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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

bkochmc;712132; said:
In my eyes MSU '98 is what exposed Cooper... and Tressel didn't pull a Cooper... he finished the season undefeated (Cooper never did) and beat scUM for the 3rd straight time (more wins in 3 years than Coopers 13). If anything, I'd say Tressel pulled a Woody (finish undefeated, lose bowl game).
That is a closer analogy, I agree.
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I have heard it said that the City of Toronto is so efficient, it's like a Swiss watch run by the Japanese.

Last night I saw that metaphor in full bloom in the Florida Gators. Congratulations to all you Gators on a well-deserved National Championship. Offense, defense, special teams, lack of errors/penalties, making us pay for ours...near-perfect execution...

(My only complaint is in some of the comments made after the game about the lack of respect for Florida. Yeah, some fans will always take things too far. But I've heard nothing but respect for the Gators from knowledgeable and serious fans, and Troy Smith is on record stating the Chris Leak is a hero of his. I've told my SEC coworkers that I felt FL had to overcome more obstacles to get to AZ than did the Buckeyes, and that gave me pause. But hell yeah...I desparately wanted and was confident of victory. Declaring the SEC the better conference...well..ok, but that does not address the fact that the Big 10 is 2-1 against the SEC this bowl series. I actually do think the SEC has a better spread of talent from school to school instead of the clustered talent in the Big 10.)

Well, that's my whiney-assed two cents worth. But again, congrats to the Gators, sans excuses. It was all on the line and the best team won.
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1. Poor defensive gameplan exacerbated by the refusal to change it.
I can't believe we only rushed 3 almost every play for the whole game! I full expected to see us rush 4 with a nickel and 2 LBs, and zone blitz more, especially up the middle, not from the outside. The continuation of this strategy throughout the entire first half was stupifying, to say the least. You would think at some point that JT would saunter over to Heacock and say, "We need to get some pressure on their quarterback, dude."

2. Offense was out of sync. Many missed assignments, receivers running together, etc. LAYOFF KILLED THE "O".

3. Troy Smith was not himself.
I don't worry as much about whether he gets pressure on him because it doesn't matter as much for him, he is able to escape and make plays. Last night he was rattled. He was scrambling before he needed to, he was scrambling right into the defense, he was holding the ball way too lnog many times. Just wasn't the same guy we've seen throughout the season.

4. We gave up on spreading them out and running it.
Way too many I-formations. Pittman and Wells would have been effective in the second and third quarters if we would have run the ball inside those DEs to slow their pass rush. We only seemed to run it into an eight man front.

5. And now you guys know how good Teddy Ginn really is. When we don[t have him, we miss him - big time.
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Now that I've had some time to sleep on it and to catch up on the thread, these are my final thoughts on the game:

As I said during the game: RUN the f'n ball!

But seriously, I hate it when people say we weren't prepared or didn't "want it" as much. We were wrongly prepared and the coaching staff didn't make adjustments, but I never saw any of our players give up. The D played very hard given the circumstances and I was very proud of their performance in the 2nd half.

I felt the tipping point in this game was that 4th down play. One of the few times they did decide to run the f'n ball and they came up short. That was a gutsy call by Tressel and I can't argue with it. If we make that play, we have a chance to go into half time down by only one score. We all know the flip side. This game was not won or lost on that play, but it is the one that really sticks out in my mind.

There was a thread over a Swamp Gas a few days ago about whether or not Wynn would be the difference maker in the game. I posted that they didn't need to run to be successful and that Leak and the intermediate passing game was the key. I said if they can consistently hit the 5-10 yard routes and stay out of 3rd and long, they will have success on our D. God, I wish I had been wrong. In instances like this, I always have to wonder what happens with coaching staffs. I'm just a fan. I've never played the game. How is it that I know this stuff and it seems like they don't? They did not even seem to attempt to adjust to it in the first half. I will be interested to hear the post game interviews with the coaching staff. And no, I can't say I could have done a better job if I were the coach.

