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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Okay, I'm closing this thread for a few minutes. In the mean time, please take a moment to review the game thread rules:

1. No bashing Buckeyes - I don't care if so-and-so drops the game-winning TD pass, don't bash him for it. We're Buckeyes, and we root for our own - if you want to bash the team, the coaching staff, E. Gordon Gee, etc., then go somewhere else for the evening.

2. No whining - we can't control the play on the field or the announcers in the booth, so save the bitching and moaning. Remember, I have to read it, so if you think that I won't like it, don't post it.

3. LSU fans - no flaming, trolling, or the like. Most of you have been honored guests, so let's keep it that way for a few more hours.

4. Buckeye fans - be gracious hosts, in victory or defeat.

See you in a few....
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