AuTX Buckeye
Founder & Pres of the Flemming/Holtmann Fan Club
Yahoo Pickem Champ
Former Game Champion
To me the fact he was owed $40M and settled for less than $15M shortly after meeting with Pepper Hamilton basically was a "we'll give you something to go away but here's what we have on you, now take this and walk away and keep your mouth shut" settlement. If Baylor didn't have anything on him or was in the wrong, that number would have been a LOT know, this doesn't even really bother me that much to be honest. It's a negotiated settlement between two parties that had a contract. If Baylor was 100% in the clear they wouldn't have paid him a dime.
I read this as more of a self indictment by Baylor that they were more complicit in this than they want publicly acknowledged. To the tune of about $15MM complicit it would appear which, again reading tea leaves here, seems like he maybe had a little on them but not a lot.
Not commenting on my personal wish to see Briles turked by a syphilitic bear or to see Baylor burnt to the ground. Just that I don't see this as an indictment of the legal system so much as 2 scumbag parties doing business.