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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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ajn;1053478; said:
is anyone else nervous as HELL?

i wasn't this nervous last year, or in 02. but i'm afraid that if we lose this year, the OSU football program would become Oklahoma status or worse. well, probably not as bad as OU, but i'd still have to hear about this from SEC fans and Mark May for years. i'd probably cry.

sorry if i was a wet blanket or anything, but i have butterflies for this one

Positivity is the key.

Go Bucks

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ajn;1053478; said:
is anyone else nervous as HELL?

i wasn't this nervous last year, or in 02. but i'm afraid that if we lose this year, the OSU football program would become Oklahoma status or worse. well, probably not as bad as OU, but i'd still have to hear about this from SEC fans and Mark May for years. i'd probably cry.

sorry if i was a wet blanket or anything, but i have butterflies for this one

Nope. Whatever happens, the future is still very bright. It will just be a little brighter with another NC. This season has been magnificent regardless of what happens tonight. A NC is gravy.
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