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An untethered jailbreak for iOS 7 was released this morning - evasi0n7.

A lot of problems with this already, First, apparently the hackers that created the jailbreak failed to collaborate with Jay Freeman on any testing with Cydia, so there is a fundamental incompatibility with Mobile Substrate and no developers have had a chance to bring their tweaks up-to-date.


Second, there's some info/rumors floating around that this jailbreak was sponsored by a Chinese firm, and that it installs a pirate app store that becomes visible with Simplified Chinese is selected as the default language. If true, it's bloatware at best and a trojan horse at worst.


Don't know if it's true or not, but it looks shady at the moment and the rumor seems to fit with the fact that there was no collaboration or testing with prominent, reliable jailbreak developers.

I'm definitely avoiding for now until these issues are cleared up, but it's worth keeping my eyes on.

EDIT: Here is some information that supposedly clarifies the Chinese app thing:


It says that the jailbreak tool only installs it on the mobile device if the default language on the PC or Mac is set to Chinese - otherwise you get just regular old Cydia. At this point it's only one side of the story though. I'd love to hear more independent verification for jailbreak devs I trust before deciding for myself that it's safe.

EDIT 2: The hackers behind the jailbreak have published an open letter on their site:


The explanation raises as many questions as it answers. Concerns about the jailbreak allowing data being uploaded from iDevices to their Chinese partners were not addressed. Apparently this whole half-baked, buggy surprise release was the fallout from a race to be the first to market to collect the Chinese cash. It looks like there was some drama among some of these hackers and now some dirty laundry is being aired. This whole episode may end up doing more damage to the jailbreak subculture than any amount of copying or exploit-patching Apple could ever do.
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Over the last couple days people good reputations have looked over this new jailbreak and have given it a green light in terms of it being safe to install. The bloatware is really only a concern for Chinese users, and the fact that it was obfuscated appears to have just been an error in judgement by the people who created the jailbreak rather than an indication of something more malicious being present.

Cydia has been given an official update as well, replacing the non-sanctioned, unofficial version that was built for installation with this jailbreak.

The only thing that's missing for me to take the plunge is for MobileSubstrate to be updated. Apparently there are some tweaks out there that can work without it, but most things that are worth a damn rely on it since it's the safety net for your device in the case of a crash. I'm hoping that piece is updated in the next day or two. It looks like I'll be jailbreaking once that's ready.
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iOS 7.1 is out now. If you're jailbroken like I am you should avoid this update. Hopefully everybody is at least on 7.0.6 after the security update they pushed out with that version.

Speaking of jailbreaks, I've been on the evasi0n jailbreak for a little while now and I'm really happy with some of the tweaks that have been put out there. Here's some of what I'm using:
  • Activator - I'm making heavier use of this than I did with the iOS 6 jailbreak. In particular, I'm using a Bluetooth connection event to have have it start playing music when I turn on my car, and I'm using join/leave wi-fi events to have it toggle cellular data to save some battery.
  • CCLoader - there are about a dozen tweaks now that allow you to hide elements of the Control Center. I use it to hide media controls because they take up too much space in my IMO. I like this one in particular because it also allows you to re-order CC elements.
  • Couria - a quick compose/reply tweak for the Messages app. I've always wanted that feature, but other tweaks that feature it are either too bloated or too expensive. This is free and it's near perfect.
  • Cylinder - a free and much better alternative to the popular Barrel tweak that allows for custom animations when swiping between pages on the springboard. I say it's better because it's cheaper, smoother, and allows you to stack effects for a nearly limitless number of custom combinations. Way too fun to play with.
  • DockShift - hides the dock background. I like to have empty space on my phone's screen. With the smaller screen of the 4S, removing the dock background makes it feel a bit more spacious.
  • FlipControlCenter - For customization and reordering of CC toggles. There are another dozen tweaks that do this, but this is the original, the most stable and the best. I only use it to change the top row of toggles because for the bottom row I use...
  • QuickActivator - replaces the quick launch buttons on the bottom row of the Control Center with Activator-powered buttons. It's very powerful and very customizable. I used it to add a settings button to the CC so I could hide the settings app icon from my springboard. I also have a second page on that row with quick launches for all of my commonly-used media playing apps. Easy access to the things you need most with just a slide up and a press.
  • FolderEnhancer - allows for embedded folders and more. There are other "hidden settings" tweaks that do the same things, but this tweak doesn't come with the bugs.
  • Forecast - brings weather information out of the stock app and onto the lockscreen. I love tweaks like this one that look like native features.
  • Gesture Music Controls - hides the play/pause and skip buttons for media controls and allows you to perform those functions by swiping on the artist & title. More usefulness and less clutter.
  • Music Gestures - does the same thing as the above tweak, but extends that gesture functionality to the album art.
  • MusicAppMods - I can't stand the way Apple altered the music app and they way you browse for a song or album. This tweak brings it back to the old way of browsing your collection while maintaining iOS 7's looks.
  • Messages Customizer - allows you to change the look & feel of the stock messages app. I opted for showing contact pictures wherever possible and for changing the chat bubble colors to scarlet & gray. Customization extends to the Couria tweak that I mentioned earlier.
  • Mobius - allows you to scroll infinitely through your springboard pages in either direction. Plays nice with Cylinder.
  • NCAllOnly - show/hide tabs under the Notification Center. I used it to hide the "Missed" tab since I thought it was pointless and just duplicated whatever was in my regular Notifications tab.
  • Purge - quickly kills all apps in the app switcher with a simple press & hold. I had been having memory leaks and springboard crashes until a couple weeks ago when I started using this once every couple days.
  • SubtleLock - a smaller, and in my IMO, better looking lockscreen clock than stock iOS 7, but still inspired by the native design. Leaves more room for things like Forecast and push notifications.
  • Winterboard - I'm not using any one theme in particular, but have used it to replace icons for select applications that are too dark, ugly or dated.
Some of these tweaks are still in beta and are not available on default repos. If anybody's interested in some of those, just ask and I'll share.

