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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Reminder: Don't make over-emotional statements that you'll probably regret in the game thread. If Ohio State is the victim of a bad call, throws a pick, drops a fumble, keep your wits about you. This is but one of what will be several reminders before kick to not be an idiot. I realize most people don't need this reminder, but anyone who's been on this site long enough knows, each game thread ends up with its casualties. Don't be one of them.
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Man, I feel like running onto the field. Ya know, I didn't feel this way last year with UF, but I did about the scUM game. That one felt the the NC game. You have to wonder how many of the players felt a little of that. This year it is none of that nonsense and LSU is going to feel it real soon!:oh:
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1053416; said:
Reminder: Don't make over-emotional statements that you'll probably regret in the game thread. If Ohio State is the victim of a bad call, throws a pick, drops a fumble, keep your wits about you. This is but one of what will be several reminders before kick to not be an idiot. I realize most people don't need this reminder, but anyone who's been on this site long enough knows, each game thread ends up with it's casualties. Don't be one of them.

Yes I fell victim to this in the past. All good/positive thing from everyone today!!!! Something bad happens, a healthly FUCK or SHIT will do :)
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1053416; said:
Reminder: Don't make over-emotional statements that you'll probably regret in the game thread. If Ohio State is the victim of a bad call, throws a pick, drops a fumble, keep your wits about you. This is but one of what will be several reminders before kick to not be an idiot. I realize most people don't need this reminder, but anyone who's been on this site long enough knows, each game thread ends up with its casualties. Don't be one of them.

This needs to be said. thank you BKB :bow:
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Nothing cleanses your soul like getting your ass kicked - Woody Hayes.

Well, Woody, our asses have been kicked...and we're ready to hand out the beating this time!

Here's to all past, present, and future Buckeyes across the globe. Go Buckeyes!
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From Espn's home page:
"Not feeling the title vibe yet? You're not alone. It's unloved Ohio State vs. two-loss LSU for the BCS championship. The rest will have to be earned tonight."

- -Gene Wojciechowski

What an idiot. Way to sell out and ignore the two fanbases that are swarming your website to get stories about the game.

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Hopefully this game will be a classic and the Bucks come out on top. Hopefully no matter what happens all of tOSU's fans will represent the school, the team and the rest of us with class, dignity and common sense. Unfortunately there will be a few jackasses that manage to screw that up along the way...but hopefully the rest of us will get them back in line in short order. Hopefully I won't run out of Crown Royal tonight. Hopefully I will find my thesaurus so I can quit using hopefully to begin all my sentences.
As you can see, I'm full of hope...or some other 4 letter word.

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BuckeyeGanoosh;1053431; said:
From Espn's home page:

What an idiot. Way to sell out and ignore the two fanbases that are swarming your website to get stories about the game.

If ESPN/ABC was doing the game, you can bet Wojo and company would be signing a different tune. Sorry, ESPN, your All Star Poker or Worlds Strongest Man or whatever the hell else you air tonight aint gettin watched.
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