Okay, I got that out of my system. Mad props to the Gators for playing a perfect game. I must say, I would love to see us play them again. I would love to see what adjustments we would make and how they would respond. I can't say we'd beat them, but I would love to see them play because I think UF is an amazing team and I enjoy seeing us play against the best.

I'm not devestated, embarrassed, crushed, or even that upset. The Texas game last year was a far tougher loss. It doesn't even register on the level of watching "The Drive" and "The Fumble" as a Browns fan. Disbelief is more the feeling. I never thought I'd see Tressel get outcoached that bad in a big game. It pains me to say this, but it reminded me of the 2nd half of the Rose Bowl. Or maybe it was more like the 2nd half of the Illinois game... It's like everone could see what we were doing and what needed to happen except the tOSU coaching staff. I really don't know what to make of it going forward. I'm very interested to see how they respond next year.

This team gave us one of the greatest Big 10 seasons I can recall. That scUM game is one we will never forget. I really don't want to hear any of that trash that we weren't as good as we thought we were. Even the great teams get thier pants beat off them sometimes. My only moment of doubt prior to this game came when I read about all those great teams of the early 70s in LordJeffBuck's post. I hope we look back on this team the way we do those great teams. Even Woody didn't win them all.

Congrats on a great season! Can't wait till next year!
:gobucks3: :gobucks4:
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bkochmc;712148; said:
I didn't mean to imply you thought he pulled a Cooper for the entire season... I just think the Woody reference was better since there were a few seasons Woody had some great undefeated teams go into the Rose Bowl only to play bad and lose the national title.

If we're talking season then that's a much better comparison. I guess Tress was like Woody in the sense that he wasn't willing to change his gameplan much even when it clearly wasn't working.
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TJnTN;711853; said:
The game was definitely won in the trenches.
The most alarming thing that I saw early on (and there are several candidates) was that on the ocassions where UF ran a perimeter running play or a quick horizontal pass, and the OSU defense sniffed it out and "stopped" it, Florida would still end up with a 3 or 4 yard gain. And that happened several times because the Florida O-line was essentially moving the line of scrimmage forward 3 yards on every non-dropback snap. That is the sign of domination of the line of scrimmage, and a team that can do that will usually win handily.

There must have been five times in the first quarter where an OSU linebacker made a play and I thought, "alright, nice stop on first down". Then I looked up and it was somehow 2nd and 6.
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One of the biggest dissappointments were the units dominated by Seniors were the least effective. The ol and Dl missed assignments\wereconfused\and out physicaled. Our QB another Sr. was contained, confused and when he did throw the ball it skipped into the ground. Our coaching staff again another strength refused to change during the game..for some unexplained reason we brought a knife to a gunfight. Where did all our leadership go that was there all year..? I've seen posts saying they feel sorry for the Srs., Ican't say that, the opportunity was there and they didn't take full advantage of it. I will say Thank-You for an unbelievable 1st 12 games and good luck.
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MuckFich06;712223; said:
Now that I've had some time to sleep on it and to catch up on the thread, these are my final thoughts on the game:

As I said during the game: RUN the f'n ball!

But seriously, I hate it when people say we weren't prepared or didn't "want it" as much. We were wrongly prepared and the coaching staff didn't make adjustments, but I never saw any of our players give up. The D played very hard given the circumstances and I was very proud of their performance in the 2nd half.

I felt the tipping point in this game was that 4th down play. One of the few times they did decide to run the f'n ball and they came up short. That was a gutsy call by Tressel and I can't argue with it. If we make that play, we have a chance to go into half time down by only one score. We all know the flip side. This game was not won or lost on that play, but it is the one that really sticks out in my mind.

There was a thread over a Swamp Gas a few days ago about whether or not Wynn would be the difference maker in the game. I posted that they didn't need to run to be successful and that Leak and the intermediate passing game was the key. I said if they can consistently hit the 5-10 yard routes and stay out of 3rd and long, they will have success on our D. God, I wish I had been wrong. In instances like this, I always have to wonder what happens with coaching staffs. I'm just a fan. I've never played the game. How is it that I know this stuff and it seems like they don't? They did not even seem to attempt to adjust to it in the first half. I will be interested to hear the post game interviews with the coaching staff. And no, I can't say I could have done a better job if I were the coach.

