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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Well Buckeyes,
This will be one of my last few posts until after the game. Win or lose, I will be back. Should LSU lose tonight, I'll be here after the game to congratulate ya'll. If we win this thing, I'll give you guys a few days before I show up to gloat.

Either way, I want to thank everyone for a great month of discussion leading up to this showdown. I hope everyone enjoys the game (just not as much as LSU fans), and stay safe if you are traveling to/from any type of game party/bar.
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Reminder III

If Chris Wells fumbles, he should not have his schollie pulled.
If Tressel makes a call you disagree with, he should not be fired.
If LSU scores, OSU's defense is not pathetic.

Whining, player bashing and the like will be dealt with swiftly. The appeal process is as follows -

There is no appeal.

In all seriousness, I realize most of our members do not need me going on and on about this. And, I'd really rather not be constantly harping on this issue. However, fair warning is being given. Keep BuckeyePlanet great.
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Nutriaitch;1053516; said:
Well Buckeyes,
This will be one of my last few posts until after the game. Win or lose, I will be back. Should LSU lose tonight, I'll be here after the game to congratulate ya'll. If we win this thing, I'll give you guys a few days before I show up to gloat.

Either way, I want to thank everyone for a great month of discussion leading up to this showdown. I hope everyone enjoys the game (just not as much as LSU fans), and stay safe if you are traveling to/from any type of game party/bar.
See ya after the game, then...:biggrin:
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Ok I am ready. Start the game
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Nutriaitch;1053516; said:
Well Buckeyes,
This will be one of my last few posts until after the game. Win or lose, I will be back. Should LSU lose tonight, I'll be here after the game to congratulate ya'll. If we win this thing, I'll give you guys a few days before I show up to gloat.

Either way, I want to thank everyone for a great month of discussion leading up to this showdown. I hope everyone enjoys the game (just not as much as LSU fans), and stay safe if you are traveling to/from any type of game party/bar.

You've been a welcome addition to this site. See ya on the other side.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1053518; said:
Reminder III

If Chris Wells fumbles, he should not have his schollie pulled.
If Tressel makes a call you disagree with, he should not be fired.
If LSU scores, OSU's defense is not pathetic.

Whining, player bashing and the like will be dealt with swiftly. The appeal process is as follows -

There is no appeal.

In all seriousness, I realize most of our members do not need me going on and on about this. And, I'd really rather not be constantly harping on this issue. However, fair warning is being given. Keep BuckeyePlanet great.

Anybody that has any doubts, go back and read the Illini game thread...emotions are much higher tonight, it needs to be said. I wanted a lobotomy after reading some of that crap.
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Nutriaitch;1053516; said:
Well Buckeyes,
This will be one of my last few posts until after the game. Win or lose, I will be back. Should LSU lose tonight, I'll be here after the game to congratulate ya'll. If we win this thing, I'll give you guys a few days before I show up to gloat.

Either way, I want to thank everyone for a great month of discussion leading up to this showdown. I hope everyone enjoys the game (just not as much as LSU fans), and stay safe if you are traveling to/from any type of game party/bar.

In the remote chance that you are able to show up and gloat, know that we can have ye singin' just like wee Michael Jackson in no time at all, sir. We'll find ye!:)
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