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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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This will be one of my last few posts until after the game. Win or lose, I will be back. Should LSU lose tonight, I'll be here after the game to congratulate ya'll. If we win this thing, I'll give you guys a few days before I show up to gloat.
Awesome... hope we keep a bunch of y'all, it's been great.
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Page 199 marks the last of my reminders as I go off to enjoy the game.

The game thread will be moderated. Whining, player bashing etc. will simply not be tolerated. Once again, and as a tribute to the greater bulk of the posters on this site, I know this is preaching to the choir. Enjoy the game. Feel free to offer fair and frank analysis.... Be proud. But.... don't be a fucking idiot.


See ya at the half.
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