Okay, I got that out of my system. Mad props to the Gators for playing a perfect game. I must say, I would love to see us play them again. I would love to see what adjustments we would make and how they would respond. I can't say we'd beat them, but I would love to see them play because I think UF is an amazing team and I enjoy seeing us play against the best.

I'm not devestated, embarrassed, crushed, or even that upset. The Texas game last year was a far tougher loss. It doesn't even register on the level of watching "The Drive" and "The Fumble" as a Browns fan. Disbelief is more the feeling. I never thought I'd see Tressel get outcoached that bad in a big game. It pains me to say this, but it reminded me of the 2nd half of the Rose Bowl. Or maybe it was more like the 2nd half of the Illinois game... It's like everone could see what we were doing and what needed to happen except the tOSU coaching staff. I really don't know what to make of it going forward. I'm very interested to see how they respond next year.

This team gave us one of the greatest Big 10 seasons I can recall. That scUM game is one we will never forget. I really don't want to hear any of that trash that we weren't as good as we thought we were. Even the great teams get thier pants beat off them sometimes. My only moment of doubt prior to this game came when I read about all those great teams of the early 70s in LordJeffBuck's post. I hope we look back on this team the way we do those great teams. Even Woody didn't win them all.

Congrats on a great season! Can't wait till next year!
:gobucks3: :gobucks4:

Great Post!!!! Actually cheered me up a bit! :oh:
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Congrats to Seniors

First of all, thanks to the Seniors, that were 3-1 against scUM, brought home B10 Championships, 3 Bowl victories, and an undefeated regular season in their final season as a Buckeye. Troy was a great QB for OSU, I'm just sad & sorry that his final game didn't go the way it could have gone. To all the seniors thanks for giving your all for 4/5 years to the University, to your teammates, coaches, fans, boosters, and alumni.

I'm not going to single out any specific players for fault, the team loses (not a cliche), not specific players. That being said...losing Anderson Russell who was obviously a non-stop 100 mile per hour playmaker hurt the defense this season and showed up last night in big fashion. In time, I have little doubt the DBs will be a great unit, maybe as early as next season, but last night even being hamstrung by soft 7-10 zone coverage the breaking on plays & reactions left a lot to be desired.

1) Bad mistakes - Penalties, miscues, general ball bouncing the wrong way type things that didn't happen during the season at really really bad times. And sometimes it seemed like one right after the other. Basically poor execution, like the players stated.
2) Zone coverage (too soft), lack of defensive gameplan changes. At some point, Heacock had to realize that they were going to nickel & dime the D into exhaustion, which they did, but to the D's credit they played as well as they could given the coaching setup. I know the coaches watched film of the Auburn & LSU games, heck even FSU manned up on them part of the game. Instead of getting burned deep, they were burned up front repeatedly, at some point when the game got beyond control, you take the chances and try to get back in it.
3) Overall line play on both sides of the ball. I'd find it real difficult for someone to convince anyone that UFs O-line was that much better than UMs. I'll give the UF O-line credit for the job they did, but the performance by the OSU D-line was easily the least inspiring of the season. No pressure with a dink & dunk offense & QB that is best at that, equals long night. The OSU O-line looked flat, worse then they did against PSU by a long shot. Once again though, its up to the coaches to take some of the heat off of the boys up front by mixing it up (even without TG) with the playcalling. Doing play action when you've essentially given up on the run in the 1st half doesn't quite get it done. When you're getting blitzed, you change your plays accordingly, that didn't happen until it was too late and even then it wasn't all that productive.

Fact is UF came out fired up, rebounded from the initial shock of TG's TD and stuck with their gameplan. They out executed the Buckeyes and the UF coaches out coached the OSU coaches. If we replayed that game this Saturday, probably a different story & much more fiery Buckeye team, but last night they won the game, pure & simple.