Here's a glimpse at some of the stuff I'm talking about:

photo 1.PNG photo 2.PNG photo 3.PNG

Anybody else jailbroken? What are you doing/using?
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I'm jailbroken and have been for the past 2-3 years.

I used a lot of what you listed. But right now I'm maxed out space wise. My favorites though is:

Pandora Skip (unlimited skips)

Bigify (make apps smaller/bigger)

IconRenamer (change app name under icon)

FolderEnhancer (more apps inside the folders)

Five Column SB (5 columns of apps instead of 4)

YoutubetoMP3 (downloads audio from YouTube videos and can be used for listening to music like stock music app)

Tab+ (unlimited tabs in safari)
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iOS 8 Coming This Fall

Eligible for an upgrade at the end of July (still have a 4 :sad:). Probably going with a 5s because I won't be patient enough to wait for the 6 lol.

iOS 8 looks sharp. At the moment I think I'd be willing to give up my jailbreak for it, but it would mean the return of a lot of small annoyance items that iOS 8 doesn't really address.

I'm on a 4S so I could just update the firmware, but I'm also out of contract and upgrade eligible so the prospect of holding out for and iPhone 6 in the fall sounds kinda nice.
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I'm sure they know they make more money off of non-resistant water phones than spending the extra money on making them so :) It would be interesting to know how many phone replacements are due to that though.
It's also a great way to charge for repairs for phones otherwise under warranty as well as inspire full protection coverage for many other phones.
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When will they make a water resistant iphone?

Probably not until the Galaxy S5 moves enough units to prove that water resistance is a deal-breaker for a substantial number of users.

While submersion-proof smart phones are nice for the occasional drop or you-just-got-shoved-into-the-pool-at-a-cookout, the cost for Apple wouldn't be insignificant. Plus they would lose the few hundred thousand replacement sales they enjoy annually. It's not really about building the best phone. It's about building the cheapest for mass adoption with a failure/obsolescence rate exactly where the market will support.

At this point, I'd be happy with a smart phone with an antenna worth a damn. I don't need an HD camcorder in my pocket. I need a phone that can place a fucking phone call when necessary.
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Probably not until the Galaxy S5 moves enough units to prove that water resistance is a deal-breaker for a substantial number of users.

While submersion-proof smart phones are nice for the occasional drop or you-just-got-shoved-into-the-pool-at-a-cookout, the cost for Apple wouldn't be insignificant. Plus they would lose the few hundred thousand replacement sales they enjoy annually. It's not really about building the best phone. It's about building the cheapest for mass adoption with a failure/obsolescence rate exactly where the market will support.

At this point, I'd be happy with a smart phone with an antenna worth a damn. I don't need an HD camcorder in my pocket. I need a phone that can place a fucking phone call when necessary.

Working in the industry I could hug you... nothing will ever beat the old Nokia 6190 antennas.
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