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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

WolverineMike;1725269; said:
LOL....the 90's really wrecked havoc on a lot of you guys, didn't it......

None of us were around in the 1890's (well maybe BB73). I'm sure it was quite the heady time for your program based on how many are still trying to live off it.

You find a period of scUM dominance in The Game at the same time OSU is losing to 1-AA teams and you let me know.
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Jaxbuck;1726377; said:
None of us were around in the 1890's (well maybe BB73). I'm sure it was quite the heady time for your program based on how many are still trying to live off it.

You find a period of scUM dominance in The Game at the same time OSU is losing to 1-AA teams and you let me know.

Best Buckeye was around in the 1890s....
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Fielding Yost;1733032; said:
Rolling over in my grave. If you don't make a BCS game this year Rodriguez, I'm haunting your ass.
This Fielding was so much better...

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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arfvJPDD8j8&feature=related"]YouTube - Response to Michigan Losing, from Ohio Stadium[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZlDKs7dKaU"]YouTube - michigan loses to App. St.[/ame]
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