Where to go from here - the sky is not falling, not by a long shot. :wink2: Tressel was able to get the Buckeyes to their 2nd NC game in 5 years, that is a remarkable feat, one that he has been able to accomplish at all levels and there is no indication he won't be able to do it again in the next 5 years. Look at the recruits coming in 6 players are DBs/WRs that could switch to DBs, that tells you something about how the coaches feel on the need at those positions. This defense is very young (when considering the 2 deep) and talented and will only get better. The offense will be solid, even with the departures on the O-line; Robiskie, Hartline, Small, et al with Beanie Wells coming into his own with or without Pitt in C-bus. The perfect cure for a new QB, Y-town State, Akron, Kent State, Northwestern at home in 1st 4 games of season (@Wash might be a tough one). And finally next year in Ohio is a big time class, lets hope it gets off to a good start in Feb. At the same time lets hope they can pull in some big boys from outside of Ohio.

If this was Gonzos & Pitts last game (TG is gone, and we wish him all the best, he was a great player for OSU) good luck to them, there is little doubt they will make NFL rosters & do good things in the Pros.

Yesterday sucked, it sucked a lot. But it happens, you pick up move on and try to get back there sooner rather than later. Go Buckeyes! :osu:
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Okay, I got that out of my system. Mad props to the Gators for playing a perfect game. I must say, I would love to see us play them again. I would love to see what adjustments we would make and how they would respond. I can't say we'd beat them, but I would love to see them play because I think UF is an amazing team and I enjoy seeing us play against the best.

You enjoyed that last nite?
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nwbuckeye;712020; said:
The game was great for about 16 seconds, then it went all to hell. It happens I guess and this time all the bad things happened to us. I do know that I hate the 51 day layoff; I hate the stupid rockem robot Dodge commercials, and I hate the assinine 10 minute long commercial breaks. What a friggin pain in the ass touchdown, commercial, kickoff, commercial; I felt like I was watching a game that was a nightmare with my vcr showing just bits and pieces every few minutes or so. Looking outside the sun did come up, my 5 y.o. is still a ray of sunshine, and YES the Buckeyes will be on the winning side of a NC game again in my lifetime. We didnt lose in 2006, we won the Big Ten title and beat scUM. Life is not all bad.

Those fucking Dodge Commercials with the rock'em sock'em robots were making me nuts. Every damn commercial break that was the first commercial, it was BRUTAL!! Many of you may be like me where you digitally record almost everything these days so commercials period are hard to tolerate. Yes the sun did come up (although in NE Ohio you usually can't see it in the Winter) and I agree, seeing my two boys this morning (4 and 1 1/2) made everything a lot better again. I too am confident of another title in the not to distant future and beating scUM is ALWAYS a season highlight. It's 2:44pm and scUM STILL SUCKS!!
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OSU's loss was not unexpected...

There's a reason that everyone (sportswriters, coaches, fans, etc.) agrees that the best football in the country is played in the SEC. Well...everyone outside of Ohio I'm guessing. The SEC went 6-3 in bowl games this year...a fumble return, a called-back TD, and a last second field goal is all that kept the SEC from going 9-0. The Big 10 went a miserable 2-5...and fortunately for the Big 10 a fumble return and that called back TD is all that separated the Big 10 from going 0-7 in the bowls. And let's not mention OSU's 0-8 all time record against SEC teams in the bowls...

Acknowledge it or not, there's a gap in the type of and quality of football in the SEC and the Big 10. Unfortunately for OSU, that fact was painfully exposed last night. Beating Bowling Green, NIU, Indiana, Illinois, Cincinnati, et al isn't impressive. Be honest and objective...do you think OSU, UM, or Wisconsin could hang in the SEC? Or even the Big 12? Of course not.

No excuses about 50 day layoffs, etc. The better team won. Period. You were outmanned, outplayed, and outcoached.

With that being said, I do congratulate OSU on a fine season. You did well.

Welcome to SEC football!
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