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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

The feelings down here in Tallahassee are mixed, but a little over half seem to be in the mood to see their rivals get stomped.

The guys on local sports radio are not mixed at all. Every single one of them (except for one show on the ESPNR affiliate where the host is a Gator) wants to see the Gators get absolutely hammered "Nebraska Style".

The most popular local host, Jeff Cameron, who does the afternoon drive on the FSR affiliate, said "I wanna see 94-2. Let the Gators get a safety and then give up 94 unanswered. Just a total beat down. 63-6 would be OK too... I think you know where I'm going with this. Hell, 31-0 would be OK by me."

It loses a little in the telling... Trust me, from a Buckeye perspective it was good radio :biggrin:
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indianacane02;710392; said:
Yes. . . good luck tonight from a UM fan . . .. .except one from a team down south.

Wow. I can't believe a Michigan and Miami fan are wishing the Buckeyes good luck in the same thread. The end of the world is near.

Don't worry about it..... I was rooting on Michigan in the Rose Bowl this year... If there's two things I hate about college football, it's: USC and the entire SEC...
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