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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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gost8;1042170; said:
Our colors are better and give us a slight advantage. IMHO:biggrin: OK... What else?



Tigers are Heaux Meaux
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OSU ........................................................ LSU

C ... 1. 64 Jim Cordle | 6-4, 302, So., .....................................................................................................................1. 74 Brett Helms | 6-2, 275, Jr.,
........ 2. 66 Andrew Moses | 6-3, 272, So., ..............................................................................................................2. 63 Ryan Miller | 6-6, 305, Jr.,

OG ... 1. 71 Steve Rehring | 6-8, 345, Jr., ................................................................................................................1. 79 Herman Johnson | 6-7, 371, Jr.,
........ 2. 63 Ben Person | 6-4, 321, Jr., ....................................................................................................................2. 98 Lyle Hitt | 6-2, 272, So.,
........ 3. 67 Kyle Mitchum | 6-5, 294, Jr., .................................................................................................................3. 73 Will Arnold | 6-4, 320, Sr.,

OT ... 1. 75 Alex Boone | 6-8, 313, Jr., .....................................................................................................................1. 70 Ciron Black | 6-5, 315, So.,
........ 2. 74 Kirk Barton | 6-6, 300, Sr., .....................................................................................................................2. 71 Carnell Stewart | 6-4, 299, Sr.,
........ 3. 73 Josh Kerr | 6-5, 276, Fr., .......................................................................................................................3. 76 Jarvis Jones | 6-7, 294, Fr.,

DT ... 1. 84 Doug Worthington | 6-7, 281, So., ............................................................................................................1. 72 Glenn Dorsey | 6-2, 300, Sr.,
........2. 92 Todd Denlinger | 6-3, 286, So., .................................................................................................................2. 99 Marlon Favorite | 6-1, 310, Jr.,
........ 3. 93 Nader Abdallah | 6-5, 297, Jr., ................................................................................................................3. 97 Al Woods | 6-5, 325, So.,
........ 4. 72 Dexter Larimore | 6-3, 304, Fr., ..............................................................................................................4. 91 Charles Alexander | 6-3, 295, Jr.,

DE ... 1. 50 Vernon Gholston | 6-4, 264, Jr., ................................................................................................................1. 93 Tyson Jackson | 6-5, 289, Jr.,
........ 2. 97 Cameron Heyward | 6-6, 282, Fr., ............................................................................................................2. 49 Kirston Pittman | 6-4, 254, Sr.,
........ 3. 78 Alex Barrow | 6-5, 275, Jr., .......................................................................................................................3. 47 Tremaine Johnson | 6-2, 263, Jr.,



LB ... 1. 33 James Laurinaitis | 6-3, 244, Jr., .................................................................................................................1. 7 Ali Highsmith | 6-1, 225, Sr.,
....... 2. 1 Marcus Freeman | 6-2, 236, Jr., ....................................................................................................................2. 48 Darry Beckwith | 6-1, 225, Jr.,
....... 3. 6 Larry Grant | 6-3, 226, Sr., ...........................................................................................................................3. 35 Luke Sanders | 6-4, 222, Sr.,
....... 4. 38 Austin Spitler | 6-3, 234, So., ......................................................................................................................4. 54 Jacob Cutrera | 6-4, 225, So.,



CB ... 1. 2 Malcolm Jenkins | 6-1, 208, Jr., ......................................................................................................................1. 19 Jonathan Zenon | 6-1, 175, Sr.,
....... 2. 20 Donald Washington | 6-1, 188, So., ................................................................................................................2. 21 Chevis Jackson | 6-0, 185, Sr.,
....... 3. 5 Chimdi Chekwa | 6-1, 185, Fr., .........................................................................................................................3. 4 Jai Eugene | 6-0, 175, Fr.,

