....Dude it's so annoying trust me......

Bonus round

Other favorite question to stump the gravy training fake SC fan? What bowl game did the you play in in Pete's first year?
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Wow, talk about a thread that turned idiotic, ok let's start this off the right way... first off, I am going to try to be nice.


Ok, now that's put to the side, let's do some reasoning.

Did the better team win? Yes, yes they did. Now pause, and before you jump down my throat, let's go over why... They fell behind, came back strong and didn't panic. We fell behind, didn't come back, and then proceeded to panic, resulting in stupid penalties, and collapses when we needed to make plays. They made plays when they needed to, we didn't. We needed to make plays, and we threw interceptions, we needed to make plays and we commited stupid penalties, we needed to make plays and we just didn't make them.

Does that make us a bad team? No, it doesn't, it makes us a young team. This team was too pressured to fix what happened last year and it showed with everything we did. You can blame the coaching staff for not just running Beanie the whole time, but if you do how would you feel if Beanie got injured in a way that ruined his career? That's what a coaching staff has to deal with, you can blame the defensive staff for not being prepared, but really, we are supposed to be smash mouth, win in the trenches, big-fucking-ten football, so we played our game and it didn't work.

You can blame Jim Heacock, but when Big Vern can't put pressure on it exposes our pass defense, face it, our pass defense sucks, if we move our linebackers and safeties back you can run on us. Our defense is much like the San Diego Chargers, we keep the passes short and live and die by the blitz.
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bukIpower;1062609; said:
I actually do agree with a lot of what HOLYBUCKEYE! said....

Besides the quitting of course. To me the frustrating part abotu the LSU game was the fact that it seemed like everytime we ran Chris Wells we got 5-10 yards, and then everytime we dropped back to pass Boeckman looked lost?? To me I've always wanted an OC to take over from Tressel/Bolleman, but Tressel to his credit has done a pretty damn good job over the past 3-5 years with the play calling.

I noticed that too. Here is a good analysis of the game from an impartial expert
Sunday Morning Quarterback :: Mythical Championship Redux: Deja Voux

Also I don't think tressel can help it not if the team doesn't face adversity. Tressel can't make our team play in close games? The thing IMO that has hurt OSU the most by far the last 2 years is the fact that the Big Ten is on a major downhill slide. No team the past 2 years has really posed a threat to us or made us dig deep to pull out a win (UM aside). When we only have to play in 1 close game a year that wont' build a layer of toughness like playing in 4-5 nail biters. Personally I hate close games because I don't have long enough finger nails, but I think the lack of compitition is what has hurt OSU the most recently. I mean how are we suppose to prepare for the LSU's or Florida's when the best we've played we beat soundly??

Not to take anything away from the big 10 but when you have to go against elite coaches like Urban, Spurrier, Tuberville, Saban, Richt, etc. it really does prepare you. I have noticed that OSU has pretty much taken care of everyone in a dominating way the past 2 years. The close games are really where you get to have a gauge on your team. It tests the mental toughness when being down or needing a score late in the game. I dont' know whether it was OSU outplaying everyone during the regular season or the rest of the Big 10 coaches were unable to perform up to OSU's level, but it did not help them in the end run.

When LSU was down 10-0, you might have noticed the LSU players didn't panic. They have experienced a 10 point deficit about 3 different times this season, some in the 4th quarter. If you hate close games, just be glad you're not an LSU fan :biggrin: because this was easily the most heart-wrenching football season I have ever experienced.

It's also interesting to note that the 02 OSU team had probably more close games(wins) than y'all would have liked :biggrin: but that worked out for them in the end.
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