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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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This is my first post at BuckeyePlanet. I'm a long-time lurker, mainly following the recruiting section here. I just wanted to say this is a great site with a great community of posters. And with that, I'm off to the party...

Go Bucks! :osu:
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Buckeye89Fan;1053319; said:
I know ESPN isn't the greatest to take their word but Kirk Herbstreit said it best today.. Ohio State is coming into this game similar to Florida in last year. They have something to prove, no one is giving them a chance.. Only difference LSU isn't underestimating OSU, and if they do expect the score to reflect.

God I can't wait until 8:30!



ChrisWells28;1053339; said:
Hey everyone watch this Bourbon St. webcam EarthCam - New Orleans Cam it looks like there is a hell of a lot of buckyes!!!!:oh:


BuckeyeGanoosh;1053382; said:
A rose would smell as sweet... :biggrin:



utgrad73;1053406; said:
Buckeyes want it more. Go Bucks



Wells4Heisman;1053412; said:
GO BUCKS!!! LETS GO!!!! :oh:


MuckFich06;1053418; said:
Man, I feel like running onto the field. Ya know, I didn't feel this way last year with UF, but I did about the scUM game. That one felt the the NC game. You have to wonder how many of the players felt a little of that. This year it is none of that nonsense and LSU is going to feel it real soon!:oh:


Pheasant;1053432; said:
Hopefully this game will be a classic and the Bucks come out on top. Hopefully no matter what happens all of tOSU's fans will represent the school, the team and the rest of us with class, dignity and common sense. Unfortunately there will be a few jackasses that manage to screw that up along the way...but hopefully the rest of us will get them back in line in short order. Hopefully I won't run out of Crown Royal tonight. Hopefully I will find my thesaurus so I can quit using hopefully to begin all my sentences.
As you can see, I'm full of hope...or some other 4 letter word.



notfadeaway;1053434; said:
Man Im two in OH


notfadeaway;1053440; said:
Exactly...I dont care about Clemens....Game on in like and hour or so:oh:


NFBuck;1053455; said:
Damn man, that really sucks. I've been in that situation before. Follow along in the game thread, I've done it several times.:oh:

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is anyone else nervous as HELL?

i wasn't this nervous last year, or in 02. but i'm afraid that if we lose this year, the OSU football program would become Oklahoma status or worse. well, probably not as bad as OU, but i'd still have to hear about this from SEC fans and Mark May for years. i'd probably cry.

sorry if i was a wet blanket or anything, but i have butterflies for this one
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I've been reading it on TigerForums.com this week, but it was great to hear the ESPN guys talk about the huge number of OSU fans there for the game.

As someone who hasn't been a life long OSU fan, I can say that the OSU fan base truly is something special. We travel better than almost any other fan base out there.
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