S ... 1. 4 Kurt Coleman | 5-11, 187, So., ...........................................................................................................................1. 16 Craig Steltz | 6-2, 205, Sr.,
.......2. 21 Anderson Russell | 6-0, 205, So., ......................................................................................................................2. 3 Chad Jones | 6-3, 218, Fr.,



QB ... 1. 17 Todd Boeckman | 6-5, 243, Jr.,............................................................................................................................1. 15 Matt Flynn | 6-2, 230, Sr.,
........ 2. 7 Antonio Henton | 6-2, 232, Fr., .............................................................................................................................2. 11 Ryan Perrilloux | 6-2, 227, So.,

RB ... 1. 28 Chris Wells | 6-1, 235, So., ..................................................................................................................................1. 5 Keiland Williams | 5-11, 223, So.,
........ 2. 34 Maurice Wells | 5-10, 195, Jr., .............................................................................................................................2. 32 Charles Scott | 5-11, 221, So.,
........ 3. 3 Brandon Saine | 6-1, 220, Fr., ............................................................................................................................... 3. 8 Trindon Holliday | 5-6, 170, So.,

FB ... 1. 49 Dionte Johnson | 6-0, 242, Sr., ............................................................................................................................1. 18 Jacob Hester | 6-0, 225, Sr.,

WR ... 1. 80 Brian Robiskie | 6-3, 196, Jr., ...............................................................................................................................1. 9 Early Doucet | 6-1, 210, Sr.,
......... 2. 9 Brian Hartline | 6-3, 180, So., ................................................................................................................................2. 1 Brandon LaFell | 6-3, 205, So.,
......... 3. 4 Ray Small | 6-0, 182, So., ......................................................................................................................................3. 87 Jared Mitchell | 5-11, 192, So.,

TE ... 1. 88 Rory Nicol | 6-5, 250, Jr., .......................................................................................................................................1. 82 Richard Dickson | 6-3, 237, So.,
....... 2. 86 Jake Ballard | 6-7, 255, So., ...................................................................................................................................2. 89 Keith Zinger | 6-5, 260, Sr.,

**Some of the information above may be incorrect, as I used the Rivals Depth Chart for this post. Please feel free to correct some of the mistakes.**

Some players that I could not get to work in the chart above, but know that will be playing:

2Demetrius ByrdWRJr.TR6-2/195

26Richard MurphyRBFr.RS6-1/198
90Ricky Jean-FrancoisDESo.1V6-3/245

80Terrance ToliverWRFr.HS6-5/180
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Stats Comparison

Just for kicks I did a quick stat comparison between the two teams. I only included stats that are unaffected by OT games and number of games played since these were unequal for the two teams. I included the Sagarin Predictor of which Jeff Sagarin is quoted as saying is "the best single Predictor of future games"
Looking at the stats the teams look pretty equal, But it does seem that Ohio State has a slight edge over LSU. You may discount that somewhat given LSU more difficult strength of schedule (however, given the range of SOS in Div 1 there is not a huge difference in SOS).

Offensive Stat..............OSU.......LSU
Yds/Pass Att.................7.76......7.18
Comp %........................64.36.....57.11
Pass Rating.................147.77....131.51

Defensive Stat............OSU.......LSU
Comp %.......................51.98.....46.35
Yds/Pass Att................4.69......5.53

Misc Stat.....................OSU.......LSU
Penalty YPG.................40.92.....64.92
TO Marg/Game............1.38......0.17
Sagarin SOS Rank.........44........26 (of 242 Div 1 teams)
Sagarin SOS Rating*....70.25.....74.88 (higher is harder)
Sagarin Predictor..........93.47.....87.83
Sagarin Home Advantage=2.59

*Range of (29.73, 78.91) for 242 Div 1 Teams

Using the Sagarin Predictor
*Giving LSU Home Field Advantage Points
*Formula: OSU-(LSU+HomeAdv)=Predicted Scoring Margin
Therefore, a predicted victory of Ohio State by 3.05 points over LSU.
My call: The Bucks win 24 to 21
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